Why is everyone so depressed these days?

Why is everyone so depressed these days?

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Lack of motion and a side of enlightenment.

I have 0 sources, but I'm going to blame widespread obesity in the developed world.

Looking at fat people makes me sad.

Weak education and a lack of a paternal figure.

nothing to wonder about or strive for
everything is controlled condensed packaged and sold

because we need to stop this fantasy clown jew world that keeps spreading like a tumor and live a real world of iron will

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Technology is the primary culprit, I would say. Particularly social media. The mental health push where they turn everybody into a victim and try to "destigmatize it" isn't helping things, either.

It's the internet. It has created a kind of new social culture humans have never ever have seen before.
Everyone has an echo chamber of similar opinions now and that's why world seems hopeless, broken, and fucked up from the point of view of that echo chamber.
That's one of many reasons of the polarization too.

It won't stop to be honest. Liberals will never accept someone like Trump. Alt-rights will never accept someone like Obama.

The only solution is radical change of how civilization is organized and that's pretty much impossible for many reasons.
Something like dissolution of nation-states and creation of ideological city-states might help, but literally no-one will accept that at this moment in history.

makes me sad man
I don't think I'll ever find a reasonable woman to raise a family with
everything is turbokiked and sickening

>lack of purpose.
Life is hell without NatSoc.
The Göbbels just knew it, so they killed themself.

usury and inflation
political correctness
overcrowded multicult city hellscapes
Globalist Pharasees machine in overdrive.

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Because fallout 76 isn’t out yet

Lack of control, real or perceived.

Drinking from plastic bottles, masturbation, degeneration of society.

Hitler lost.


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The key to happiness is healthy relationships.

I had a well paying, but isolated job and it wasn't until I left it and was by myself (just without pay) that I realized how miserable I was. My first real conversation in 9 months felt incredible, I was talking about mundane shit and I felt like my brain was being filled up.

Affirm relationships with your friends and find purpose, not an easy task so sorry for those finding theirs.


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life sucks, the most depraved people hold the money and power and they slam their millions upon millions of low iq useful idiots into us wearing us out and then they come in and deliver the killing blow. Also the culture is garbage.

>too much fake news.

it's the best pepe meme I've ever seen
the static 90s tv filter
the 2 apu personalities
papa and mama pepe
life was so much better back then, going to the video rental store
christmas, games, a happy white society without being attack literally everyday
pre 9-11, nintendo 64

The internet. 90% of people are now shutins. That used to be exclusive to magic the gathering type people - and even they got together face to face to play.

I have to scam in order to live decently in this shithole and travel the world
No love in my life, no twink bf to love me
No future prospects, I don't know what I'm gonna do if my savings run out and scamming doesn't work anymore
But the hardest pressing one is the lack of love, I have nobody, no love, no affection, even though I desperately long for it

What about those for who NatSoc is hell?
How to create a world in which both liberals and nazis would be happy?

really would appreciate it if you would stop making me cry thanks

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We create our own thing and let the libs figure out their own s*** elsewhere

The Jews

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No one's depressed, it's just yourself and your perception because deep down inside you wished everyone else is just as miserable as you.

Because we are marked for extinction.

Dude stop

We will translate our sorrow into hatred

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I'm sorry
It got me upset too

i am incapable of enjoying my own successes and I am also incapable of forgetting about my failures or forgiving myself for them. i dont know where this terrible attitude came from and i dont know how I will get rid of it in the future, but i need to change my approach to life because i get more desperate and hemmed in by my own ludicrously high standards every day, and drink heavily to cope with my strong feelings of failure


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Why are we here, just to suffer?
In a world devoid of meanings, common sense, rational discourse, and smart womyns, (You) just have to ask:
Did We Brought This Upon Ourselves, For Having Been Too Comfy And Doing Nothing About It SOONER?

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its just u buddy

really sad americans consider going to some hovel buying overpriced goods entertainment. pig consumerism at its finest

wh*Tes are mentally weak, its a good thing.

Troll post, 3/10 try harder.

