Korea is a NPC country. 90% of Koreans are NPCs.
I want to escape from this NPC Dystopia shithole.
Korea is a NPC country. 90% of Koreans are NPCs.
I want to escape from this NPC Dystopia shithole.
Koreans all circumcize their tiny dicks BECAUSE AMERICAN SOLDIERS TOLD THEM IT'S GOOD (the practice didn't exist before 1945 and clashes with confucianist tradition), can you believe that shit?
What... the... fuck!
God hates Asians.
idk there's atleast one pretty based korean
How did asians see before white man gave them thick glasses to wear?
Thousands of years ago, were they all blind? Or did they go blind at 20 and then killed? Howd they evolve with weak defective eyes
>gasp uniformity
Nice cherry picked photo of Korean males going into the military, you false flagging proxy kikerat
OP, how common is private tuition in SK? Aren’t most students going 5 days a week from grade school to high school? I can imagine that would help with the NPC problem
This place is literally like living in an insect hive except with good food
Korea actually protests against rapefugees, rather than welcoming them with open arms like europeans. Who are the real NPCs?
cloned gooks
At least you guys managed to oust and jail that daughter of the mass murderer that was your president. Be proud!
It's when I look at photos like OP's that I truly believe white people are the true masters of this world and the only actual humans on this planet.
Move to Best Korea where everyone is MVP
Like this?
See the guy in the center in the bottom pic? He has his chin up and is he saluting properly out of respect. He is your Korean version of me, a pussy slayer. Hang out with him and learn.
Kill. Urself.
They evolved slant eyes because you got the death penalty for even looking at the emperor. Evolving slant eyes allowed the Asians to be safe as long as they looked into the ground. Plus if you were found out you could still get away if you managed to escape since nobody knows who did it if everyone looks the same
Cultivate meditation skills. Tell others to do the same.
NPCs can be CURED!
I genuinely would if I wasn’t almost out of here
It is NPC to create fake news
This. They aren't actually soulless but they have been cut off from their soul and are effectively dead spiritually.
You're just going along with the program really. The Jews want you to do that so they all end up in White countries. Would be more radical if you protested for rapefugees in your case
Id say Koreans are less NPC than the Chinese.
You are correct in that assessment except not whites but is Ashkenazis are the true masters on this planet.
Wh*te subhumans and their goyim brothers are all NPCs.
Name one white invention that wasn’t filled with Jewish intellect? Physics? Computing? Biology?
Protip: you can’t. Europe is only prosperous because Ashkenazim chose to settle there and made it better for the whitoid goyim.
Whites, Asians, Indians, Blacks are all NPCs. The only humans are the G-d’s chosen people.
Goyim BTFO
891 Nobel Prizes have been awarded, out of which 202 of them are Jewish. Despite being 0.2% of the global population, they make 22.5% of the Nobel laureates.
Jews are also 10 IQ points above whites, hence having a tendency of being much more gifted.
It's really interesting how neo-Nazis and alt-righters cope by the claiming everything is rigged by "da jooz", while criticizing the Negro for claiming the same against "da wh*Tey". They like to take think that "White privilege" does not exist but quickly start mentioning "Jewish privilege" just because Jews are much more successful.
They also mention how whites have contributed much more than any other race, except no. In proportion, Jews have contributed much more to the world that whites have. Let's take a look:
1) Albert Einstein - The most famous Jew, Relativity, Photo-electric effect.
2) Niels Bohr - The one who came up with the Bohr's model of the atom
3) Max Born - The quantum physicist who came up with the Born interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
4) Richard Feynman - Another big name. The pioneer of Quantumelectrodynamics.
5) Robert Oppenheimer - "The father of the atomic bomb" which not only won US the war, but opened a gateway to harnessing nuclear energy itself.
6) John Von Neumann - The father of the Von-Neumann architecture with many contributions to physics, computer science, mathematics and other related subjects.
Jow Forums niggers would selectively deny the Jewish contribution to science.
Jews have been excommunicated out of Europe so many times, yet you guys come here and cry about "anti-white" discrimination because an SJW Tumblrina said something bad about "wypipo", the only ones actually reading her tweets being absolute nu-males.
Success breeds jealousy. Thank you Jews for BTFOing whites and giving us good technology!
Asians are NPCs, yes.
Horribly misprogrammed npcs
Someone has to buffer those dog-eating chins.
Get back to your post.
theyre conscripts
Jews are not smarter than whites. The study you are referring to was conducted under very limiting and selective terms. IE: private schools, etc.
Jews as a whole are actually dumber than whites.
There is your daily dose of truth. Don't believe me? Vox Day did the math. Look it up.
Their eyes can poke out and zoom in
Secondly, naming a few Jews is a retarded argument. The Greeks and Romans laid most of our philosophical, mathematical, architectural developments. You are only focusing on the past ~100 years. Dumb.
I think you should sell glasses in south korea, seem to be quite the need there
The food is generally shit tier and the Korean people all hate their own society for the way it is. Korean men use escapism just like any other population of men right now. Korean women are desperate. I enjoy it here but I also see it realistically.
tough luck Toyo, most people on this world are dumb useless automatons and chances are good that you are one too and its just your script that got a little bit derailed and now you think you have personality.
Any time i feel some yellow fever flaring up i just think of this fucking pan head
What are the main problems in your culture today? How can it be fixed if possible?
Fascism and all other forms of collectivism are pure NPC bait
>doesn't think to use a gook name in his dialogue
>believes he's not an NPC
lol get a load of this faggot
where were you when you realised all Jews are NPC?
the physics jews thing is horseshit, their physical model is shit and was invented just to justify that jews were more than stupid uncreative scheming inbreds. it took 100 years of subversion and lying and media programming to get that idea into the popular consciousness and a cursory glance at Einstein's reputation and propensity for plagiarism to prove that jews didn't improve science at all, they only did what they always do: create an impermeable nonsensical dialectic in the field which discouraged truth loving people from pursuing it. now everyone just quotes Godel (jew lover) and Einstein and thinks that makes them smart but actually just proves they are NPCs seeking intellectual prestige by any means necessary. unsurprising, given they get their cultural cues from jews, who are all NPC
>burger blablabla
skip dialogue
>Marxism and Neo-Marxism create NPCs.
>This is why the left hates this meme.