If you don't believe me, check the numbers
The witch dies this month
Here, let me show you how it's done.
>Quads don’t lie
She dies in 13 days
close but no
You faggots try to hard. How can it be magic if you make a dozen threads with tons of people all rollling. Those digits aren't magic they are forced.
Kek is just teasing us. NOW check
You are all little babies. Digits confirms she dies suddenly in early 2020.
She will outlive Trump
She will be dead in 8 hours
The month of October is known as the time when the barrier between our world and the spirit world is weakest. Ginsburg is being called to come back home.
November 1st
Within an hour.
Never dies ever. Outlives the nation. Outlives our sun
she's already dead, there's a midget inside her fleshsuit puppeteering her
Early 2019. Get ready
fuck you
Digits say she will remain alive for millenia, harvesting the foreskins of white infants to fuel her satanic rage
What will she say to the Lord when she finally kicks the bucket?
Kek already called December. No use trying to force new numbers.
You son of a bitch
RBG will live to passed 100
She dies within 5 minutes
This Thursday
So heat death of the universe?
She has already died but no media has reported yet.
If she dies, and the Republican party goes forward with a new supreme court justice, I legit believe there would be a revolt. Lets hope for it :).
Come on. She has 1.5 years left.
Trump dies before her
This is what you all get for making six of these fucking carbon copy threads. The first one was fun, it had lots of digits, and you fucking ruined it. Like you fucking ruin everything. Reeeee!
>RBG looked very weak tonight during Kavanaugh's ceremony. Diaper logged with shit, kike nose protruding before America -- Very Disrespectful!
This would be great. She lives to see the other liberals die one by one and get replaced by ever more right-wing judges, helplessly writing dissent after dissent as the country marches towards its fascist destiny.
Forced magic is still magic, user. I'm raping you right now. Forced magic.
She dies within 2 months making liberals mass suicide
Who has the power to ban dual citizens from serving in government?
Try these numbers on for size
Jew Bader Ginsburg will meet her death this month. Checkem
Kek ha confirmen.
The future is female.
fuck you all i'll check myself, bitches
We'll see about that.
December 13th
Nice, but sadly it doesn't mean much after having been diluted by a couple thousand failed rolls for the witch's death, and stuff like this Saged.
How can this be true?
Die, Jew bitch, die!
trips reverses this
Why does Jow Forums go crazy about digits
Fuckin autists
Never change Jow Forums
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This cancels out the 555 up above, but only if it receives more (You)'s. GO
she will die. kek demands it.
Retire or die
SSomeone will massively suddenly scare her. That will break her system. She will die from that shock shortly after. This will happen in 32. Kek has spoken.
Your mother will be Weinsteined in her sleep.
Kneeel before Kek!
this is truly kek trolling us. the witch dies soon.
burn the witch!
There we go baby!
Kek wills she falls over
Off by 10, you said months, so she dies within 10 months. Sadly not this month, but still close enough for me.
digits confirm