Guys i dont think this is a false accusations issue
I think there's just a general lying problem
They litterally do not understand the point of evidence or truth
Guys i dont think this is a false accusations issue
I think there's just a general lying problem
They litterally do not understand the point of evidence or truth
Its a combination of stupid and selfish. Probably always been like this but now they have a cartoonishly huge megaphone to unite their stupid
She's right though.
Go to the same free clinic you get your abortions from, cunt.
No it isn't, if you're truly sick and have to call off you should be forced to see a doctor.
Incorrect, thanks to glorious OBAMA care everyone has insurance (or they get punished for not purchasing the good goy insurance package) which is no different than universal in the matter of seeing a doctor for "free." Clearly she is just a dumb bitch who wanted to get excused because she came down with a non-visual itis, had she been sick with something clearly visible nobody would care and her absence would be excused.
>you should be forced
I just have a hard time believing that they are that stupid that they dont understand these basic concepts
They would have to be willfully ignorant
> classist
> implying that hierarchical social structure and incentives for success is bad
Excuse him
Required in exchange for legal leave
Forced would be tyrannical
That's honestly a good point. I haven't ever thought about that, because here you just go to the doctor because of basically any little thing. And that's good, there are no reasons to work when ill. Sucks when you don't have insurance and HAVE to work even when you're basically dying.
Heh. We don't except doctors notes at my work place because even the most niggerest of niggers can get a doctors note.
I had bronchitis last week. I could have gone to the doctor for 65 dollars and gotten a 60 dollar amoxicyllin prescription, but i bought a 27 dollar bottle of fish mox instead.
Her point is quite valid tho
If i get sick, i may skip work butnim not gonna go to a doctor, thats stupid. Gonna get some over the counter meds and rest, all the doctor will do most times is tell ya to get the over the counter shit and rest. Going to the doctor over little illness is dumb af
It's not actually that bad of a point. I'm not sure i'd go so far as to call it 'classist' but it does present as an issue. However, what is the solution? You can't have them *not* present evidence, as a rule, as that will cause a massive increase in fraudulent days off.
I also know for a fact that it's not a law that it is required, it's dependant on your specific job/contract/employer.
We have a similar issue here, and the free market found a solution by allowing pharmacists to charge a tenner to get a much less formal type of certificate. I think it's a pretty crappy solution if truth be told, but I also think its retarded to drop 50 dollars to wait an hour for a doctor to write a note saying you have a slight cold.
Fucking insane.
What part is insane? A lot of non prescription animal medicines are absolutely safe for human use, and fish amoxicillin is pretty commonly known to be one of them.
Many young Americans don't have a doctor they can just call up when they get sick. Appointments need to be made months in advance and emergency rooms will bill you through the roof.
This person understands. It just sees a way to get off work easier and pushes it only pretending there is an issue with it.
Most places here are pretty chill if you have a decent work ethic to begin with. I recently took near a week off with a nasty bout of gastro. All my boss asked me when I got back was 'How's your ass?'
Women are not men. They do not feel threatened, they cannot sense a threat. The men in society are who voted on keeping every sector of life tolerable and sane. Women are insane and are not equal to men.
Same capsule as for human use.
>How's your ass?
Never change Straya.
If you're at the point where you or your family can't afford the 20-75 dollars for a walk-in clinic then you probably qualify for medicaid or some other form of program from the state. You know, welfare, the thing that's bad to use because it puts you in a plantation or something
Capitalistic society is a society of natural selection
You got ill - your genetic makeup isnt good enough to resist and you should die
Her use of the term classist is obnoxious but the essence of her point is valid. As nearly all things, it's a matter of degree; if said doctors' note cost a couple bucks to obtain, that would be one thing; as I understand it, a doctor's visit in the US for uninsured folks can cost $50, $75, $100 or more. That can be a painful and ultimately unnecessary expense for the majority of working class people.
No, it is insane. You were sick and had to go to work. What the fuck?
I haven't missed a day of work in the past 4 years.
"Why don't you hire more women, mr business owner?"
I missed 2 weeks of work.
If you have a system that requires insurance for healthcare and doctor visit for sick leave then workplaces should provide at least the minimum level of insurance that covers that checkup.
Otherwise you get sick people at work and that doesn't increase profits.
I get scalded by my supervisor for never taking any days off
Just go get everyone at work sick
Without a doubt. This is a single mom who is being hounded by truant officers. She has no clue where her kid is running off to to avoid school and doesn't give a fuck.
I work somewhere with a good sick leave policy where I don't have to prove anything as long as I have leave accumulated to cover it, and I get paid to stay home and recover.
Wasn't always that way, I once got fired from work because I was only allowed one sick day. I had swine flu (I know I know)
Every city has an immediate care clinic that requires no appointment, what are you talking about? That's how most people get their written doctor's excuses, by going to the walk-in.
> America
> Non-white
Opinion discarded.
Funny name for the actual note (you) would get: Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung
I'ma be real witchu chief. If I call out from work. And you request a sick note I'm going to get you fired. Health care privacy amirite. No but really I've gotten a supervisor fired for this shit. Benefit time can be used as is where is whenever the fuck I want. Just like you can "fire me whenever you want" employment is a contract. I refuse to be held to a different standard than anyone I work with or for and I make it evidently clear upon application.
poor ghetto people have Medicaid, they don't ever get charged and if it they do it is for a $5 co-pay
>thinks people should go to the doctor when they have the cold and flu so more people can have the cold and flu
>thinks that when people miss work, they should spend money on a doctor so they lose even more money on the day they didn't make any money
You're fucking retarded.
she has a point though
I actually agree with this broad.
>I have a cough so I don't go to work
you are like a baby
Strange, a cunt from twitter has a good point
Who the fuck asks for a doctor note? Isnt this like shit that happened in the 90s
Wtf is an "excused absence"?
Besides, poor people go to the doctor wayyyy more often. Go to any urgent care or GPs office, full of low class scum trying to get workman's comp or bitching about muh fibromyalgia to get pills
Fucking fibromyalgia
What a joke