Now this is what elementary school kids need to learn

Now this is what elementary school kids need to learn.

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I agree.

that teacher touched my pee pee without my consent


Are you gay?

Is anyone already working on getting her fired for sexualizing children?
Absolutely disgusting.
>Kavanaugh Hearing Inspires
If this was really inspired by the Kavanaugh hearing she would be teaching the kids how to protect yourself from psychotic frauds making fake sex assault claims for political and financial gain.

link since OP is a unrepentant homosexual

What the fuck happened to all these chinks that made them so liberal?
I fucking hate niggers and liberals
t. chink

But, children can't give consent.

no, I just don't like pan faced gooks

American Asians are some of the biggest SJWs around

i see nothing wrong with this explicitly. pretty innocent and informative for littler brains desu fampai. still, the principle seems fucky enough to be eyeballing the libshit teacher though.

they secretly crave white peepees

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it's because they're smart enough to see that they can leverage this shit to their advantage even though they're already doing fine

Absolutely unironically nothing wrong with this. All the shit going on in our school systems and this is what pisses you off?

You're a literal, actual dumb fuck


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All Jews have to be targeted for elimination.


Understandable, at least you aren't a faggot

Why does this piss you off? Sounds like something that might help a kid not get raped by some liberal Catholic priest.

firing isnt enough, she should be boiled in lye

These faggots are acting like this hasn't been part of the normal teaching curriculum for decades now. The headline is clickbait, and obviously effective clickbait.

they're second generation. they never had to work hard because their parents did. they don't understand hardwork.

in short, they're 香蕉人

To some women, yes means no & no means yes. Look good on paper but it doesn't work in the real world.

Women are irrational & shouldn't be trusted

I'm sure this chink bitch has asked permission from the man every time she's done something with him...

>in short, they're 香蕉人
get out!

don't really want to go to the west anyway. its full of niggers and jews

that hirohito looking monkey motherfucker won't have to worry about any of that

>When do we need to ask for consent?
>Touching another person
So, can I cry rape when somebody taps me on the shoulder without my express permission? Eg the teacher wants to guide me in some way and touches me.

Good, then we are allies.

This desu. Did you fags even read what was written?

This is why women shouldnt be allowed to do anything. Makes you think about the virtues of Islam desu

>consent now
>regret later
fucking sharia law will shut those bitches

Based. Just stay in Hong Kong if you have any kind of job because I promise you, the West isn't some magical land of opportunity. Western countries are more cucked every year. My country, for example, had a vote about gay marriage and the majority said they were fine with it. So, I don't think anywhere is safe anymore.

This is mostly true. I am second gen Chinese. Mom is from HK also. All the asians I know, living in the Bay Area, are submissive to SJW ideas. Mostly for virtue points and to fit in with the lefty crowd here. It's the older generation that is more red-pilled. It must infuriate them so much to see their progeny revert back to the communist ideas that their parents fled.

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I read
>Kavanuagh hearing inspired
Nigger this some passive agressive cunt shit. Women gets her panties twisted over politics and thinks up a new lesson for the class.
Women shouldnt be allowed to teach.

You are so brave. This is powerful.

They are trying to freate a society in which maximizes the alienation of the sexes

Chinks don't work hard, they just work long! It takes them an hour to do a 30 min job, and they'll still do it badly.

Agreed fucking faggots on this board jumping to conclusions this is all very sweet and very above board. It's not like she's talking about blow job etiquette.

Are you retarded?

You don't need to teach consent, just like you don't need to tell children that raping people is wrong. They already know that, you stupid fuck.

This is just a twisted way to humiliate the male children in her classroom painting them as potential rapists


Asian women are the WORST

>suicidal-tier herd mentality
>small tits
>crushing insecurity because of small tits
>inteligent enough to learn the buzzwords
>but not enough to realize they are being controled
>spatially retarded
>zero empathy for anyone (especially not men)
>top it off with the most irritating and unfounded smug arrogance possible

Yeah and Muslims don't work at all.

People who sexualize children deserve to get their intestines cut out and then hung, like this teacher.

This guy gets it

Muslims are shit tier people, and they know they are, that's why they're angry all the time!

>Whoa there we told you weould never go after your kids
>Goes after kids

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When I was in elementary school, we had what was essentially a preface to sex ed. We didn't learn anything about sex, but more the emotional component to relationships. A large portion of it was dedicated to teaching young girls not to be cunts. For example, intentionally making another boy jealous. I doubt they would ever teach that in this day in age.

This is where the cultural weakness of conformism, partiality to academia and adherence to strong central authority really cucks Asians.

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>top it off with the most irritating and unfounded smug arrogance possible
as an Asian mutt, this is quality about Asians fucking triggers me. Their arrogance makes me hate them so fucking much.

Nothing wrong with that

What if...
* someone consents but later changes her mind and tells everyone she didn't consent?
* someone consents but then tells everyone she didn't consent because that was the intent all along?
* he does not consent, but she tells everyone something happened and she didn't consent eventhough nothing happened?
* both consent but he stabs the whore afterwards because you can never be sure?

It's just South east asians and mostly the women. Koreans and Japanese are mostly redpilled and most Chinese men are redpilled.


