Where to buy authentic maga hat?

Hey guys where do I buy an authentic maga hat? None of that knock-off, 'made in China' headwear.

Also if I wear it around NYC, will I die?

Attached: maga.png (1859x867, 1.75M)

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from your local trailer park dumpster, cletus.

you missed your chance like 2 years ago lol


I like this one :)

Attached: 2 hats.png (163x172, 44K)

The official Trump site, moron.

T. Owns genuine pre-election red MAGA hat that my American cousins mailed to me

It would be extemely painful

>be me
>visit NYC
>visit the Trump Tower and had lunch there
>did not but MAGA hat

My biggest regret of recent years.
Man how dumb can I be? I will regret this forever.

Up your mother's cunt


If you can fight and like to fight, it's actually fun. Just don't do on a friday since you won't be able to make bail until mon or tues if they pop you. Do it on a mon or tues.

You need someone to send You this if you’re not from US. They can’t take money for political campaigns outside of US.

Form aliexpress.com

Buy them from the stands run bly Blacks and their actually made in VIETNAM.

OP btfo.

Thanks. It's uhh... $25 though. Does anyone here have a discount code?

donald trump website ya newfag

>Doesn't want cheap chinese knock-off
>Complains about paying $25
do you even want to MAGA bro?

It's basically a donation to make america great again. That's why it's expensive. Buy it and help the president.

Attached: 1537725974441.jpg (850x958, 164K)

Yes its: 4chanN3wf6g

Alright, alright. I'm just cheap is all. Thanks.

I paid $35 for mine right when they where new. I got the camo hat. I live in portland Or. I can't wear it out

Just bought it. I also got texts asking if I want to receive important text messages about republicans. I'm gonna have to say no to that, though. I'm not a political person, but I voted for the first time in my life two years ago, and the person I voted for actually won.
Going to college the next day was glorious, I saw America was greater already. All the passive aggressive liberals were all screaming and crying, and I was the only person who had a smile on my face in that building on that day.

Paid $30 for mine and I live in NYC. Definitely can't wear mine out, but think about it -- this man traveled all over the country to gather together the real America, and do our country good. The least I can do as a thank-you is to have a hat.

Attached: maga2.png (481x283, 15K)

Don’t feel bad, they wouldn’t have let you anyway.

>be me
>visit NY in the spring
>go to trump tower and buy a 100% legit maga hat (there are even vendors inside trump tower selling bogus ones!)
Are you a United States citizen? ID please.
>the man at the counter explains proceeds from maga hat sales go toward 2020 campaign and as such, no foreign money allowed.
Oh, cool. Here’s my id.
>mfw they hand it to me in an unmarked black bag and let me know if I wear it out in the street, some dumbass lib is liable to affront me
>I just went back to my suite in trump hotel and enjoyed it later