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Fuck i'm sangry

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Too many people in this world to make an impact too many people to live a simple life too many people too many problems. Modern society is an illusion that can dissipate at any moment and turn everything into a living fucking hell. Nothing you do will ever have a lasting fucking impact reason for that is because there will always be a replacement for you. Everything is fucked. Just bring the end times already i'm so tired of everything. I just want peace in death.

no new frontiers to conquer, climbing mount Everest is barely an achievement anymore, porn on demand, sex has very little value, drug use, leftists want to destroy every nation state and create a globohomo. Religion is debunked and nothing has replaced it. Mental illness has been normalized, merit has been both undermined and undervalued, university degrees are worthless, govt+tech giants spy on you and collect huge amounts of data to feed into AIs to predict every human habit from brushing your teeth and jacking off, massive rape gangs going unpunished, terrorists going unpunished (Canada even gave one money), there is a disconnect from the local-minded workers and the elites wanting globalhomo (globalist government) and the importation of foreign people and cultures at a rate never seen before in history and if people complain are openly attacked or even sent to prison(UK). European history including the enlightenment principles are under attack instead of celebrated and reinforced. White men are demonized (including young boys), children are brainwashed into far-left doctrine, classical painting are taken off the walls (Waterhouse), modern art is Banksy shreds artwork junk, politics is a meme, ze Jews a massive minority massively over-represented in every facet of power across the west. Globalists have enabled massive third world pollution, WTO facilitated a hostile Chinese rise to power to the point of being able to overtake America (economically). Far left political activists invading every space and infecting it with their brand of misery (Video games, metal, linux). A world wide turn to conservative traditionalism and free speech liberalism has been met with censorship(big tech) and violence(antifa, left-wing activists).

I don't know what you're talking about, buddy.

The apparently undeniable fact that there is no God it's all lost we should abandon all hope because it's all for naught and The Void will take us all.

Deconstruction of old constructs has happened and no worthy alternative was proposed or found. Therefore the void followed.
From a biological standpoint, everything is fine though. The weak, the depressed, shall perish, those strong enough will live on...for a while. Because ultimately, the entire physical universe shall perish.

Just call it The Fucking Void, faggot. Save us all some time.

Because why not?
The only ones not depressed are outgoing young with some money that are living rather than experiencing life.
Once they stop and think depression will soon set in.

polluted environment, unhealthy or lack of human interaction/relationships, globalisation, and most of all, low iq mass population. in this modern globalised world you dont feel like you belong anywhere, well especially white people since its happening right in their homes. all this brings is a sense of purposeless, unfulfillment and mental burden. the only way to circumvent this is to somehow keep your mind pacified to keep out any suicidal thoughts. we've got so far yet it's all going to shit but im still incredibly grateful to be as lucky as i am, but still it's all being pissed away and it's painful to see.

Unless The Apocalypse happens and those of us who are righteous gain eternal life in Heaven. Fingers crossed.

Where's the ethnic food shops?

>Why is everyone so depressed these days?
jew psyops

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And motherfuckers wonder why some of us decide not to have kids.

Maybe existence was a fucking mistake, ever thought of that.

It's impossible to create a world where everyone is happy. Different tribes want different things. Instead of trying to make everyone tolerate everyone, let people segregate themselves like they did through eons.


Everything seems both within reach and impossible to get at the same time.
Pornography lets you see any kind of woman doing any kind of stuff. And then you turn off your computer, go out and it turns out neither relationships nor sex work that way.
The incredibly well developed and engineered media show you what's just about real enough to make you feel guilty for not having it in your own life. TV shows and movies present a vision of the world that is believable but at the same time lacks almost any of the millions of shades of grey between the black and white that they show.

>You can say whatever you want, bro! We want to listen!
>but if you say something about these people we will FUCK YOU UP

In our times nothing is permanent. You can have a job and the not have it, not just because of poor performance but because you said something inappriopriate on the internet. You can have a wife and then poof! she's gone, along with the kids. And you better be grateful she doesn't say you touched the kids or beat/raped her.

