Did an alien invasion take place?

hear me out, everyone noticed there was a super radical shift in culture just in the past 10 years. Shit that was normal for essentially decades just stopped,cold turkey, being seen as normal.
All celebrities share the same exact opinion on everything, that should be statistically impossible. Like some alien arrived took up a host as a hollywood exec invites a bunch of people to a party, everyone went to said hollywood party and they had their bodies replaced by alien pods or brains hijacked where they all end up thinking in this weird hive like mind.

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Other urls found in this thread:


no but fake aliens will be here soon

Yes, several alien invasions, in fact. Kikes, spics, poos, niggers and mudshits have invaded the white homelands and are going to continue pushing for this "radical shift' until they get themselves over the top in their third world coalition.

The internet means that (((they))) have dirt on literally everybody.
The difference between Jow Forumstards and celebrities is no one gives a fuck about us and our secrets, and we have no reason to care if they get out. Public figures must care.

We will get her back boys, there has to be a cure

doesnt explain the super sharp shift in culture, from 2005 to now. We literally went from its cool for everyone to share everyones culture to fuck white people, its racist to share other peoples culture.

If only you knew.

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Don't worry boys he'll take care of us. We don't need her.

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uhhhh he is allowing this clowncar of a democracy to exist when Democracy is a jooish trick.

If he is going to Make America Great Again he needs to take America back from them by and and all means possible. He is at war and doesnt even know it.

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people have said hollywood is cult, but even in the real world there are multiple cults and multiple people not in those cults.
we are literally talking about almost everyone in media,entertainment and higher echelons of government having the same identical "kill western civilization view points" same view points of marriage,
same view points on guns
same view points on religion
same view points of immigration

Aliens? or just Hollywood being (((Hollywood)))?

their called joos.

same group think across all entities they own from news corps to social media platforms they own. Hence democracy is rigged which is why every country with a democracy has joos that put it there brainwashing the masses.

They Live was a documentary.

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It really started in the 1960s, but it's hit that exponential growth curve now.
The last time Whites were in control of America's culture, was the 1950s.

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celebrities voice a safe stance, whatever that is during the time

they go home to degeneracy, its all a lie

It's obvious that it's happening, but mysterious HOW it's happening. Let's use this thread to draw obvious conclusions. Let's also critique each other's conclusions. I'll start:

All mass media is subordinate to an entity that dictates the terms of their operation/activity.

This could also assist in dating the jooish takeover aka demons, same thing is same thing.

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Yes, but they're not from space.

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hollywood and entertainment had it moments but it pretty much didnt go batshit insame until the final 10 years.
The Hollywood where a white austrian guy like arnold scharznegger could be muscle bound and shooting guns mysteriously gave way to a hollywood where men HAD to be effeminate and now all of a sudden a 140 pound woman can "realistically" kick the asses of 5 highly trained male agents that weigh 190 to 210 pounds WHILE taking a beating from said men and walking away after.

something has shifted dramatically,
some people said it was due to the occupy movement and the elites freaked the fuck out and inticiated the current plan we are seeing today so that no one can ever fuck with them again because society will be too busy fighting among themselves

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Haha nice larp
>please be a larp.

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Its the Russians!!!!

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>Did an alien invasion take place?

illegal aliens... and i'm not just talking about Mexicans.


just an FYI...

"Germline warfare procedure" means "Race Breeding war"

you know some switch flipped when Jow Forums is now the only glimmer of hope on the internet

It didn't shift, it just got more open. If you were paying attention this anti-white, anti-male shit has been going on since at least the 90s, but they didn't feel secure enough to broadcast it.

Some of us have been trying to point it out, but nobody wanted to listen, so it's metastasized to the point it's taken over. Thisisthefutureyouchose.jpg


its fucking jews man comon how long have you been here

Remote Satellite Mind Control by some sort of ancient demonic entity. It's easy to influence or possess degraded beings with weak minds who have corrupted themselves, which is almost all of Hollywood.

