Jow Forums response to this

What is Jow Forums response to this kikebook post?

Attached: muhItsthemansfault.jpg (480x800, 71K)

He's right, all sex outside of marriage is wrong

Change your atrocious font

call him a dumb, gay faggot and tell him he doesn't even have sex with women so he's not part of the conversation.

Whoever thought that font was a good idea should do us all a favor and eat broken glass.

All I see is just a White Knight hoping to get his dick sucked

He’s pretty much just stating basic psychobiology.

Hmm, forced sterilization you say? Sounds intriguing...

He posted, his mind racing with thoughts of losing his virginity.

“This one will win her over...” he whispered himself to sleep

Force all men and women to pay to have vesectomies covered on their health insurance.

Also, biologically speaking, limiting the female population is the most sure way to control population growth. How it was done when I worked fish and game

No right to custody, AND all of the responsibilities? Clarity, I like it. Its like a breath of fresh air after an extended stay down a damp mineshaft

Women have many many options for contraceptives, provided for by heath insurance or the state, and have a seller's market for sex.
Men have 2: abstinence & condoms.

When women have complete dominion over their bodies (no rape, no forced marriage, ect) they are the gate-keepers of sex; the responsibility is entirely on them. Men want to gain access, women control that access.

Attached: 1522841385340.png (712x540, 503K)

Isn't this what marriage solves?

Because men want to have sex all of the time, it’s the woman who decides if they actually have it.

He kind of answers his own question.
Women are the limiting factor in sex. They always have been. The fact that there is such a high cost to using their reproductive organs irresponsibly would theoretically compel women to act responsibly.

Men don't have the option to not have the kid.

>What is Jow Forums response to this kikebook post?
You would make your life 100 times better by cutting Facebook out of your life.

Attached: 1496517307696.jpg (614x642, 60K)

>1 per day
Those are rookie numbers.

Attached: Genghis.jpg (250x320, 18K)

This faggot answered his own question. Even if all men tried to keep there "zippers closed". Lets say 99% do it the 1% of men could still impregnate all woman as he said. And we all know there is going to be a nigger that runs around with no pants.

He's not right. If a woman can carry only one child at a time, her responsibility is to make sure it is the "most fit" child she could have had precisely BECAUSE she can only carry one at a time.

>compel women to act responsibly.
This is all you needed to say, user.

>1 per day
Literally a low test onion boy.

He's right in concluding that men should also be discouraged from fornicating

>1 a day

What is this small time shit? Bring me your fertile young women by the busload. I can ejaculate in under a minute. There are 1440 minutes in a day.

So why don't men have any rights to their unborn children exactly? You're allowed to kill them because...?

He was referring to sex just outside of marriage, i believe he was saying sex period, that men can have multiple sex partners, but women can only get prego every 9months. Thats not my font setting, this is off kikebook, someone posted this screenshot saying they agree with him.

not my font setting, its a girls.
I believe that dude is black, kek. atleast from that tiny pic he looks like a nog.
I dont have a personal fb account, user, just a burner account for following certain things. My personal life will never be on fb or any other social media.

Why are there substantially more male than female virgins?

>He was referring
More men in the World? also because women arent as public about their sex life, or atleast they werent but thats quickly changing. Now its edgy and feministic to post publicly about your disgusting sex habits.

Yes? That's why people have advocated not being a slut/manwhore. Women are the ones who are picky and allowing men to sow their oats, if women did not allow that, that action would be rape and the other men would happily tear the rapist apart. Men can only be manwhoring it up if women are regular whoring it up, which indicates a lack of judgement on their part and a dereliction of their responsibilities since they have the most burdens during childbirth and raising.

>Women are the ones who are picky
Get any woman drunk and shes a ragin whore, i dont care if they were a nun before. It just shows that women have the same level of sex drive, if not more than men. Like I commented earlier: Women nowadays are starting to become more public about their sex habits, and revealing how much of a whore they are.

Yes, and it is their responsibility to not do that. Its men's responsibility to not rape them, but if they're offering it for free then that's on them and the OP guy is dumb.

Because as a result of their whorishness, men are not having to make a decision to end a fetal life. The fact is that the repercussions of unprotected sex are far different for men than for women, so women technically *should* be making a qualitative judgement of the men they share their bed with. Men who sleep around are, as Jesse Peterson says, "slut makers". They know that none of the women they sleep with would ever make a decent mother for their children.

It's just weird that people are defending sluts, who are admittedly not interested in being mothers.

That font gave me aids

This reminds me of the retards i've known that get their male cats neutered but don't spay their female cats. Guess what fucking happens?

Shit font, kys.

His logic isn't wrong. But it ignores something important. No male birth control pill. But there is a female birth control pill. Girls have more tools to manage reproduction than boys.

Read the thread you lazy nigger. Its not my font setting its a screen shot someone posted on kikebook, not me. You newfags are the worse, you suck at shitposting, you have the IQ of a monkey, and youre all usually mutts who obviously cant accept that youre not white. Now go fuck off back to your video games, nigger, because we know you arent ever going to contribute to anything other than the worse shitposting Jow Forums has ever allowed.

I don't understand how it makes sense. Anything that men take to sterilize their sperm won't be 100% effective. There's well over 20 million sperm cells, so even if 99.9% of them were sterilized, there'd still be at least 20,000 healthy sperm cells still floating in her cooch.

She has one egg, sometimes two. I wonder what's harder to control...

>posts a screen shot from face jew
>no u

Whats more worth:
>women with one egg
>millions of sperm cells every day

Its called inflation you retards. Your sperm is worth nothing. One guy can impregnate a fucking state, but women control if he is able to. He has the keys, but no locks. If one hole is dumped, its full for 9 months.

Full retarded thread.

His logic IS wrong. Women are the ones who ultimately bear the consequences of the actions. The sexual act may be a 50/50 team effort, but the RESULT is disproportionately on the woman.

A man who acts promiscuously has nothing to fear except the threat of STDs. A woman, on the other hand, has the threat of 9 months of painful pregnancy and the trauma of child birth. As such, women have ALWAYS been the gatekeepers of sex - one slutty mistake and your life is forever and irrevocably changed.

>what is child support

>implying modern THOTs even knows the name of the Chad who splurged inside her

He's confusing ability with opportunity. No man could physically impregnate a woman daily. No man has the chance. Not even a married men. Yes I suppose technically it may be true but physically impossible. It's just as easy to say that because women are the only ones who can give birth, they are solely responsible for the child. A man has no obligation since he cannot share the opportunity of birth, just like a woman has no obligation re: birth control because pregnancy is solely her experience. Her opportunity. Does that make sense? I'm trying to parse the fallacies out of this.

As women bear the bulk of the consequences it is in the best interests of the women to manage the birth control

Men can't even pull out properly

1 whore produces 1 babby per year
1 man whore produces 100 babbys per year
qed, shill