Americans are also fucked with their healthcare system which a lot of them are actually proud of. They would rather somebody died than paid for them with tax money. Schools are ok, roads are ok, the asphalt in the streets is ok. Anybody can use those. But healthcare? No, that's communism.

Everything is at our fingertips through the internet. Very few things seem fresh and exciting because you think you know about everything already and if not it's just a google search away. No mystery, no wonder or awe.
God is dead for most people and thus no guiding light in religion. Spirituality is too esoteric while religion is archaic. The answers science gives to life are still unsatisfactory and provide no meaning. We still think of the universe as newtonian billiard balls and ourselves as flukes.
We are removed from the lifestyle we evolved to live in, sedentary instead of nomadic. We stay inside instead of outside, thus lacking Vitamin D, we work or party or play games through the night, fucking our circadian rhythm.
Lack of belonging, by rampant individualism, dissolution of the nuclear family, rising egoism for the sake of furthering one's own perceived success.
Knowing of all the problems in the world through news and internet, but being unable to do anything about it.
Higher education, and so more people can think individually making them more susceptible to spiral into a web of dark thoughts.

I could go on. We are in a period of nihilism. Mankind is moving beyond dogma and organised religion. What we lose now cripples us, but it is a necessary step to further mankind as a whole and to move to true knowledge of God and the universe, realizing the nature of existence. That all is one.

Dude, fuck all that noise. What happens in the end? it all fucking dies, doesn't it? so why wouldn't you be fundamentally depressed? i'm only sticking around for a couple of reasons.

1) My life is bearable and can be even fun at times, especially if i'm intoxicated or distracted.

2) I don't know for sure what happens after i die, i'm pretty sure death isn't the end though.

3) I don't know for sure what happens a trillion billion years from now, maybe it doesn't all just die.

On the real though, i'm expecting The literal fucking Apocalypse from The Bible to happen. Like, i'm not even kidding.

But yeah, sure, Obamacare sucks. Whatever.

That's such utter horseshit, "all is one"? what the fuck does that even mean? expect us to go extinct soon, faggot.

Because people haven't realized the dichotomy between their emotions and the material, objective world.
There is nothing to be depressed about, and there never was. Jesus died for many purposes, this being one of them.

I'm not. Life is interesting and exciting!

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Technology is being used by niggers, jews and women to try and compete with white men. The problem is they can't actually do any work themselves so they intend to take what we heve and redistribute it amongst themselves while calling it (((justice)))

I'm legit weeping.
the rainbow balloons, but it wasn't gay.
My God, it's Gone.
It's all Gone.

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Yeah I guess out of those 3 billion people that own computers, they're all Niggers, Jews and Women right?

It's really not bro. This days i only find evil entertaining and as it turns out, can't do that or you'll go to Hell. Maybe it's just aliens fucking with me.

Dude, it's all bullshit. Like what the fuck.

It was gay user, it was gay.

Geddit? cause back then it meant happy.

Thats my secret Captain, i'm always depressed

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But one just has to look around and they will see how beautiful the world is even with all its flaws.

Right, I forgot to say that the greatest obstacle would be that mankind goes extinct before that due to overpopulation and lack of resources.
And don't worry I don't expect many here to understand what I mean.

i've been through a lot in my life, about to turn 33 next year and don't have anything to show for it. i've been all around the world, seen and done incredible things, and i think i would be at peace if i were to die tomorrow. i don't see things as getting better, we're living in an increasingly unsustainable world that's on the edge of uncertainty. the best i can do is wake up every day, make the most of it and try and save for whatever the future holds. the more i go on, the more i feel the wind lessening underneath my sails though, and i know it's only a matter of time before i get too tired to put up a fight anymore. i suppose there's no sense of wonder anymore. we all know the inevitable crash is coming.

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Final part of a collapsing civilisation is beset with pessimism.

Read Glubb.

That's horseshit, the grass is never greener on the other side.

Anyone who is not depressed is weird.

Because shit like disney filled our heads as kids with stuff like "You'll always succed yay" or "You're special

That's because you're a dumb goy, Ivan. I both pity and envy you at the same time.

>But yeah, sure, Obamacare sucks. Whatever.