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The world actually ended in 2012

Only some of us were spared from the zogging apocalypse

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Remote Satellite Mind Control by an ancient shadow civilization of professional thieves.

sneaky, sneaky.

Do we really have a single clue?

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Ok but where does that leave us now?

I can almost get on board w this- but what about now.

Holy shit....I think its an interesting theory.

I never thought about that, but it would explain several weird things, as you outlined.

I have an open mind, and will definitely keep this for consideration! (yes, I believe aliens/ufos exist and yes, I believe its possible they could be walking among us, wearing human disguises)

i really believe something happened in 2012
video games when to shit for sure in that time

everything went to shit

Calling it Jewish is an oversimplification.
Yes, those who say they are Jews and are not, the synagogue of Satan, are the human shaped things mostly responsible for orchestrating the destruction of our societies and peoples, but they aren't really human in the strictest sense of the term

Adam means man, mankind in a Biblical sense is by definition the descendants of Adam, other things shaped like men but descended from those other than Adam are not human.

Who are they?

Answering this requires a close look at Genesis chapter 6:

>Wickedness in the World

6 When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”

4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
Genesis 6:1-4

Fallen angels bred with mankind, their offspring are 100% evil, irredeemable.
The book of Enoch (The first one, the one found among the dead sea scrolls in abundance, the Essenes clearly thought it was important, many of them went on to be the early Jewish Christians) goes into greater detail on the subject, the book of Jude in the New Testament is quite short and still quotes the book of Enoch directly several times.


Now to explain how Jews "God's chosen people" ended up in such a state.

First off, God's chosen people are the House of Israel and the House of Judah, not just Jews, all the descendants of Jacob.

Jacob (also called Israel) had 12 sons, each of those sons went on to found the tribes of Israel.

Joseph (who inherited the blessing and thus had two tribes descended from each of his first two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, explaining that would take its own thread.

The house of Judah (legitimate Jews) are the descendants of Judah, Benjamin and the priests descended from Levi

The house of Israel is made up of all the other tribes and the non priest Levites (who are scattered among the other tribes)

The house of Israel was judged by God and punished with forgetting who they were until the end times redemption because of their faithlessness, there are promises of restoration, but that is also outside the scope of this thread.

The house of Judah was judged for being unfaithful, Israel is compared to a wife who left, Judah is compared to a wife who whored on the side while pretending to be loyal, their punishment was to be excluded from the blessings of the Messiah and to be an anathema, a byword among the nations and their brothers until the restoration.

All of the Israelites, both Judah and Israel, were infiltrated by the aforementioned offspring of fallen angels.


I think

> This is Extremely Dangerous to Our Democracy


Going back to the offspring of the fallen angels, they impregnated human women and their offspring were giants, ubermen, etc., but they were also all evil, every single one of them.

God's judgement on this matter was that the angels who sired them (called the Watchers in the book of Enoch as their task was to observe and assist humanity) was the following:

All the offspring of the Watchers and the Watchers themselves are banished to hell with no chance of forgiveness on the day of judgement.
The Watchers would be forced to first watch their offspring kill and consume one another, then the survivors of those conflicts would be destroyed in the flood.
Any of their offspring who died would have their spirits be bound to the earth until the day of judgement, these disembodied spirits make the bulk of what mankind knows of as demons
The the Watchers were to be bound for 70 generations of mankind, to be released for a short time when the end times of this age are close.

The crimes of the watchers were not only to make such terrible offspring, they also taught mankind how to perform abortions, make weapons of war, they taught women how to make and use makeup and several other listed technologies twisted to evil purpose.
They also made chimeras made of multiple species, some were also mixed with humans, the texts on these are scant, but they were called monsters and as described were quite horrible, it says "all flesh on the earth was corrupted, man and beast".
Their offspring, the giants and Nephilm ate human flesh and general oppressed the descendants of Adam, easily out competing them on a physical level and then dominating them, subjecting them to all manner of wickedness.

These crimes were why the flood was sent, out of all mankind only Noah and his sons were pure in their generations (not mixed with these abominations).

