
Hey, Jow Forums, I'm curious, how many of you are genuine about your hatred of kebabs, jews, niggers, etc...? It's clear some of us are shitposting, and some of us are actually following the ideas Jow Forums likes to sponsor. Which category do you follow under?

Have a good day/night, Jow Forums

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black woman gave me 2 free samples at costco.
i have no problem with other races though i seek to marry a white woman.
dont like zionists though or religous jews

that's a fair stance, I feel similar. Best of luck on getting the white wife :)

Niggers are unironically inferior garbage.

I don't hate niggers.. They are fine in small groups. I hate the ones who have made them the way they are... you know.. (((them))). After serving two tours in Iraq and seeing how they treat their women and children, the only benefit of western civilization they deserve is the one that gives a free lesson in high energy physics coupled with a free x-ray at the same time. Though, I think if we could Christanify them them with the same level of zeal and ardor, they would solve a LOT of (((our problems))) in short order.

Seriously though, I believe in the NPC hypothesis. I believe Christianity is so important because, when surrounded and influenced by it, it elevates the NPC to being a net + to society. This is something (((they))) know and thus work so hard to destroy Christ's church. NPCs will go whatever way the popculture goes and if it happens to be Christian, they will be fierce defenders of the faith.. but if it is cock sucking, boy fucking, homo/feminism, so too they go.

When talking about Iraq, I refer to the Kabobs.. Don't know how that got deleted out of the revision of the comment before posting.. that and I'm drunk

i called a black kid a nigger to his face in 7th grade

arabs were cool, modern one are just sand niggers, literally, also, some asian ethnicities are cool, niggers and jews just sucks and should be exterminated.

i think mutliracialism/multiculturalism inevitably ends in tribal warfare through democracy or some other means, and is not sustainable. Homogeneous countries would be better for Europeans and Asians.


I live in NY and grew up around black people and spanish people, I'm not their biggest fan but all that really boils down to is I'm wary of them at first. If they turn out to be good people then they're good people and I don't have a problem with them, but I've had too many negative encounters to give them the benefit of the doubt right off the bat.

To be fair though I don't like people in general.

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Blacks are not problem (met based blacks). Niggers are all problem.
Kebabs have 2 distinction. Arab kebabs and Greek kebabs but overall cool. though arab one are more world is sharia and sheiiit.
Jews, met one at class, talking about SRS. is it coincidence or not?

I'm only racist on the intergroup level, on the interpersonal level I don't judge anyone till I know them. Tons of white people are fucking fags, why would I think higher of them than a black dude I don't yet know. Also most jews you meet irl are actually kinda red-pilled and have good senses of humour. I probably spend more time with spics and nigs and jews than I do white folks because they aren't cucked yet.

But the only reason these people are at all cool is because they see how retarded their peers are and don't follow the stereotypical mindsets of said group

jews are comically greedy, when I was ~12, I went to the theatres with one of my friends and his family, I didn't have any money. They said it was no problem. They literally fucking sent an fucking INVOICE to my parents for 33$ for the cost of the ticket and snacks and water. BOTH of the parents were doctors and they couldn't spare 33$.

im literally shaking thinking about it

Unironically opposed to miscegenation, but I don't want to murder everyone who isn't white.

I hate vampiric kikes. They are the reason blacks and arabs are oppressed and hate white people. It is a fact Satanic Jews kidnap children and eat them in rituals. When the rest of the world wakes up to their crimes, they will have no where to go. They have been kicked out of everywhere for their nasty scams.

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>blacks are stupid and their culture promotes violence
>jews control the media and are trying to subvert the west
>muslims are jews but less subtle and more savage
however, that does not mean that an individual needs to be a representative of his group.
i can like individual black people, that doesn't stop me from thinking their race sucks.

