Guys... I think she's right

Guys... I think she's right.

We took it too far and look what we caused. How do we fix what we started?

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She called the White House?

Ive seen tay nnudes

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John Flynt pls go


neck yourself you weak cunt.


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He has a dick

Why the fuck would you call the White House instead of the FBI or police?
This bitch think Obama's gonna give enough of a shit to personally look at phone records?

wtf? How did they sticky a single post in a thread?

is that weird al?

When the neighbours had their music too loud I called the CIA 4 times. Yet they did nothing.

Not unless they belong to the Trump campaign

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Trump is partially her fault

Maybe some people need to actually die before they'll take it srsly


Uhhh, I'm pretty sure the SVU episode was about Zoe Quinn and not some tranny

That's a man.

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We’re dealing with a genius here.

Ruined digits.

Fuck off Brianna. Face it dude, the opinions of the mentally ill don't count for much.

>How do we fix what we started?
Quit buying video games you doofus. They can't cram horseshit ideology into your brain if you don't volunteer to be a test subject. If you must game, go to /vr/ and don't be an idiot. There are lots of great titles, most of which will run on a soft-modded Wii as an emulator machine.

This dude don't know when to shut up about gamer gate.

Gas yourself OP

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What kind of surname is Wu?

she actually thinks nobody got politically motivated death threats before she did.

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Wu's claiming that Law and Order episode was about her now? Zoe will be out for blood soon. No one steals her victimbucks.

>he doesnt know

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Yes Obama was a huge failure.

Turns out, she actually called Amy Winehouse. Oops, wrong number.

She called Sheldon Whitehouse. There were nothing but fart noises on the other end.




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Is that you, Sheldon?

Is this some new meme or am I dealing with an exceptionally stupid person here

Damn that's a rough life.

Fuck off Shill.
I thought Soros stopped paying your asses.