He's got a point......
He's got a point
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my PP huewt
>twitfag doesn't know why the House of Reps exists
wow great point that changes everything
But we're not a democracy and the word was basically a curse word to the forefathers.
Why doesn't California leave then and form their own communist hellhole where they have all the senators.
No he doesn't. It's the United States, each state is supposed to have equal representation - population is not relevant.
So is this guy actually a doctor? He consistently says the most retarded shit on twatter
It's almost like states agreed to enter into a union only if their rights were protected or something.
How dare they.
What that the democrats have an impressively stubborn mob mentality?
Because, you know, Republic.
>didn’t learn about republics in commie school.
that's why we have the house of representatives
We should go back to states appointing their Senators instead of people getting to vote for them
Sir, this is a drive-through.
nothing say pompous faggot like attaching professional certs to your twitter handle
Holy shit the gook dr. didn't off himself yet lmao?
leftist "educated" are some of the stupidest people in the world due to their indoctrination.
Almost makes me want to make a Twitter just to talk shit to this ignorant faggot.
This thread again. The 17th amendment bastardized the senate. We need to go back to state appointments and not this elected senate bullshit
And check the power of judges.
lol this faggot again
What are states?
This user gets it
truly patrician posts
fuck foundational documents and shit
I hear Bill Maher make this stupid argument all the time. Fucking retards don't know that the Senate was specifically made up this was because the House already has the number of reps determined by state population size.
Well who wanted the republic in the first place? Some states liked the idea of independance if I recall correctly.
He's accidentally making an argument against the EU. If one country has a larger population than the other, the latter country should be able to decided everything for the smaller population country.
Damn...if only there was a sector of the legislative branch that has members based on population instead....what were the founding fathers thinking??????
Because we have no water and even Governor Moonbeam is aware that the moment CA loses federal protection he and the rest of his ilk will get hanged by the northern half of the state
He took 147 hours of biology and ZEEEERRROOOOOH hours of civics.
What about representatives? Why doesnt he mention that? Get a job
Did these retards never get an education on how our system of government works, or do they actually understand it and are just being disingenuous so they can change the system to get more power?
>He thinks we are a direct democracy.
We are a representative republic. Democracy is just mob rule. Also why do democrats act like Wyoming controls the world when California has 55/535 (plus 3 observers in DC) members of the house and state when compared to Wyoming's 3/535.
California has literally 53x the representation of Wyoming in the house of representatives.
>what was the great compromise
The House of Representatives is apportioned by population. Senators represent their state, 2 per state.
Americans, start telling these fags that they can move to Canada where Ontario decides every election.
Fucking second gen chink smears the blood of my ancestors.
That is why the house of representatives is a thing retard.
They want soft power. Total and thoroughly bureaucratized power of voter armies
Funny how the same #resistance retards are running the exact same talking points all of a sudden, unprompted.
It really makes my hippocampus vibrate.
Cry moar bitch
This user is 100% correct. And it's not just the northerners that want him to swing.
Maybe California should reduce it's population then
How hard would it be for some billionaires to ship enough politically motivated or homeless blue voters to WY and flip the state?
Its almost indelible, really
even foreigners know the rules are set up this way to protect smaller states
>He's got a poin
I can never tell when people are serious or taking the piss anymore.
Never forget
isnt pop the point of the house of reps?
and isnt the point of the Senate 2 reps blind of pop?
the argument is to change the rules, yet again in favor of the loosing side, all bc they cant win the game as is.
He's right. LA, NYC, Chicago, Dallas and Houston should decide everything for this country. Fuck everyone else.
You could have made as many states as you wanted.
All you need is 500K population.
It would actually lessen the Communist ...nee Democrats...voting power, though.
LA and San Fran would be canceled out by other states made out of Commifornia.
California has a shit ton more electoral votes and representative in the house.
Thanks for pretending to be retarded, democrats.
The Congress is divided in half
House of Representatives - is based on population, more people more representatives. Also House controls all the money, all spending bills must begin life in the house.
Senate - Each state get to Senators. In the past the State House chose the senators the people didn't have a say in it other than to elect state officials.
The House was to be controlled by the people, while the Senate was to be controlled by the States.
However the 17th Amendment to the constitution changed how Senators were chosen and we went from the State Legislators electing them to the people voting on them.
While in the Senate California and Wyoming have equal representation. In the House of Representatives California has 53 and Wyoming has 1.
>the rest of his ilk will get hanged by the rest of the state that doesn’t live in SF or LA.
FTFY. Without the cucked mega cities that are SF and LA Cali is a solid red state
Not a democracy Fucking Cock Guzzling Faggot!
We Never We're!
Neither Are You!
