626 reporting.
California General
Now the homeless are spreading Typhus.
831 Master-region reporting.
there was a fire on monterey 2 miles from my home. when will fire season end bro
I'm not aware of any fire
reportingn in
Oy gevalt it's like anuddah shoah!
This is God's way of telling California that it's fucking gay.
Because the gaes would use it for lube.
415 here... somebody gas us please
626 awaiting cleansing
949 here, reporting
>hippyfag pnw
626 reporting
irvine here
310 area code reporting in.
Press 2 for Spanish
Eyy Lake Forest my niggia what up
LA reporting in. Send all the nukes my way. I will voluntarily take one for the team. And when I saw team I mean all of humanity
805 reporting in.
714 OC reporting
Orange County here
I'm cynical that things won't ever get better. The demographic shift is too much. This place is filled with trashy illegals and homeless meth addicts.
In the middle class there are lots of hot women. Getting sex is easy. I live a hedonistic lifestyle but want a wife and kids later. Slim options for that road. Women look good but none of them want children, they're feminists, women covered in tattoos.
I'm living the Californian dream of being on the beautiful coast, fucking hot women, having wealth, but I'm dying inside. I vacation Big Bear and just want to stay there on the edge of town. I play Far Cry 5 then daydream about living in the middle of nowhere in Montana. I have to get out.
2 for english fucking retard
Sorry cali fag, Montana is full so fuck off.
>hahah im really wealthy and fuck hot babes broo
>also i play vidya all day like a boi
how typical ..
916 here. I'm scared about the midterms bros.
We'll never have another republican governor again
Norcal is a shithole
I miss pho, and hot pot from SGV
Isnt that technically oregon
Eww simi valley
Why do you try to pawn off all your shit sports teams on LA?
Go back to mexico
707 here. Dude. Weed.
East 626. Hi bradders.
949 is orange county, most conservative county in the state
Fires aint doing it anymore, gotta which to disease to get that fed funding.
yea but thats california conservative its a bit like florida conservative. jeb and rubio are florida conservatives
whats the best way to phrase what a california conservative is? supports the molestation of children (catholic) and normalization of pedophilia but wants tax breaks for people who make more than $250k a year ?
Yosemite Area reporting in.
When the fuck is tourist season going to fucking end already?
Its fucking midtober and we are still busy as fuck reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
916 as well. Why is Sacramento significantly more /comfy/ than the bay area? I saw trump signs pretty often in 2016 and now even for 2020
I don't want to live in CA anymore. Please fucking nuke us. I'm begging.
Nope. Central Coast. I'm nowhere near Simi Valley.
661 Bakersfield reporting in.
949 conservative checking in
559 here
not anymore
Jefferson here.
Friendly reminder that 415 and all points south can fuck off.
Nuke Los Angeles. Please. I'm here and waiting. Do it for humanity. Fucking nuke us 20 times over. Please. Begging.
760 reporting in
>daily reminder that San Diego is based AF
I'm from Simi originally. I miss it desu
Lived there for six years. I agree, it is hell on earth and the world would literally be better in every way if it were nuked. I call it Hell-A
>Ever going to happen
Pick one.
Moving to Palmdale in January for a few years. What should I expect?
1. Make people show valid picture ID to vote.
2. Nuke LA and San Francisco ASAP.
3. Deport beaners.
4. Make it illegal to spread AIDS again.
5. Spartan kick Jerry Brown down an elevator shaft.
6. Nuke Hollywood (true, it's part of LA, but we've gotta make sure they are all toast. They're like cockroaches.
7. Kill yourself.
916 Sacramento fag reporting
Meth and Alcohol