NPC Political Ideologies

Why are almost 100% of all NPCs spouting politically left wing ideas? Has anyone here ever encountered a right wing NPC?

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Because jews are the NPCs. jews are so stupid they project with everything they do and they made that meme because it describes themselves.

>Right Wing NPC's

You mean the retards that blindly allow the military industrial complex and corporate monopolies to happen?

>right wing npc's
You're in their cave right now buddy

have you ever encountered a right wing media source?
what about a very "hip" conservative popstar

Trump supporters are right-wing NPCs.

It's what's taught in school.

Pro Israel conservatives.

>t. merkel supporter

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Das rite

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Neo-"Conservativism" is left wing

This is a leftie troll thread.

They are learning. It is actually clever.

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Most of my teachers were left wing except for the economics teacher lmao.

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Economics are the one thing you're not supposed to be right-wing in, all the liberals in every country except america are right-wing economically.

NeoCucks are probably the closest thing to Right wing NPCs.

The likes of Shapiro and such.

Nah ben shapiro actually thinks about his dumb shit, you want a right wing npc Avi Yemini is your man

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>Why are almost 100% of all NPCs spouting politically left wing ideas? H

Because they are basically . female
>What's wrong with women?

Holy shit, how often do we have to explain that again to you NPCs ?!

The answer is :
They are women - they have no functioning brain. They are mentally completely crippled by birth. Unrecovetable.
They can only be bade usefull - or at least less harmfull - by a strong hand of a man; They must be trained like all other animals, bacause that is what they are, because they .... do not posses a functioning brain.
That is a : fact.

At to my eternal gratitude I have no knowledge of that faggot. lel.

Yeah I know Shapiro is a thinking mans cuck, but you get my meaning.

Hi Cecilia

no u

pretty sure the only party now is the NWO,
right wing christ/trump cuck or not

Neo-Cons? Wouldnt consider them right-wing but they are the closest i can think of.

>political NPCs
take a walk outside your room

Right wing NPC candidates include basic bitch entry-level christians and rednecks for whom racism is a literal biological imperative, ie some dont reason out their racial stances they just hate others naturally like many blacks

NPC = Golem

I guess Right wing NPC's might be a thing. Kinda like Link and Navi. Who would be a right wing NPC?

lmao keep telling yourself that

You don't think the military industrial complex conspiracy bounds off of the 3rd reich?

So an NPC is someone without an internal monologue.
There are two types of thought, visual and verbal, are NPC's people who think in exclusively visual thought? Or are these two types of thought an entirely different subject than internal monologue and if one is capable?

So I'm assuming an internal monologue is the voice in your head, this leads me to two questions.
Do people who think visually have an internal monologue, but subconsciously choose not to use it often because they are naturally better at thinking visually? Similar to a right-hand, left-hand dominance.

Someone who thinks exclusively in visual thought is an NPC (if my hypothesis holds up), what of someone who thinks exclusively with words?
Is it just a spectrum with pro's and con's on each side, with one side being easier to manipulate? Help.
I am a dominant verbal thinker but often daydream and fall into my memories and re-live them visually.
Can people who can't think visually daydream?
Do you think people who think visually lean left and people who think verbally learn right?

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None of them. Nigger tongue my anus.

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yeah, they only exist in deep red areas tho

There's lots of right wing npcs. Mostly boomers though.

It's weird, but the intellectual basis for Neo-Conservatism came from Trotskyites.

>Historically speaking, the term "neoconservative" refers to those who made the ideological journey from the anti-Stalinist left to the camp of American conservatism during the 1960s and 1970s.[2]

Original meanings mean nothing and you know this

The people who were against the military complex and the corporate monopolies were left leaning, i'm saying they were sjw tier left, but they were left

Yes. Anyone who you can get to use the phrase "there's nothing wrong with being gay" is an NPC. It's a present response.

>bro did you see that video of Ben Shapiro destroying that feminist

>So an NPC is someone without an internal monologue.

No, that's silly even if it was an aspect of the early meme. Talking to yourself is neither here nor there. How I interpret the npc meme and now use it is that I am of the opinion that there are ever increasing hordes of humanity that have willingly forfeited their free will and critical thinking in lieu of a feeling of comfort and safety. This makes them a non player in the arena of humanity. They chose to become a nonentity. They are worse than a machine because a machine never has a choice, they are less than human because they gave up the only attributes that have made us human.

Everyone below this post is a faggot NPC

kek. described the last decade in four panels

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It is hard to get a real sense of left wing ideologies when the only representation you have are socdem and "anarchist" trannies.

Hating other people is as natural to humanity as seeking shelter or creatively expressing yourself. Denying this fundamental human attribute is artificial like believing that some sky entity will magically absolve you of your evil-doing, and it has its origin in the slave morality of this cult. Another one of our fundamental human faculties is pattern recognition, which is probably why we managed to survive this long. Pattern recognition and hatred for people that are your enemies have a very important function: survival. Denying them is the same as denying the will to live.

Oh so you’re fucking retarded. Got it.

Show us how I'm retarded. Or just keep hurling epithets like a npc.

Leftwing media and social pressure force the majority of NPC's to line up with that ideology

trump asks you to go to war to with iran to protect israel
you go to war to with iran to protect israel

retard npc

Left wing doesn't have ideologies or arguments for that matter at all. They are all told what to think and how to go along with it.

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NPCs think and do as they are programmed.

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>What is the mainstream right
christ you're dumb

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recycling 90s memes I see
you fool, I too have seen captain planet.

The highest goal of the NPC is to fit in with a minimum of friction. They'll adopt whatever is least troublesome.

Picture the ordinary moderate. They just pick their views from the middle of the Overton window without regard to principle. Two hundred years ago they would have supported slavery and opposed the national bank; now they oppose slavery and support a national bank. That's because those are the least troublesome positions. You can't argue morals with them because they don't use morals to get to their positions. Even trying causes trouble because it disturbs their untroubled life.

Your average fundie that tunes in every Sunday to watch the Pastor in the megachurch paid by the tithes of hard-working Americans.

National Socialism is an NPC

Because University and schools are mostly for indoctrination and are Left wing so that is how the NPC learns it's programing.

Can't think if I have ever met a right wing NPC - mostly because you require reason and to be a rebel these days to reject the programing and be and the Right.

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>right wing NPC
Those are called "Christian conservatives".

> Has anyone here ever encountered a right wing NPC?

Yes, but they're all either Gen-X working class edgelords or Boomer neocons. A new generation of Zoomer right-wing NPCs are now appearing thanks to the Trump cult though

jews are verbal, aryans are visual/spatial
this isn't the defining feature of NPC though;
metacognition and questioning everything is

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They're too poor to be right wing