What’s with the chicken bones all over Atlanta?


Can someone here figure it out? I asked /sci/ but all they did was get mad and weren't of any help.

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People eating chicken and littering? Santeria?


I solved it

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what do I win?



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No niggers in fallout 76!!!

I was going to say. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure this one out...

its homeless people buying cheap pre cooked chicken wings from grocery stores and eating them as they walk around throwing the bones anywhere they please

thing is user if you suggest this to the instagrammer you would get shoa'd

I'm going to guess that Atlanta has a high concentration of the species porchus monkeyus more commonly known as the North American pavement ape or the nigger

The gibs are never enough for the ghettos.

So they liter and leave bones for Jamal's pit bulls.

We can hope, /v/, we can hope

Fry chickum?

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Black people don't understand garbage cans.

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Those chicken bones raped me mother.

Only faggots litter.
Based chicken eaters will rape you.

Quit throwing your chicken bones on the sidewalk Spics need to learn some English talk

dude atlanta is way worse than that.
I'm talking sand niggers.

Voodoo magic.

why are you so racist user??


Oof 54%. Yup nuke Atlanta already

Satanists sacrificing chickens?

Niggers love fried chicken.
Niggers litter.
Ergo, places infested with niggers will have chicken bones lying around.

in the picture two of the the chicken bones clearly show a 'southern fried' style coating. This could easily be put down to basic bitch littering ie: niggers or if not any chicken consumer. The santeria slant is possible and 'fun' but the instagram shows predominantly southernfried chicken which is less likely to be used in santeria.


A cursorary browse of this article tells you its niggers up to and including the people who own the instagram. One could suppose that one of the two owners is black. Likely they are both white (skaters) but they both admit to chucking bones.
This begs the question, why does one chuck the bone on the ground and properly dispose of the rest of the packaging.?

looks, it's mainly niggers and the fact that people in 'Ah-la-na' dgaf about dem bones.

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Reality is racist

I live in Atlanta and the explanation to all the chicken bones is simple. -- Blacks consume a lot of chicken, because that is an easy, cheap meal. However, because the community of Blacks do not respect l;aw and order, and they do not care about " saving the planet" by disposing their trash everywhere but in a trash can. I have observed blacks dump everything on to a sidewalk that is collected in their car, where a trash can is but 3 feet from them. Most of the community of Blacks who are poor and would rather smoke weed and "rap" their way to glory do not care about the community's health and would rather shit on any white person and make a white person clean up after them because "reparations are owed cracka' ass."

However, in light of the epidemic of Atlanta's chicken bone crisis, the benefit of the doubt is people have little self-awareness or conscience to throw away their chicken bones in the proper receptacles. To blacks, it is just waste and waste is thrown aside, or add to the fire of white people burning at the stake.

In light of niggers being niggers and Al Sharpton's belief that blacks are superior in everything, they forget morality and common sense is key to a homogeneous society. But niggers do not like white culture or anythjing that is considered the " white man's law" and proceed to ignore it.

Chicken bone crisis will only get worse once a white man says " littering of chicken bones = 100 dollar fine" or niggers get caught littering chicken bones by the dozens.

How about we try to eliminate people spitting on the ground at the entrances to businesses and schools and churches etc?

Thank you for that indepth explanation. I had no idea!


I have seen these bones in the UK too. And a lot of trash, specifically in areas of high migration.

niggers do this in oakland too...
fuck they are easy to hate...
soon anons...

that and fucking chewing gum. What is wrong with people. They banned it in Singapore. In Japan they give you a disposal sheet and receptacle with the gum. Spitting is pleb tier unless a wasp flew in your mouth.

philadelphia is the same way. most any city with a large black population is going to have random chicken bones littered all over the place. its not rocket science.