>literally shaking
you have to go back

I don't really have a problem with them at all actually. only problem I have seems to come from white people themselves that have this sort of weird orthodox mystique built up around brown people for some reason. it's a bit hard to explain, but coming from a city that is generally mixed in terms of political beliefs but with a very loud far left that have a slight majority.

let's just say I tend to see that they are a bit more welcome to """""refugees""""" than they are to the people that have lived in their country and helped their country prosper for their entire lives. it seemed every year in high school that I spent in the US, there was some kind of yearly auditorium lecture on "microaggressions" or some bullshit like that, and one could get a fairly strong indication that both the students and the teachers had a very strong leftist bias in their history and political views, despite their attempts to appear subjective. most moderates and conservatives at my school were either too busy with actual adult shit or were just too dudebroish to actually speak up about stuff like leftists did, and the ones that did speak generally got hit with ad hominem attacks and strawman arguments until they were too embarrassed to speak.

most of the actual minorities that I have known were fairly well-to-do, and had genuine motivation in life other than "lol control muh bloc and sell dem crackz and fuck da poh-leese", but I came from a wealthy suburb area where most people had to have access to decent income if they were to actually live there. I understand that there are definitely crackheads and gangsters among minorities, often times more prevalent than in white communities, but I genuinely believe most of them are just trying to get by, and don't have any sort of pent up hatred.

the only real thing that pissed me off was the sort of subtle nudge given to a lot of whites that they weren't politically correct if they didn't adhere absolutely to the status quo set.

I called nigger a nigger to their face yesterday. Not LARPing. Niggers are actually pretty scared of white people once you blow through the "gangsta" facade and if you get them one on one. Problem is that monkeys tend to travel in packs.

this, my only problem with blacks in america is the single mom culture perpetuated by democrats

everyone except jews need to die

Jews are the only real problem. Without jews races would prefer to remain separate from one another and live in peace. I love all my people of color brothers, but it's best to love them from afar and import their culture in the form of food and trinkets etc, instead of having them live next to me

I'm not racist at all, if anything racism is a sign of insecurity. All i give a fuck is if the person contributes to society, as long as they do that i don't give a fuck what they are.

so brave

This is perfect


OP here, nice replies, Jow Forums! It's been a pretty nice insight. You all present some good arguments :)

I'd like to weigh in my own opinion,

>Jews are perfectly fine, except Israelis, they seem to be extremists. Period
>Niggers are okay, but I like saying "nigger" and they get offended whenever one of theirs gets shot
>Greek Kebabs are cool
>The other Kebabs must be removed

But I respect all of your opinions :)

pol is diversity at its finest people from all over the world share knowledge and culture, but we do great things because we don't have to live next to each other.

Pretty much all my issues with other races stem from having to live in the same space as them. One example, my father grew up in a tight knit safe neighborhood in a large city. In the 60's the blacks started moving in and anyone who said anything bad about that was demonized by the media. My aunt made the cover of a newspaper for having a sign saying "Niggers go home." Guess what, today the neighborhood is full of crime and drugs. Another example, I went apple picking with my family a couple weeks ago. There was a large group of Indians, and one of the little Indian boys decided to relieve himself on one of the apple trees (that we are supposed to be picking apples that we eat from). Different standards of cleanliness, I guess.

The best way to reduce racial tension is segregation.

>and some of us are actually following the ideas Jow Forums likes to sponsor
cultural kike detected

I don't even know any jews. I work with a couple of niggers and get along fine. Don't know any kebabs either. I'm extremely nice in public to everyone. Me being rude wouldn't help anything. I'm from the south also so we're friendly.

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Damn, that sounds cruel. I bet if the cops actually came in for THEM, they'd run out crying, "racism!"

As in
or terminate?