After the flood only Noah, his wife, his three sons (Ham, Shem and Japheth) and their wives remained of mankind, 8 souls saved in the whole earth (the chinks have a flood myth that says the same thing, 8 people made it through the flood).

Which brings us to how the fallen angel bloodline was reestablished, there is a bit of debate on this subject among those who study these texts as Genesis 6 clearly states the Nephilim were on the earth before and after the flood, but no second impregnating of women is mentioned.

Whatever the circumstances, the descendants of one of the Grandsons of Noah somehow had a resurgence of the blood of the giants within their people.

This man's name was Canaan, son of Ham.

The Canaanites were the people that God demanded the Israelites genocide on becoming a people, because of this tainted bloodline.

The Israelites disobeyed this commandment and have suffered for it ever since.


it was a sexual sin, ham raped noah when they went out of the boat
noah got drunk and ham 'saw his nakeness'
sexuals sins are a heavy thing in the ot for some reason

spare us the bible spam, we know what book it's in

Because of failure to wipe them out the Israelites had these Canaanites mix their blood into them, this led to a great amount of sin and death among Israel from adopting their evil ways, child sacrifice, cannibalism, idol worship, oppression, hatred of God.

They are still soulless and evil, but they resemble God's chosen, these are the weeds that Jesus spoke of in a parable.

Many of them look white, they are not human, this is the real redpill for the struggle of mankind, we have an ancient enemy who is aware of us that most people do not even know about.

Most Jews are barely aware of this as the way it is taught glosses over this infiltration, some kind of irrelevant ancient history.

>Did an alien invasion take place?
The goyim know...

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The jews that took over media and academia starting since the 30s had their hand forced by Trump's election. Their time table was advanced suddenly, hence the sudden leap in the level of propaganda.

Yes, I consider it impolite to teach this to groups of people out of respect to Noah.

The point is Ham brought back the corruption of the fallen angels and through his son Canaan it reinfected humanity.

Going to change ip after this post so I can turn off the big monitor.

It is that is not how viruses work

Aliens have been here for a good time already. Most are interdimensional entities with no physical body on earth, but they do observe us and can reveal themselves to you if they want to, in any shape they feel proper. I think i met one once, this golden conical shaped face appeared out of the air and floated around the room. It stood and observed me.


Technology is advancing at an incredible rate, they think it doesn't matter if they overplay their hand or not because civilization's economy and tech will keep people enslaved no matter what.

>killed dozen of personnel and multiple armored vehicles
how do you kill an armored vehicle?

Just finished watching this movie, see this thread.

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Social constructivism. That's what fucked everything up. Social constructivism being taught for decades in universities around the world in conjunction with the rise of marxist atheism, all in the context of technological society and globalization, with the cultural dissolution all of these things imply. What the fuck else was going to happen? This mess was inevitable. It's always the intellectual class fucking it up for the rest of us. All of these factors have generated a vacuum, and society hates a vacuum, and that's where the radical left comes in. Voilá.


>Did an alien invasion take place?
sort of

Jewish controlled and indoctrinated colleges are brainwashing the youth MAINLY women to destroy the west!!!
The kikes have destroyed education
We must OUTLAW all forms of liberal colleges.


Reform the schools! Re educate the feminists, fix women and harmony will followZIONIST FUNDED COLOMBIAN NXIVM CHILD SEX CULT










>Police arrested 18 people after the girls were lured into working at sex parties

>The alleged 'Madame' of the operation was among those detained in the raids

>Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello allegedly recruited the underage girls

>A child prostitution ring where more than 250 underage girls were branded with tattoos by their 'owners' has been broken up after dramatic raids.

>They allegedly raped and tattooed all their underage victims, aged between 14 and 17

>Campos Puello was said to be responsible for recruiting the girls from poor neighbourhoods in Columbia and Venezuela.

>Police arrested 18 people after the girls were lured into coming the Colombian resort of Cartagena under the pretence of working as models there.

