Is this for real? Sorry, I hate this fucking faggot so fucking much
Is this for real? Sorry, I hate this fucking faggot so fucking much
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sounds like one of our guys set up a fake donation scheme
brb donating 10k
No. But he apparently did turn himself into the police, and he's been charged with assault.
He made a tweet yesterday that said he loves playgrounds because it's a great place to pick up girls because the parents leave them unattended.
I lost his twitter url or I would post it
Every time desu
8 counts of assault. They linked him to another assault in August where a pro lifer was hit by someone matching his description.
"i shouldn't have to live like this for standing up for my beliefs" and yet he kicked a women for doing just that peacefully. This guy deserves what he got. He's clearly an unstable, faggot, personality disordered, sjw, brainlet.
time to double down boys.
>Communist wants money
Of this were real it would be a function of the courts to seize all profits made from his crime.
The attempt to capitalise on it in such a callous manner should earn him the most severe punishment possible and since we are all sick of it after Clinton got allowed to brain people at will a riot should brake out if any lesser sentence is given and since assaulting and braining people is so inoffensive we should all do it.
I don't know he has decent meme potential
Obviously fake
I love this guy, he is like OUR Martain Screllie
No, I made that as a scam for gibs.
>wearing a kike necklace
sure why not
Cuck Norris, your average liberal satanist
>we jewz now
i would say this is an obvious troll but fuck who knows
we should all use paypal to give him 10 dollars then cancel the transaction and get our money back but his gofundme meter will rise and he will sob when he realizes we played the system
Hope he gets nothing, it's about time these faggots get some of what they want for others.
That’s a pentagram, not a star of david.
the only reason why Jow Forums hates him is because he is out there doing what most people here claim to do. dude is real life thot patrol i cracked up watching that video. unironically based.
and to think a nigger like this goes to the same classes I go
he is based
oh its real, and it isn't going very well. $10 in 11 days, with over 800 shares on faceberg
What is that lump?
hopefully he beats you up too.
trust me you don't want to know
i think it is his shoulder way to broken and out of socket
Street pole, kind that line sidewalks to keep cars from muhammading people.
Bash the Fash, Pay with Cash
he is literally a thot himself. He has taken 10,000 nigger loads in his Goatse'd butthole
Of course it isn't real. Christ, Argentinians are retarded
>bashed the fash so hard he needs his leftycuck socialist lifestyle to be crowdsourced out of fear for his life
is this unironically based?
Where is this? What happen?
For real? He assaulted a woman. People need to press charges. Lay the law down.
What is this faggot tree?
Nah, it's a pentagram, so he's either a satanist cuck or a 1,700-year-old wizard.
>posts this pic.
Caught up. It's easy to believe since these cucks will make up anything to get what they want.
He assaulted two woman!
That's fake but remarkably straight
too bad it is
a bollard, falls from a building and gets impaled.
It ticks all the boxes, but poe's law is still in effect I guess
He would be making more money if his Gofundme was for a new pair of cunt punting boots
LOL that's great
This pic has taken off lately.
A pole on Jow Forums. If only he was was Polish.
What’s his name again Jow Forums?
His name was Seth Rich.
he tried to decapitate himself under a trolley wheel but it just shattered his cervical spine and bounced his head out of the way
>opnly admitted to his crime
He's admitting he attacked an innocent person and 'bashed' her
he's going to jail when the judge sees this
Bike lock professor shows that it's not a certainty.
acceleration of the left accelerates the right in turn
Newton's 3rd law
He Sounds like a troll
The end of the post he's impaled on
Someone needs to make this a "I wonder who's behind this post".
wtf am I looking at
a suicide gone wrong, but eventually right
Pole Vaulting
Report it to gofundme and see if you can get it shoahed
Vroom vroom racewar Johnny, vroom vroom.
He fell out of a window and a post went up his butt.
He died. RIP.
ohhhh noooooooo
>wtf am I looking at
a guy deliberately trying to land arse-first on a metal pole. He succeeded, and died a happy, happy pervert.
Shkreli was OUR Shkreli you dumb nigger
>"i shouldn't be treated this way for defending my beliefs"
i don't get it.... aren't liberals the ones who hate the bible and freedom of speech?
>Satanic necklace
These assholes ruin everything.
his account was hijacked by a troll
We are leftists you dumb nigger, hes OUR guy.
..I read this and first thing I thought was, which one of you faggots did this?
Oh that's his fucking shadow. I thought the shadow was him moving incredibly fast horizontally. Like he had been thrown from a car or something.
On another note that shit must of hurt like a motherfucker.
Holy Kek for real?
Nice, just sent 100k
fuck that, just end his misery
nerve gas
>not knowing judaism and satanism are the same thing
>create shitty gofundme post
>get 10 dollars
guy probably spent 10 mins making that post sounds successful to me