Yep. I'll admit that I'm a pussy, not a kike though. The left has just neutered me down to the point where saying anything too bad makes me shake. Honestly, I'm sort of a newfag towards Jow Forums.

blacks have their strengths and some can be capable but are mostly lazy low iq and in general should not be race mixng with other whites and move back to africa

Young white male here. I theoretically approve of all law abiding us citizens, bonus points if republican

as a spic there was a point in time where I shared a neighborhood with these animals, they are 100% trash and hate them, now I know why my father taught me to never trust or hang around niggers. kikes are slimey two faced bastards, the few I had the displeasure of meeting wanted me to become some radical leftist and revolutionary, they come at you with a smile but i could sense I was a pet and virtue signaling "friend", they would always tells me whites are were bad and to never forget what they did to my people, whatever the fuck they meant by that, kebabs are like a combination of niggers and jews, no impulse control and try to turn you against their enemies to be used as cannon fodder. I know my people arent any better but we dont play tricks or hide or disdain for you, the only good thing about being a spic is that we can get away with racism without repercussion until the day we are labeled "white" and cant get away with it anymore. we spics are pretty easy going cant speak for the trash that plagues my people, we pretty much follow the NAP until you fuck with us then our bloodlust and relentless kicks in and we decapitate you and throw you in a vat of acid.

of you're a kike , it's obvious from your mindset , you gave it away, no white guy thinks about 'following sponsored ideas' it's 100% kikethink

And just to be clear, his mother watched him do it, and these are high-caste Indians with IT jobs who are actually trying to integrate into white society -- about half were speaking English and they all tried to dress like Americans and were trying to do an "American activity." But they still can't grasp not peeing on the damn apple tree. And yes there was a bathroom available.

That sounds absolutely disgusting, but that's their culture I guess. They've earned the title of "streetshitters"

Which I have no problem with as long as they do it outside of my country.

I'm open to other mindsets, and I'm seeking your opinions. 91% Icelandic, by the way. Buy a fucking DNA test, faggot

yeah right you inbred kike

I am routinely disgusted and confused by most other races. I strongly dislike black people, Mexicans, and homosexuals specifically because I have to deal with these groups the most. I still get along with them at work and such, though. Even been sort of acquaintances with a few. But I do genuinely believe white people are superior in almost every way. These are all views formed based on personal experience combined with research. And mostly formed before ever visiting this website.

I believe the same idea. As long as they're not forcing themselves into our own culture, it's fine by me. It's like spics forcing themselves into our media, just imagine if a bunch of fucking Chinamen starting inserting their music into Mexican culture

I really don't like brown people holistically but they can be fun/cool to hang out with individually

I mainly just hate how white people fetishize them over our own cultures and traditions. Or straight-faced lie about how badly they don't fit in in our societies (especially inner-city niggers). Or how Jews promote race-mixing in every other commercial.

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Big black cocks rule forever thank you bbc com gods

I am dead fucking serious, I hate everyone except Whites and I hate probably half of Whites too.

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At least get more creative than "kike"

people are people. stereotypes are often true, but not always.
most ___ probably really do _____ if people say they do, but obviously not all of them

sweeping generalizations need to be handled with care.

most jews are conniving,
most niggers are animals,
most chinese have no soul,
most nips are like robots
most americans are stupid,
most europeans are weird and pretentious,

but that's not all of them. and the thing is, all of those people have great things to balance it out.

most jews are intelligent and welcoming to their homes, would feed you and make you feel at home like no other
most niggers are very passionate people, and talented with music or athletics
most chinese are also very intelligent, and hard working
nips made anime
most americans are very friendly people and love one another and very curious as well
most europeans are very educated and well cultured

and the thing is, even the people that fit these stereotypes, the most important part is, it's not their whole character. everybody has something special about themselves that seperate them from that stereotype.

in new york there's thousands of albanians. they all wear north face, drive white BMW's (no joke, literally all of them, VW if they're broke), wear jeans and white Air Force ones, and the older ones all own pizza places or businesses

but? i'm sure each and every one of them has something unique to themselves.