>Among those detained was the alleged 'Madame' of the operation - Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello - and several unnamed Israelis who are believed to be the network's ringleaders
..............Based Bellagio vid on this

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nice atheism, faggot

The government can hide the existence of aliens. They wouldn't be able to hide an invasion. It'll be just that: an invasion. In a way, it's a good thing the government is covering up the evidence that proves aliens exist. Could you imagine the amount of bra burning hippies and pot head leftists rioting in the streets demanding "peace with visitors"?
If any alien life form wanted to share knowledge, like they've done in the past with pyramids and what not, they'd do it. But most likely, they'll want resources, and in order to get them they'll have to decimate humans. All non earthlings should be treated as the enemy by default. If we want the earth and the galaxy we'll have to fight for them.

As it was in the days of Noah, so it is at the days of the coming of the son of Man.

It took place thousands of years ago, we are just witnessing an increase in intensity because their time is short.

It's been going on in academia since the 60s arguably

>the government couldn't hide an invasion
we would not know if we were being invaded

Watch the TV show Braindead. That's the plot.

You're playing the new SJW overlord expansion. They're all NPCs. Enjoy your stay.


1. The endless Iraq wars disenchanted the youth.
2. The housing collapse took the future from the youth.
3. Obama assumed authority and convinced the now vulnerable youth that socialism / Marxism is the way. Onions had gotten widly popular as a miracle protein, which also lowers the testosterone of men.

10 years later...

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>super radical shift in culture just in the past 10 years.
The shift has been happening for much, much longer.

are onions really that bad? they are tasty af dude

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The Parable of the Weeds
24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.

27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’

28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.

“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’

29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”

The Parable of the Weeds Explained
36 Then he left the crowd and went into the house. His disciples came to him and said, “Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field.”

37 He answered, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. 38 The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the people of the evil one, 39 and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.

40 “As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age. 41 The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. 42 They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let them hear.

I remember back in the 90s when black comedians would poke fun at white people and everyone would laugh. I always wondered why we couldn't make fun of them back and what it meant. Now I realize it wasn't just black comedians. Jewish comedians were talking about about us at the exact same rate. They were conditioning us to feel inferior for fucking years and I knew something was off. Now anyone can say horrible things about white people 24/7 and be completely serious and we are forced to allow it to happen. I refuse to let my future children take any shit from anyone for the color of their skin. I will point out all out to them and tell them it's wrong and to be insanely proud about the pioneers and conquerors that came before us. Never forget. Happy Columbus Day.

It's a mind virus transmitted through media. People with the T. Gondii parasite are especially susceptible which is why cat owners skew liberal for the most part. It is contagious. It is an energy disease, much like cancer. You must fight it by exposing it and showering it with positivity and love, as it feeds on anger and hatred.

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Your media was bought out by foreign groups.

No you autist. The last couple of months saw left wing sites attack her for being neutral. I bet her publicist sat there waiting for the best left wing virtue signaling thing to latch onto and here we are. That is all this is.


A lot of truth here as well. The other part is the common foreign influence on US social media without the reader knowing its origin; assuming they be US ideals.

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Post more from that thread

The resources meme is a funny one to me. What on earth does Earth have that you can't easily find elsewhere in the galaxy? Aside from it's unique animal and plant life. And that's only if we assume earth life is unique. There could be loads of planets with similar creatures on it. Slave labor is a better thought, but fuck, do you think the aliens have not figured out a way to automate everything before they mastered the mysteries of faster than light travel? I doubt they do any manual labor. They could want us in some sort of zoo, but they would not need us all for that, just a few. But do you think aliens don't have social justice warriors that would fight to ban zoos? Maybe we have some different tech they could maybe want to study, but they could just take it, if they wanted it. I doubt it would be that important to them. I'm not sure why they would want to come here, aside from just laying claim to the solar system, but that's more like having animals on your owned land, they're just there. They could maybe just want to kill us all, for whatever reason, I assume they could kill us all from orbit, and we would not even know what hit us. They could come here for game hunting. They could like the way we taste, but I fucking doubt it, with all the crap we eat.