The point of my post wasn't american healthcare, user. The way american healthcare works, I believe, makes it much more probable for americans to be depressed since you never know when you can be crippled financially by something that's a non-issue almost anywhere else in the world and Americans somehow seem to be ok with it.

Because I can't find a group of white friends to hate gays, kikes, niggas, etc, with.

Poor diets filled with carbs causing unstable emotions

>Why is everyone so depressed these days?
In 1987 Eli Lilly introduced Prozac, by 1988 mainstream media was touting it as a "happy pill" then the nineties were spent trying to brainwash people into believing seeing shrinks and taking pills that cause suicidal ideation for depression is a good idea. Now you have a plethora of them, lexpro zoloft wellbutrin trazadone cymbalta literally a fuckton of them so many in fact no one should ever be sad again, and if you take them as prescribed they will fuck your head up and they will mimic the symptoms they are supposed to be treating.

You're a fucking retard, we're like dumb animals and there is like a God tha made us and we have to do what He says otherwise he will punish us with eternal torment. He's like a dictator and shit, a benevolent one but you can't be evil and shit, you don't have the freedom to do that.

It's all very unfortunate, he does what he can. I don't want to be fucking evil and hurt Jesus's feelings but i just don't know what to do, i'm going fucking crazy over here. If only death was the end, fucker won't even let me die. God is a fucking narcissist, there i said it.

Those are the ones using it for evil, yes.

The fucking Void will take us all. It's all dark. Pain and sadness are the only things that are real. That and power.

social media and video games.

>Why is everyone so depressed these days?
Because the Jews won. Instead of glorifying our own culture and heritage we're forced into thinking that Nigger mud huts are equal to the Notre Dame. We're forced into thinking that thew Jews didn't ever do anything wrong, it was just a coincidence that they were expelled from thousands of different places over 2000 years. It is just a coincidence that the head of the American degeneracy propagating machine is all Jews.

We're forced to sit in silence as our fellow Europeans become decadent, unloyal and selfish subhumans. Because the Jews told them that's they way they ought to be. Why wouldn't we be depressed? In under a span of a single generation we're witnessing the complete destruction of over 3000 years of work, our entire civilization is being destroyed by Satan worshiping victims.

I believe in evil, i don't really believe in good but i believe in pure fucking raw evil. I also believe in Hell. I guess i beleive in God.

hopefully sooner, rather than later. i would like some peace, i'm so, so tired.

But next to the prospect of your unavoidable death, all the problems like "jews are jewing again" or "my country is shit" or "I don't have a gf" just don't mean half a shit. Being depressed about virtually anything is like staying in some guy's house in a distant town for one night and being seriously upset because he has a vomit green color wallpaper. We both will die soon and none of it is going to matter anymore, Jorge friend.

Fuck off larper.

Those are all temporary problems that can be solved, if you're convinced existence itself was a mistake and death isn't the end and you're basically God's bitch for the rest of forever, then what?

Bullshit, if you could live in your ideal world you would. I have a problem with any variation of anything, existence itself. Sucks being a Semite and a spiritual Jew/Antichrist, lemme tell ya.

Why am I the first person to post this.. when your basic needs like food and safety are taken care of you start contemplating your existence and striving for higher things on Maslow's pyramid so you get depressed. Africans aren't depressed they have other shit to worry about. You guys always look at everything thru a lense of far right politics and that's it

There is such a thing as good, it's the ideal. If you have a strong moral lens you can both project your own behaviours through it and interpret the outside world through it. With practice it becomes help, even if it comes off naive sometimes. The mental health benefits are worth it.

social atomisation

Look at this Cuman heathen telling a God fearing patriotic Czech such as me what to do in his own land. What is the world coming to?

I'm in Alaska and I took this pic today. Fuck you you leftist fucks you suck at life.

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Death isn't even the end faggot. I wish it was. I just couldn't give less of a shit about anything, let me die already ffs.

Alienation and attendant nihilism.

I don't give a shit goy, it means nothing. Just fucking patterns of behavior. Tell your God to destroy me already.