people are people. no matter where you go. you'll find assholes, you'll find bros, you'll find smart people and dumb people (relative to their environment). it's just the way she goes. we're all human beans

and for an added note, no matter what culture you go, (most) people care about their families, which is most important. a mother in africa covered in flies loves her baby boy as much as one in ireland bitching at her son for driving his motorcycle too fast, as much as a suburban white USA mom loves her middle school son who jerks off into empty gatorade bottles and plays minecraft, as much as a chinese father loves his fat autistic son, etc...

black people are incompatible with the modern world in general

Nice reply, user. I agree

Expertly spoken

Uh i honestly think that jews either through high amounts of mental illness or natural inclinations are not good for their host as they are always looking for a better one

it's the final (you) stupid je , 'creative' , more judaism

lurk more

Can-a yu speaku engrish, sensei?

thanks guys, really appreciate that someone shares the same sentiment. hope you fags had a good day and have a good weekend m8

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what the fuuuck? that's not the picture i uploaded wat

yes, get israeled jew

Godspeed, you magnificent faggot (both of those are OP, by the way)

oh kek

Hava Nagila

I'm more aware of the realities of race. I don't apoligize for anything anymore. White and fuckin' proud. I don't relax around blacks unless I know theyre one of the good ones. I've changed my personal goals, to get married and have white children.

This doesn't mean I'm a sperg in public, though. I can still talk to blacks if they're not obnoxious. I know this qt half black girl with huge milkers, we get together once every couple of months and I fuck the shit out of her. She knows it will never go beyond that and she's ok with it.

You can be redpilled and still socially functional.

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Niggers and jews are bad news
I’d shoot one on site
Asians to me are okay
Towelheads and sandniggers need to be exterminated

get there , leave before some white guy shoots you you stupid kike

Well said. Keep fondling those chocolate milk bags

Trust me, I'm fine in the US. Even an actual jew would be less stagnant in the gene-pool than you

Honestly, I can't disagree on the latter part

I'd say it depends on the person rather than the entirety of the race. Though I do hate jews and gays

nonono LEAVE you retarded nigger kike , or stay and get necked , you forced our hand in the furture , and we had warned your stupid kike ass

you're fully jew

>legitimately tell people im racist/say soft Jow Forums things
>people think im joking

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LMAO they didn't want to pay for the goyim's entertainment

If the Third Reich succeeded, I'm sure the Aryan who can form sentences wouldn't get hanged. You on the other hand...

Many of the most intelligent, respectable, pleasant and interesting people i've ever met are black. But I can also recognize patterns among groups of people and make general statements about a group while excluding outliers. I've done my research, I know the facts, and the results are unanimous: black people, AS A GROUP, build and maintain societies that are completely incompatible with whites. And vice versa. Obviously there will be exceptions, and i'm perfectly fine with people associating with those outside of their race- I'd be a massive hypocrite if I said I wasn't- but on a long term, large scale, macro level, blacks and whites can't coexist in the same place. Or pretty much any other racial group for that matter. That's not to make any judgments on inferiority or superiority or any of that, but it's simply to say that, as GROUPS, blacks and whites create clearly different and incompatible cultures and societies and trying to force them together is doomed to fail.

oh no that was such a sick burn , as searing as an auschwitz oven!

I love how much you faggots just splurge whenever you hear about Hitler, aushwitz, etc... It's like an Arab shaving his head, wearing large glasses, and browsing Amazon

>It's like an Arab doing X

more kikery detected, plus you're a noob in here it's obvious , you stupid degenerate kike

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>data mining thread
>this many replies

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I'm going to he real with you guys for a sec

I need huge black ding dongs deep in my little white boy beta bitch ass. I want a huge muscle nigger to fuck my booty silly until I squirt my inferior seed all over my tummy. Then the huge black clock will inject my right ass with his alpha seed. I'm such a good faggot worship bbc forever

Jews scare me

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why reply

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Fat black bigger nigger ding dongs bust in my ass daily

Both. I'm a schizophrenic. Me too.