Mark Dice actually actually acid-washed his YouTube channel of all of his Illuminati conspiracy videos.
>is he actually a deep-state ploy?
Mark Dice actually actually acid-washed his YouTube channel of all of his Illuminati conspiracy videos.
>is he actually a deep-state ploy?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is he another kosherservative?
>Mark Shouldice
He’s pretty funny at times, especially when he mocks Brian Stelter.
My friends and I really only listen to him ironically, but I’m really sad that he sold out a bit and got rid of his older videos. I was hoping someone would have a torrent for them all.
What kind of stuff did he once talk about specifically?
>Mark Dice
You mean River Phoenix?
Because he realized its bullshit and that its actually jews.
quick rundown
Illuminati theory stuff is all cringey when you realize that it's literally all babby's first attempt to understand the JQ.
This. Illuminati, masons, Jesuits. All second banana to the Jewish mafia
he's just trying to survive on a censorship dictator platform aka Youtube. A lot of content creators had to take down content so they wouldn't get banned for free speech.
him and alex both worth under turner broadcasting network.
if i have to explain any further for you to understand the implications, you should probably just kill yourself.
He's redpilling the normies
Hahahaha, what a little bitch faggot. Always knew he was a shekels-first pussy with no spine.
They’re all branches
If they don’t talk about Jews they are shills. Hope that clears it up for you newfags
He redpills normies.
He’s entertaining but totally a paid shill
Mark Dice is believed to be an actor named Richard Phoenix who overdosed on drugs.
He's just hands out white pills to normies for a living so the maximum number of people in this country will feel comfortable voting red in the Mid-Terms.
>"Hey I think the right likes someone so that means all of the right like him also."
We don't think like you fucking retards. I listen to different people to see what they have to say.
Hardcore Illuminati and Satanic shit
How’d they give him the hooknose?
He knows that early stuff isn't up to snuff and will make him look bad. I understand why he would do it.
That shit turns normal people off.
Just pointing out how the regular Democrat leadership is insane is good enough. No need for conspiracy.
This, he's just going into full "Redpill the normies" mode for the mid terms.
I think he doesn't want factually incorrect info out there
The thing is that he sold that stuff like it was true and he genuinely believed it.
That implies to me that he’s going to turn out to be a charlatan.
He might believe it. He just looked at it and thought it might not be the best way to get his message across. No big deal.
Attacking these retards for being shitty duplicitous politicians, works well enough.
Hes become popular enough that he needs to keep his message clear and not drift off into things that wont be able to prove. Simple as that. If you cant understand that, then you're just dumb.
Eh? Don't be ridiculous read about the grand orient lodges, the wilhelmsbad Masonic Congress, the Alta gendita, and all sorts of other shit.
They were the prime movers of the French, American, Italian and Turkish revolutions and still pull the strings. It isn't just Jewish cabals. Many illuminated gentiles are their peers.
No big deal OP. He got huge, over one million subscribers on YouTube. He probably wants anything that could possibly anger (((them))) to disappear, so ((((they))) don't delete his YouTube channel.
I have fuzzy memories of his Illuminati pop music stuff. I assumed I just dreamt it thought.
You fuckers don't see it. The shit the big tech companies DONT want you talking about is the elite pedophilia, the ritual abuse, and mind control programs.
Listen to Mile Veale and other UK police whistleblowers, some who were very high up, who are talking about this. A couple of the women taking this to the public have been locked up in mental institutions and one of them only got out by public outcry and the help of an mp. Mile Veale was the police commissioner responsible for the discoveries of Edward Heath's beyond fucked up crimes. He was shut the fuck down by people in the house of lords.
You fuckers are not seeing what is really happening, and who these guys want most covered up. You go after what the powers want most silenced.
They want you to bash Jews all the time so they can label you a Nazi and they get martyr points. Instead of attacking races, go after those who are doing the actual wicked shit. This way you have the public on your side and you are crushing the enemy at the same time.
Wake the fuck up!
doesn't look close like Dice
Even Alex Jones breitbarted himself. There is no end to the gullibility of the NPC's on the right. If you want to get rich, its very very easy.