
>cock carousel!
>open the borders!
>gender studies!
>birth control!
>high heels!

What do we do about womanchildren?

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They have an input and a output user

input money for best results.

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>high heels!

Nothing wrong with any of those things user. Now everything else....

gosh, literally all of those things sounds messy as fuck. would hose you down before processing

Of course those things are not inherently wrong, but it's when you're entire personality centers around a material object that everyone uses.

It's not that women wearing make up is wrong. It's when women act like putting on makeup is going against the grain and it somehow makes them special.

Says the canadian

There is something wrong with all of those things except dogs

Dogs is the only justifiable interest

Men can like dogs too

Men are held to a higher standard than women, they cannot be shamed by memes in the same way as basedboy manchildren.

The best thing to do is put the after effects of this lifestyle on display. Images of the old, husbandless and used up catmoms with brown children who never call them anymore or support them in their old age until they die alone. It triggers women who are still salvageable to think about their life choices a little more.

Also if one of the feminists talk about open borders, remind them that the women that come from other countries are thinner and make better wives then they would. You have to hit them on a genetic level

Women and men like dogs differently.

>thinks women ever think more than a child
Here's your redpill for the day.

Dogs that can defend a home, yes. Dogs that can be carried in a purse, no.

Also pitbulls, no. Women who own pitbull are the same kind of women who feel sorry for "opressed minorities" Pitbulls are literally niggers of the dog world

that's sexist and you're a bigot

Women love to get knotted by big dog cock

Have you ever been able to change a woman's mind through reasoning?

I dont really see the big deal of women liking girly things. Just went they treat others like shit and ruin things for everyone is when I draw the line.

Hating wine is litteraly hating European culture and rejecting a drink that used to be drank by the best mns of our proud race

There issomething wrong when it involves wkmen being s slut
Conservative women should not wear makeup or slutty clothing

Move them to Sweden

Based drunk poster

That’s the first time I’ve seen an eclaimation mark on Jow Forums

What would you say to a woman who says plenty of women with kids and husbands get sent to nursing homes so it's not more secure for old age?

Huehuehuehue input huehuehuehue

K that makes a lot of sense. In fact when a woman has too much makeup and looks like a drag queen its a turnoff. I prefer a much more natural look. The same goes with a woman dressed up like a street hooker.

This user speaks the truth. Women are overgrown children, and giving them the same rights as adults was a mistake.

shut your syrup hole you fukin leaf

kys paypig

>floor stains

pick three

Uh oh, a leaf hit a nerve. What's behind the meme flag, I wonder

>implying I always get the best result

princess you can have a taste too, back of the line

Dogs are used as a replacement for children to satisfy women’s nurturing instinct. The white birth rate would be much higher without dog moms.

Npcs cannot be woken up

cucks keep removing it!

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This won't catch on, it's fucking dumb as dirt.

autism. raw, unfiltered autism.

Date a girl with autism


'Course... leaf.

damn it feels good to be gay

>not children

Dafuq is that country???!!!

>polyamourous anarch relationships
>starbucks unicorn

statistically it happens more rarely or later in life

So many cunts on Tinder have dogs. It's like so bloody obvious they want children but have been brainwashed to not have them.

Sad as fuck.

Until she tries to stab you.

Traveling means cucking

It really is the age of women. Fucking no responsibilities, no repercussions, endless possibilites, protection from virtually everything. It's a great time to be a woman in western society and they still bitch and moan about how bad they have it.

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In England its


I'm english btw, Inb4 >fuck u Klaus

I was thinking. The more women abuse the system they have created the more men will become incels and have mental issues.

Average idiots won't be able to get laid. More rapists and assaults.

The reaction will continue to grow and it won't be pretty.

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we tell them that they're either doing to die single or end up marrying a bitch.

What dafuq are you?

>drinking alcohol

Whenever I see a girl on tinder who lists traveling and eating food (even if they are thin) as their hobbies it’s an immediate turn off. Same goes for anyone. Who DOESNT like traveling and good food? Do you have a personality outside of that, any talents or sense of style? Anything that shows you are capable of abstract thought?

just find a hot azn chick already
vid related are all my gfs, they're in a dance group:

>thinking most women give a fuck about veganism or animal welfare/rights

They'll say they're proud feminists while they drink milk, eat eggs, eat meat etc. They'll financially support calves being stripped from their mothers, take the milk from those calves, and believe they give a damn about motherhood and female issues. There is no greater example of cognitive dissonance.

copypaste from another thread

Id say sage but fuck it unironically, sexy OP wojak is sexy

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asians are monsters though.

You neglected to mention their massive debts, despite being wildly overpaid for their bureaucratic "careers".

I despise women that send their pooches to piss in the shower because they're too fucking lazy to take said pooch for a walk. It's like they buy a dog for companionship or as a status thing for show and tell, as attention whores will do, and then they quickly lose interest in the pooch and all but abandon it, driving the poor beast mad with neglect.

That sounds fucking horrible. God help you.

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stop appropriating our memes

Yeah and overall simply just the more bitter men and women will become towards one another. At the end of the day we all lose and (((they))) win.