people are people. stereotypes are often true, but not always.
most ___ probably really do _____ if people say they do, but obviously not all of them
sweeping generalizations need to be handled with care.
most jews are conniving,
most niggers are animals,
most chinese have no soul,
most nips are like robots
most americans are stupid,
most europeans are weird and pretentious,
but that's not all of them. and the thing is, all of those people have great things to balance it out.
most jews are intelligent and welcoming to their homes, would feed you and make you feel at home like no other
most niggers are very passionate people, and talented with music or athletics
most chinese are also very intelligent, and hard working
nips made anime
most americans are very friendly people and love one another and very curious as well
most europeans are very educated and well cultured
and the thing is, even the people that fit these stereotypes, the most important part is, it's not their whole character. everybody has something special about themselves that seperate them from that stereotype.
in new york there's thousands of albanians. they all wear north face, drive white BMW's (no joke, literally all of them, VW if they're broke), wear jeans and white Air Force ones, and the older ones all own pizza places or businesses
but? i'm sure each and every one of them has something unique to themselves.
people are people. no matter where you go. you'll find assholes, you'll find bros, you'll find smart people and dumb people (relative to their environment). it's just the way she goes. we're all human beans