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>you're in the middle of a hug, and the person changes their mind?

Those are hyphenated Asians.

Usually 1st gen Asians don't give a fuck.

really increases the likelihood of being liberal

There's nothing wrong with teaching kids to respect other people's boundaries. Her examples were about hugging and borrowing things. Nothing on her board is about rape or anything explicitly sexual. Why are you complaining?

I wish more parents taught kids about this. I've had friends with children that would pull and climb all over adults without so much as a scolding from the parents.

That woman shoved an ear of corn up my ass without permission. I don't remember when but I believe it happened in Iowa.

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>I don't feel like it right now

And they wonder why incels and man avoiding physical contact is a thing. Thats why they want to make men asexual amoebas.

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We didn't have to be taught every nit-picky thing when I attended K-12. We were allowed to learn some things through "experience".

I feel for today's kids being marshaled through what are essentially gulags.

I get it. The Kavanaugh trials were stupid. She was inspired to teach kids about consent because of things going on tv.

If she ranted to her students about rape and made all the male students apologize to all the girls and cried about Republicans or something, then I'd agree this has no place in a classroom.

She didn't. She just gave a lesson on good manners and respecting your friend's choices. There's nothing wrong with reinforcing these ideals of a polite and functional society.

Kids then weren't exposed to the mass amount of shit that they are now. REALLY young kids now have been exposed to porn, sites like this, anything you can imagine... through the internet and video game chat.

children can't give consent to an adult. They can have sex with each other legally.


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>She just gave a lesson on good manners and respecting your friend's choices. There's nothing wrong with reinforcing these ideals of a polite and functional society.
So much THIS... until she went and virtue signalled about it on social media.

What does consent look like?

Westernized Asian women are almost as bad as white women.

it's literally not possible for a child to give consent as parts of the brain that deal with that aren't developed yet.

You're slipping Jow Forums
Also 99% of Koreans in USA are liberal. Accept it they fell for (((their)))) tricks easy. They are the weakest of the asians
Like the orcs in lotr Koreans were elves once

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T H I S it’s amazing how a group of people more successful statistically than whites can jump on the oppression and white hating bandwagon and get away with it.

It's obviously because she's an anarcho-capitalist and wants to have a "but the child consented" defence.

If that's what she did then that's dumb, but her doing her job of teaching children to act like civilized beings in itself isn't something to backlash against. I hate that politics is polarizing every aspect of our lives. Just because it has Kavanaugh in the title everyone is prepared to just jump all over it without even giving it proper thought about whether it's bad or not. Kavanaugh himself would probably approve of the contents of this lesson, because he himself is a decent human being with children and probably taught his kids these same rules. Children don't all come popping out of the vagina knowing right from wrong, they needed to be guided by the adults in their lives.

I was a witness to this. I'm not sure what OP looks like, or when it happened. But I think it may have been during the 2016 election and he might have been wearing a MAGA hat.

Fucking leafs, man. It's like you WANT to get raked.

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Nothing wrong with that chart

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the earlier you teach kids about sex and consent, the easier it is for adults to manipulate them. this is literally enabling pedoshit, from hrt in children to this, doesn't it seem suspicious?
who is actually looking out for these kids?

>giving hugs requires consent

That's prohibiting children from spontaneous acts of affection. That guarantees our extinction.

Isn't she a well known tranny rapist?

if this is what she's teaching, then this is weird as shit
because this is what we've always been taught, this is what i was taught
this looks like bait and switch
this is so weird,- everyone is taught this, and now they are representing it as something revolutionary - why? to change it?
look how self satisfied she looks, so weird
what's their game? they're trying to sell what we've always been taught, ps and qs, asking, respecting, as something more.

>left wants to ban spontaneous acts of affection
>rightists think child self expression is sexualisation and enablement of pedophilic acts.

Kids just don't seem to have anyone on their side.

>implying that introducing a concept like consent for hugs is wrong because of "spontaneous acts of affection" and not because it makes it easier to manipulate children and when combined with the push to shove sex in our faces via pop culture and social media and teaching children about sexuality could even make them think that they want or gave consent to sexual activity
yeah, because child self-expression is getting a fucking sex change at the ripe old age of 8.

Don't blame the Asian girl. Blame the White man she's standing next to.

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I've seen this exact same post before, I'm sure of it.

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No. I'm always very original all the time.

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Hey, I posted that pic earlier.

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Open a federal court case! I dont care if there's no evidence! Recall the laughter! And the stairs! And the rape!

Consent chant?

If I say that it's okay but change my mind another day Youll get locked up and ill get paid cuz my regret means your court day.


Now I just think you're stalking me.

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>my teacher and her friend took me to a room upstairs
>she pushed me on the bed and put her hand over my mouth
>after that she started trying to forcibly take my clothes off
>thankfully I was wearing a swim suit at the time so she gave up
>I quickly ran into the bathroom and locked the door
>her and her friend could be heard laughing as they were going back downstairs

>...teaching children about sexuality could even make them think that they want or gave consent to sexual activity

No friend of children on either side of the aisle.


>how come chinks ching when they chang, but when they chong when they ching?

Especially women should learn this, so they don't scream rape after having regrets they gave consent.