Can we have a thread discussing logical and sound reasons as to why homosexuality may be a negative for society? I want to hear arguments that even an atheist wouldn't be able to deny have some form of validity.
Can we have a thread discussing logical and sound reasons as to why homosexuality may be a negative for society...
Inability to produce descendants for the continuation of society.
can't make butt babies. Can't progress the species if you dedicate yourself to faggotry. It is natural to be repulsed by such devotion to death.
homosexuals are not the result of biology but from childhood trauma, usually sexual, and if left untreated their personality will fracture and they'll try changing their "sex" to forget who they were
vast majority of homos are child molesters/rapists
promiscuously spread diseases
mentally ill
wear diapers
I know, but the people I'll be talking to don't care about that. They care more about feelings and expressing yourself sexually.
Not good responses, you guys are sharper than that.
geed response user, this is BASED.
anal sex wears off the elasticity of your anus
old fags wear diapers
I believe what I am looking for is a way in which homosexuality is socially destructive. And it would have to be a result that even the most blind could plainly see.
If you accept evolutionary principles as scientifically factual, then you need to accept some homosexual behaviors have evolutionary impact that results in their being passed on. With homosexuality it’s about group survival.
It curbs births.
It spreads aids.
the reason HIV exist, homosexuals are more common to abuse kids, they are emotionally unstable, they can't have children, they are useless to the society, always victimising to live and also, they existences is based in nihilism.
also, they're gay lol.
It denies society a future life that could be the next Einstein, its is akin to genetic suicide. It should be judged exactly as suicide is judged.
There has never been a gay civilization in human history.
Suppose gay individuals would pass on their DNA via sperm banks, they would then be continuing their genetic line right? Where do gay couples adopting fall into this? While still a genetic dead end they would be a source of resources for someone else's continuation of society.
Muh Greeks lmao
Because they are not living life with the intent to reproduce (as is the case in all of biology) their becomes a conflict of interest when they attempt to take positions of power and influence, as their views for society are clearly not ones that should be held by all (for if they were nobody would reproduce).
Simply put, their tastes and opinions and fucking weird, so I don't want them influencing kids and NPCs.
I also just don't trust them. There's just way too much reason to fuck with society if they were in positions of power. Like I'm sure if some smart gay kid who felt shunned growing up, later became a CNN executive, he'd probably have some underlying pro-homo agenda that would taint all their media
>Simply put, their tastes and opinions and fucking weird, so I don't want them influencing kids and NPCs.
I know, I hate it. I know a guy who's an education major at my school that's gay. He is currently working with kids in a school actually. He is constantly getting high and drinking, he's even gone to his school while high. He's also the most promiscuous person I know. I hate it. I'm definitely going to be homeschooling my kids.
Like another user said I believe most homos are the result of being sexual abused as young kids.My mom recently told me a story about how one of her gay coworkers “became” gay in a sense, idk if he was curious before or what but what happened was when he was a teenager he went to a house party, drank too much and passed out on the couch. He woke up a little later to a large group of girls surrounding him touching his flaccid penis, making fun of it and laughing.
The question you should be asking is;
is homosexuality beneficial to society?
When speaking to the average atheist, you have to keep in mind that they never question, only regurgitate canned responses to existential questions. Any reasonable response you give will be met with a pointless response. By asking the question, you place the ball in their court.
Not all fags do anal
>not all
Kys, we are discussing a prominent activity, nobody cares about outliers.
Poor pidgeon.
It was practiced among the rich elites, but frowned upon the common people.
Homosexuality will cause a civilization to collapse.
Where is your gay empire now?
Male homosexuality has obscene HIV rates. We put defibrillators in every public building so we can have a 20% survival rating for heart attack victims. Imagine if you could get reduce HIV transmission by 80% just by advocating that men stop having violent anal sex with each other. Costs the tax payers nothing, to boot.
I'm not convinced lesbianism is entirely unhealthy, besides the social impact of not having kids.
Being afraid of the opposite gender's genitalia could also be considered mental illness, as its a phobia that serves not biological or evolutionary purpose. I think that point may be a stretch, as there are eccentricities that we do for no reason.
Interesting talking points. Saved. Thanks user.
if you can't reach these people with logic then you should stop trying user. let these degens die of ebola.
wew lad