Majority Doesn't over rule election of Constitutional judicial Officials.
We tell them all the goddamn time. Fucks sake they were telling themselves about it during the 2016 election in the event Trump got elected. They dont want to work for their ideal nation they want it brought to them I wish all the "free" healthcare niggers would fuck off to countries that already claim to have it. Leave us backwards Americans alone to enjoy our horrible freedom to live or die by our own works
>California, a state with a total population of 39.54 million
of which there millions of illegal aliens, which turned Cali into a solid blue state by letting them vote, because, you know, democracy
If felons could vote then we'd have wise democrat government
Fuck no. Not until you fix lobbying and political funding. Otherwise you are just giving (((them))) the ability to install their puppets within government.
It's almost like we are in a representative republic and not a pure democracy.
He's right. We should have another Senate based upon population. Each state will get a number of officials based upon their population. We should call it the "House of Representatives" or something.
So they should definitely do it
Where California has 6 extra representatives thanks to all their illegal immigrants.
If preteens could vote after watching a short video produced by MTV then we'd have wise democrat government
Lol did the left just learn what a Senator is? Fucking hell they are children.
You'll be blocked in under ten minutes.
Hypocritical because this guy was one of those cunts complaining the Trump blocked them after they spent a year shitposting at him.
Didn't this weirdo metoo himself with a fake larping gf Twitter account? There was epic bread while back
You and I both know nobody is driving 7 hours on the i5 to hang Brown. I appreciate the sentiment and don't doubt Southern Californians (used to live down there) but that shit just isnt worth it.
Is twitter just mainly bots or what? There's no way 12,000 people found the need to like that idiotic shit.
"Big state don't hold enough power over small state"
"No. Big state already hold too much power over small state."
We literally argued about and solved this issue 200 years ago.
There's even 70s cartoons with catchy songs!
When I lived in Mexico, I was taught as early as grade school that the US is a republic like Mexico.
Anyone care to explain why Americans thing they live in a democracy?
Not democracy, Republic.
Because illegals should have a say.
Bonus since most legal citizens are leaving cali then the other states would get more senators and cali less?
Progressive education.
Is his point he's a fucking retard or he's a fucking subversive?
he should stick to medicine
If foreigners could vote then we'd have wise democrat government
Dem's want to get rid of the electoral college EVERYTIME THEY LOSE! We're keeping the electoral college just like it is. DEAL WITH IT!
This is already happening, not WY but other red states. You see tech companies send branches to mid sized cities in red states that attract nothing but leftists. Texas, Idaho, NC, etc.
This idiot doesn't understand that there's NOTHING IN IT FOR WYOMING if it's just CA butfucking them with the big dick of government and passing laws like 'lol wyoming has to pay our electric bill'. The entire point was to give Wyoming some say, otherwise they'd just secede.
Get rekt uneducated mob rule loving nigger
Holy fuck deport all Asians now.
All European forms of government are tied to land ownership. We are not a democracy. Our government has never been or intended to be a democracy.
Look up the definition of “state” asshat. Sparsely populated states would have no encentive to remain in the union if they had no representation.
India has a state called Uttar Pradesh with a huge number of seats because of its population and area. The rhetoric is very UP centric , UP is a backward state and at the center of Hindu Muslim politics. Believe me you don't want population density to significantly affect seat allocation.
Actually, it is.
>a doctor wants a mob rule
Wow yeah the American political system is fucked.
He should just move back to whatever dog eating, landmine strewn, sex tourism hot spot he belongs in.
Imagine have to pay $60000000000000 dollar plus tax plus tip for the medical services of an illiterate nigger
Fed. 10
democracy, by which I mean a society consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person, can admit of no cure for the mischiefs of faction. A common passion or interest will, in almost every case, be felt by a majority of the whole; a communication and concert result from the form of government itself; and there is nothing to check the inducements to sacrifice the weaker party or an obnoxious individual. Hence it is that such democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths. Theoretic politicians, who have patronized this species of government, have erroneously supposed that by reducing mankind to a perfect equality in their political rights, they would, at the same time, be perfectly equalized and assimilated in their possessions, their opinions, and their passions.
>an actual MD tweeted this
>12k retards liked it
I’m not sure which is worse desu
The only way you demotards will see this changed is if you start a civil war over it. Again.
Personally, I welcome the challenge.
>Actually, it is.
WTF are you talking about Bong? If I misunderstand you, I apologize, but USA is a constitutional republic, not a democracy. It is democratic, in that we all have a voice, but not a democracy.
Pure/ direct Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what’s for dinner.
>mfw liberals are all of a sudden huge Jeffersonians
>mfw they'll immediately become Hamiltonians again next time they don't get their way