I saw it with my own eyes

a little story for you boyos
>be me
>26 white male
>wash dishes at vegan restaurant in Los Angeles
>get along with everyone fairly well
>just pretend to be normie left-leaning cuck
>every now and then drop subtle redpills
>everyone likes me and shit cause I'n hardworking handy and get shit done

>recently work with two female co-workers
>start talking bought having children
>they being feminists want girls
>I say I don't care about gender
>Just want cute blue eye blonde hair babies.

They reacted with such disgust that for a second I though I just screamed NIGGER

>EWWW user why theres enough of those in the world
>YEAH user blue eyes are ugly

>They proceed to get angrier as I defend my point

Fuck man they truly hate us
one of these girls was white

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>enough of those
Il never understand this meme
Whites are a minority , blondes are the minority in that group which are considered prettier and the combo with blue eyes is even rarer.
How fucking retarded do you have to be, utterly batshit insane and incapable of basic math to think otherwise?

women function on feelings and emotions, not logic

OP encountered NPC's regurgitating previous programming

algebra 1

based israel

It just blows ny nind how disgusted they reacted I knew it was bad but didn't realize just how bad it was

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I am sorry you have been brainwashed.

Those women, what they really wanted was for you to rape them; they will do anything they can until you rape them, or otherwise are bound to them.

They don't care about blue eyes or brown hair or prettiness.

Those females more than likely have already had sex with non humans, cats dogs horses sheep whatever; the same way that you might indulge in a crack whore occasionally.

You just work on dish washing, collecting enough money so that these non muslims never get the chance to steal a moment of your time for nothing again.

They are both white girls, skin color is meaningless; there is only muslim (peaceful, understands quality, money, logic) and non muslim (doesn't understand logic, prefers to read this text in war for example).

They were getting angrier because you weren't raping them. Don't fall for their tricks, they are trouble for you.

Females are smaller boys with an extra anus; they do things like plant child porn on your phone they produced and then call the police on you if you won't rape them / give money to them.

>YEAH user blue eyes are ugly


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Thank you I think?

Honestly it's depressing I drive 30 minutes from my nice majority white area to the city and everytime i walk from my car I listen to the people on the sidewalk never English never white the owner of the restaurant is a beautiful Aryan woman but totally fucked as far as beliefs Extremely Degenerate gay rights anti gender labels the whole shabang
>inb4 blogposting faggot

what the fuck can I do I work as hard as I can to make a living I'm going back to school I have two online businesses and it's seems like I can never get ahead I'm not black pilled but holy fuck this is an uphill battle everyday

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You don't want everything white; you have been brainwashed.

You should happy they aren't speaking English, you aren't telling the truth.

You are afforded a kind of privacy by them speaking a different language fool.

You get to live a seperate private life from them.

Why would you want everyone the same as you? It will only make you more fearful, because if everyone the same everyone make the same mistakes in the same ways, you can't predict all the mistakes you can make but you can be sure of some mistakes being certain to yourself; multiculturalism takes away the burden of race.

Even more, why would you want to hear their conversation anyway? If I started playing a song in English that was produced by an artist with no ability to please your ear or was of quality that you could produce better yourself, would you want to hear it? That is a person talking on the sidewalk English average today.

Non muslim politicians are your enemy not homosexual blah, you already are a homosexual you have enjoyed some form of sex that involved another person of the same gender that wasn't you for example you saw a picture of a woman sucking a dick.

>Those women, what they really wanted was for you to rape them
So you actually are black

Kek'd hard

Did the dishes clap afterwards OP?

yeah yeah yeah
but will you gas the kikes? thats all i need to know. when push comes to shove will the muslims gas every last fucking rat kike on the planet, given the chance

Do have any Chinks working in the restaurant? If so, have any of them asked to suck your cock?

Black doesn't exist, it is invented by non muslim europeans to oppress you.

Dude, they wanted you to say you want babies that look like them. But you basically said you dont want children with them/will never have sex with them.
Thats why they acted offended and tried to change your mind and take back your rejection.
But like a Jow Forumstard you made it into a race issue.

one solution is to take over universities, kick out all professors even suspected of leaning left, especially all jews, abolish all worthless courses like womens studies, abolish affirmative action, and re-instate the requirement of having done classical studies (Greek and Latin) before being allowed to enter any university.