The only thing that I think is even slightly possible is they just want the planet for whatever reason. Probably to live on. But I doubt they would have even a need for that, since they can apperently just go anywhere, they can just find better, planets without a huge pop to have to eliminate and clean up after.
None of it makes any sense. Everything here is out in the galaxy abundance. The only thing that makes our things precious to us, is that we can't go anywhere else to get more.

It’s social media.
When any special snowflake, participation trophy retard can have a twitter account and thousands and thousands of “followers” suddenly you have to be really careful about what you say. Sooner or later everyone sounds the same, as they can’t say anything else than the pc-norm.
Social media gave voice to people who should never had one, and pushed us towards the spartan version of democracy “apella” where the ones who shouted loudest were accepted as a majority by the elders.

It’s the cycle of civilization, we’re at a focal point. People are also generally sheep no matter how smart, only extroverts accidentally or forcefully being introverted that also have some intelligence, trauma, and other shit can really think for themselves. I have some of that and still feel like when I talk about politics I get drawn to where everyone else is. It’s honestly kind of scary how strong the social pull is on people, imagine what it’s like for people who have no awareness of it.

It's the Rapture, user.
We're the ones left behind.

It's demonic possession you fag. They all worship Satan and are therefore controlled by it

sew yew bee saiyan wii wuz invaded n sheeiiit

The answers you seek are in this book.

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in invasion of the body snatchers the aliens needed a proper host and i think they arrived via an asteroid. When i read up about shit like mice being infected with Toxoplasma gondi or ants with fungi that makes them do extremely odd behavior I just have to wonder what the fuck is going on.

Im not even larping either, its such a sudden sudden shift within the last 10 years, you'd have to think how did we even get here in the first place.
Could it really be jews, its not like jews havent existed for thousands of jews.

but 2000 years ago, you'd be laughed at and probably killed for thinking women had penises and that men could be pregnant.

Satanic invasion, yes.

>We literally went from its cool for everyone to share everyones culture to fuck white people, its racist to share other peoples culture.

How does this pan out onto the idea of multiculturalism?

fight club?

has anyone ever seen this show

from imdb
A government employee discovers that the cause of the tensions between the two political parties is a race of extraterrestrial insects eating the brains of the politicians.

basically the ants infecting the brains of those in power and taking over. What funny too is that they would take over both partys and always they would be working against each other politically they still have a plan for global domination

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>How does this pan out onto the idea of multiculturalism?

dunno, but how would we go from, its okay to dress up in a chinese outfit and LITERALLY NO ONE havent a problem with it to people making the biggest fuss over it
to now people are calling winston churchhill a racist bigot who didnt do shit

Those old films where the gods sit around a table and decide the fates of men.
Aliens run the game, its entertainment for them.

Its going to be weird, ten years ago Boomers pushing multicult like crazy, now the foreigners start saying Get your own culture.

Pictue has nothing to do with the topic. However I wanted to know how google suggest would respnd to BLASE account. Trump could have written the first suggestion!

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Im an occultist and worship Lucifer and other goetic gods and I'm right wing af
The whole Christian its Satan idea is total bullshit.

Thanks for posting!

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Most Christians especially burgers are literally half retarded NPC

You're a faggot and you're going to get burned working with goetic demons. Also you have no fucking idea what you're talking about if you equate Lucifer with Satan.

the "alien invasion kidnapped celebrities" narrative could be memed up pretty good honestly. I can easily see normies taking the bait. Combine that with NPC meme and we've got a winner.

More like a LARPIST me thinks. How many people have you buggered to death?

>stop being a faggot
said the cat.

White men were denied any kind of assembly or platform anywhere for 50 years.

When we finally congregated on the internet what was happening was defined.

And of course having 50% of your population replaced in 20 years by foreign brown people tends to be noticable.

All the sudden multiculturalism went from something they have to deal with to something you personally have to deal with.

Obama literally put section 9 housing and feriegners in every small town in America. (As well as killing their economy on purpose).

I hate this faggot and I will end him, the cat thought.