Any advice?

May not be be the best board to post. But I can’t get over that my best friend died off Xanax, Percocet, codeine cough syrup, and alcohol about a year and a half ago.
>inb4 drug addict degenerate
>bro it’s the jews man
Fuck all of that, how do I cope with this shit. It’s almost beeen 2 years and heavy drinking seems to be the only thing that numbs my pain. This my childhood friend for fuck’s sake. What do I do?

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idk i guess you should do a lot of Xanax, Percocet, codeine cough syrup, and alcohol

Or maybe some heroin

Life is a long term game. Some people lose all their chips before others. It sucks man, but there are some people you are going to miss for the rest of your life. You just gotta sack up keep your chin up, your chest out, and handle it.

> What do I do?
Find some bro's who've lost good friends, it's probably more common than you think -(it's in the scorned women's playbook after all)

You won't get over it, been 6 since my best friend an-hero'd and it just stays with you. you can pretend to be over it all day, but the second you lay in bed alone at night your brain won't let you sleep (assuming you're not NPC)

Stop drinking get a hobby that involves other people. Being alone makes the shit worse. Stop being around people that use.

>Life is a long term game. Some people lose all their chips before others. It sucks man, but there are some people you are going to miss for the rest of your life. You just gotta sack up keep your chin up, your chest out, and handle it.

Also this. Drinking doesn't help. Especially if you're doing it by yourself.

What's it like to have a best friend?

were you 2 intimate? get over it already

Numbing out with downers yourself sure as fuck isn't going to let you think this through. Stop this immediately.

drug addict degenerate

Stop drinking. That's really the problem. Use your time to improve your life everyday. Even if it's healthier eating routines. Wash your penis and get your shit together user, you don't get this back.

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i'm sorry to hear that user
here's a {{{{{{HUGGG}}}}}}

I just realized my codependency issues may have started from before I was born. Apparently, my mom likes to get high on depressants at least once a week and act foolishly. This is probably the reason why my Dad left her. Anyways, she thinks it's okay to get high around me and do things together like go to the beach and go shopping. I'm on to her, and make the time for as unpleasant as possible - knowing full well how an addict likes to integrate their addiction with routine life.

Advice for you is to start living clean. Also, evaluate all of your friends. I can't change my mother, so I have to learn to work with her in a way where I can state truth in a loving but firm way. Be accountable to yourself, and push for healthy actions in everything.

Send him this.

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Oh wait.

smoke a little spliff before you get to bed, it will help you's way easier to ditch weed than the rest of the shit you mentioned.

>>and alcohol
Mixing anything with alcohol is deadly

Try Kratom user, it will change your life, it will at least get you off the alcohol.

>wahhhh my friend died I cant go on
fuck off you complete faggot, pol isnt your hugbox.

You too will die. You are no less loved depending on the date. His came. Be happy you loved each other.