This should root them out and stop (((them))) poisoning the minds of our women (amongst whom the NPC population is naturally highest)

Why would I want to do anything that isn't peaceful?

See how racist these morons are, they are reading this text not in a warzone but from me they require that I am not peaceful finally.

Why do you have not be peaceful?

Ran into the same situation a week back OP. I was chatting up at a kickback with a white girl and she revealed to me she only dated Mexicans and she wanted to not have white babies. I straight up asked why she hated herself and she had no answer.

I am starting to understand why you muslims have severe laws regarding women, male witnesses for rape etc... I'll die a Christian, but some of the things you guys do aren't bad at all.

As E. Michael Jones affirms you also seem to have found a good solution regarding usury.

no chinks just mexicans two blacks and maybe 3 white people and one Jew

maybe and I did think about that
but I really doubt it

> (You)
>no chinks just mexicans two blacks and maybe 3 white people and one Jew
Good. The Chinks are degenerate.

>Whites are a minority , blondes are the minority in that group

This is the only valid response to their stupidity.

i agree my buddy lives in china and tells me the horrors of the yellow Jew every day

truly depressing

I said something about white people only being like 6% world generation but they were to busy telling me how ugly blue eyes and blonde hair is to hear me

it's true I only took a few college courses
but my younger brother is going the more traditional college route and came home enraged cause his math professor was talking about how great socialism is

Christians are muslim. You don't prefer reading this text while in war.

Islam has no concept of laws etc blah.

What muslims you refer to, what laws you refer to, all these are unclear to me.

It was very depressing, the brainwashing has gone so far women don't even know why they hate white men. I'm starting to think all women are NPCs

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NPC's have been programmed to dislike White men through the (((TV-programme))). You should have asked why would you want a child that doesn't look like you. People will be asking if you are the babysitter or where the baby's mother is.

But don't give up I know enough women who would do everything for a baby witb blonde hair and blue eyes.

gredest ally :D

I hate the NPC meme but yeah I agree with you whatever influence is strongest is the one they adopt my mom sister and girlfriend are all gas the kikes just because I voice my veiws passionately at home

they really have my girlfriend only dated mexicans before me


Women can only orgasm from rape, and will go to stupid lengths to get it.

French boys are stupid, you really need to work on yourself more I see french boys being manipulated easily constantly and it's actually quite annoying for me.

Example: I am chilling smoking some weed listening music not bothering any of you dumb non muslims, some non muslim bitch that I don't want to fuck has some french boy, she easily manipulates this fool to attack me, he actually thinks I would want a non muslim ever.

It's not television, it is all non islamic/peaceful media etc.

White people and children looking like them, you are focusing on the wrong attributes fool.

Honestly the "people want to have kids that look like them" is 99% true.
Bi-racial kids and the bond they have with their mothers is not good iirc, there's been a few studies on Jow Forums that seemed to indicate that.
It's really a simple thing, it's what made me get over my yellow fever.

>Vegan restaurant in los angeles

trust me I know I didn't start working there expecting a white nationalist paradise

Don't fall for the shit test. Never take a defenseive position with women

>Just want cute blue eye blonde hair babies.

You know user maybe you are a virgin, but let me tell you something, when i was about being father of my firstborn i wanted a son, but my mother told me to pray to God, I wanted a son resembled me, but in the end I ended up praying and begging hard for a HEALTHY baby, without any disease, in the end I had a daughter, and my daughter looks more like her Jewish mother than me, at first I felt sad because she was a girl and i was very harmed because her mother's genes opaque mine, my daughter looks very jew and not even a little Mexican, i felt very humiliated because in my culture is not well seen this kind of stuff, it hurt my macho ego, but my daughter is healthy and that's what matters, I'm a lawyer and sometimes I have to see many bad things, having sick children destroys marriages and kills dreams, I think that is more important having a child that is healthy rather than one under your own standards of "beauty" you should ask God that the child you are going to have someday borns healthy, imagine having a retarded o very sick son, are you strong enoff to deal with that situation? I think you should reconsider your priorities.

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Forgot to put your meme flag on

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I am glad your child is not like you, you can't even write a simple paragraph of text coherent and you waste a prayer to god on a wish about the LOOK of your child.


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>t. Memeflag

Sorry user i speak 4 lenguages because of my work, i can't be a master in all of them, btw why you don't show your flag nigger? Are you ashamed of your shithole?


>the same way you might indulge a crack whore occasionally
>they were getting angrier because you weren't raping them (this i actually believe)
>plant child porn on your phone

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I'm sure you're eiither blowing their reaction out of proportion or you said it in a weird creepy way

I am showing my flag. How stupid are you?

Whatever your work is, you don't produce quality and should be replaced by a peaceful person.

white women are enemy #1

white men need to go either asian or MGTOW

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also literally who gives a fuck what their coworkers at a menial jobs opinions about the world are
especially in some dumbass place like los angeles
why are you trying to "drop redpills" to these people?
just keep doing what you're doing, working hard, collect your paycheck so you can move on.

Drugs and whores are great, what is your problem with the truth non peaceful person?

> plant child porn they produced on your phone

yes that is how bad non peaceful people (in this case a female) are and an example of what they do.

Trust any non peaceful person at your own risk.

It's because you're not an alpha. Be 6'3 like me, Russian looking, I talk subtly about white nationalist shit all the time, nobody gives a fuck because I'm a nice guy, yet willing to go the distance if fucked with. I literally joked about colonizing my friend's black friend a while ago, now the black friend is actually making colonized jokes.

>also literally who gives a fuck what their coworkers at a menial jobs opinions about the world are
>especially in some dumbass place like los angeles
>why are you trying to "drop redpills" to these people?
>just keep doing what you're doing, working hard, collect your paycheck so you can move on.

If any human is ever feeling anything other than peace it is due to someone that is not peaceful.

completely fake story, nobody talks like that.
only incels who have never interacted with a real person believe this is how people talk.

tell that to your tribe faggot

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Probably this.

I now have less patience for the day of the rake.

This foolish non muslim has presented a fantasy scenario, this is not truth.

Regardless, you are a dumb racist who has corrupted someone else into producing anything that isn't peaceful.

Why can't you just be peaceful?

You aren't satisfied by life already "tall alpha russian"?

well fuck man I spend 40 hrs a week there sure dropping redpills on them might be useless but when they react so negative to me wanting white children yeah I'm gonna be a little upset

this 1488%

I wonder If they would had said that beside a blonde, blue eyed person

>26 white male
>wash dishes at vegan restaurant in Los Angeles
what went wrong?

How am I a racist? I said I talk and joke about white nationalism - I'm not actually a white nationalist. I'm a fucking libertarian so fuck off with your presumptions - if you knew me in RL you'd know I'm actually a very peaceful person.

> be op
> one week later
> get called to HR
> accused of rape
> fired
> back in my mom's basement
> starve
> die, alone and a virgin

You married a Jewess. You are as bad as Tedious Kike Eunuch.

very helpful mohamed

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people are entitled to their shitty opinions as long as they aren't physically harming you just let it roll off.
it's not that big of a deal, just play along.
40 hours feels like less time if you look at it as being a little less than two days out of a seven day week. the rest of the time is yours to spend building your future and stacking your money.

You are so insensitive after a lifetime of not being peaceful you need me to point out how you are a racist from what you produced?

> It's because you're not an alpha. Be 6'3 like me, > Russian looking,
> I talk subtly about
> white nationalist shit
> all the time,
> nobody gives a fuck
> because I'm a nice guy,
> yet willing to go the distance if fucked with.
> I literally joked about colonizing
> my friend's
> black friend
> a while ago, now
> the black friend
> is actually making colonized jokes.

Socially you might be pleasant to be around if I already forgive the many lack of peace around you maybe, but I am trying to help you fool, you are working against the peace that does exist in your life.

White nationalist, libetarian blahblahblah it's all non peaceful shit, just be peaceful!

If there was a cosmetic procedure that enabled people to change their eyes to blue without any side-effects you can believe those tarts would be the first ones in line.

fair and I try man I know at the end of the day it's whatever it just breaks my heart that such a small statement causes such rage

I hope it is helpful to you idiot, so the next time any of you dumb non muslim french or euro trash are around me to leave me alone instead of being manipulated by your ugly rotten non muslim pig women into attacking me just because I have no interest in raping them.

Yup, and its mostly centered in Scandinavia and Finland. It does exist in other germanic/slavic countrys but not by far as in the nordic countrys. Tho

>arguing with holes
Wew lad