Metokur Calls Out Peterson

His fans are chimping out at people that criticize their daddy

Attached: metokur peterson.png (1253x1050, 154K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>his fans
you mean bots and shills?

>its very complex xddd

>Jow Forums makes threads shitting on peterstein for his comment
>e-celeb rushes to criticize him too and make youtube shekels

Peterson not condemning the Kavanaugh circus is essentially siding with postmodernists, going against all of his hundreds of hours of lectures.
He either sold out his own message or he doesn't understand the full scope of the situation. That's really the only two options.

As a fan of both, Jim's right.

Q - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Posobiec - Zionist
Bannon - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Geert Wilders - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Molyneux - Zionist
Cernovich - Zionist
George Webb - Zionist
Jason Goodman - Zionist
Matt Couch - Zionist
Milo - Zionist
JF - Zionist
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Weev - Zionst
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
Kyle Chapman - Zionist
Stephen Crowder - Zionist
David Duke - ?Zionist shill?
Laura Loomer - Zionist
Patrick Little - Zionist
Gavin mccines - Zionist
Jared Taylor - Zionist
Robert spencer - Zionist
Pamela geller - Zionist
Charlie kirk - Zionist
Candice owens - Zionist
Thomas paine - Zionist
Douglas murray - Zionist
Joe Rogan - Zionist shill
Kate Hopkins - Zionist
Elon Musk - Zionist

It's not complex at all. You can do that to all conservative candidates until you run out of theme.
8MS9BJ1D - mongoloid

he already went full boomer on him a year ago
>lmao you fags need to pay him to be your dad and tell you to clean your penis

and he was right. peterson is a con man

>David Duke - ?Zionist shill?

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Shalom, thank you for that updated list.

Peterson seems to be that kind of person who leans to either the left or right, but wants people to think he is neutral so he seems more wise and mature.
So he's not gonna yell that Kavanaugh is a rapist, he's just gonna say that it's a difficult situation and that it would be best for all if he stepped down.
Honestly, these sneaky, false intellectuals are just the worst.

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>less divisive

Oh sweaty, we're waaaaay past worrying about that...

JBP admits hes an old school lefty though - he believes modern libtards have betrayed the lefty cause, and his engagement with the alt right is specifically to turn young men away from it. But hes going to find out the hard way theres no way back for him. Hes not /ourguy/ but hes a good guy, i think.

Yeah kavanaugh has nothing to gain by stepping down, he’ll still be vilified in the public eye. Also no matter what type of person trump puts forward there’ll be a hit peice waiting for them. Only reason people like this guy is because he gets that progressives are bat shit, that’s it.

Damn, I hope this is the end for metokur. Literally the only thing more reddit than Peterson.

Inaccurate. Spencer, Q, JF, no

that's basically the republicans motto right there

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Your mother's butthole - Zionist

Metokur seems to be trying to step into Sargon's role. I'm not so sure that's a good idea.

Can one create bots to get paid as shills tben you have a legion of neetbux generating bots shitpostibg online?

this is the point where zionism loses its meaning
if everyone is a zionist then noone is

Label them all as Zionists so that their ideas are not considered. You replied to a memeflag who has posted that exact list in a tonne of threads.

He did this awhile back, like as soon as Peterson started gaining traction. Like a 20 minute video breaking down how much of a phony and charlatan Peterson is.

>people who are infinitely better than me seem to think having an awesome American military base right smack in the middle of Arabland is a good thing

Bastards! Let Muslims win!

Jims just like a fucking kid throwing stones at wasps nests. He doesnt have any convictions. Sarcuck, fat twat that he is, at least does have ideals.

>"If our enemies kill us, we win"
The collective brain power of the Canadians is just too much.

Ffs. You just cant stop slobbering on shlomos withered bellend can you. The US is israels military base...


What the fuck is that

I don't think he sold out just that he doesn't realise the age of appeasement and gentlemanly ethics is over.
He's a respectable dinosaur but a dinosaur nonetheless.

Lindsey Graham was the same until he got pushed too far recently with these attacks on his friend kavanaugh.

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Why do you need another e-celeb to point out the obvious. 90% of Jow Forums came to the same conclusion instantly, he's just using this for publicity, who gives a fuck about Metokur just form your own opinion

why is he such a fence shitting faggot? seriously, he never takes a position on ANYTHING. if you watch his lectures/interviews the same excuses keep coming up
>i dont know enough about the subject
>this is just a theory of mine im not saying its true but...
>i need to think about this more before i answer
>i just cant do it

not condemning the Kavanaugh circus makes you a classic cuckservative. Hardly a surprise given he is a fucking christian boomer.

No, becuase then the left knows that falsely accusing someone works and they'll do it to the next one and the next one ad infinium.

Thank you rabbi

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Mr mediocre. I hope he gets cancer.

No point in having a clean room if you throw your shit around, you just got it dirty again you stupid monkey

>unironically putting Q as an actual e-celeb

Peterson was promoted from their insane cult circles to hijack right wing movements.
>Clean your room and participate in system
>You need to be part of this system to get pussy
>you want pussy dont you
>System works its only you

>fuck all these fags and their superchats
>now lets spend 2 hours reading all these fucking superchats

This isn't Twitter, the "Russian bot" excuse doesn't work here
And shills are paid to shill, something a dying autistic youtuber can't simply afford

centralist are cancer and get the rope, we can all agree

Watch this Owen Benjamin podcast on YouTube. He explains how Peterson is now being repped by CAA and is just taking advantage of people.

He called him out a year ago anyway.

>why is he such a fence shitting faggot?

Money. How else could he afford his vests and all-meat diet?

Why are zoomers so engrossed in their parasocial relationships?
Fuck Metokur, fuck Peterson, fuck your shitty e-celeb threads

Papa Bear breaks it all down
Thanks Peterson for helping him see shills
Calls out peterson for shilling.

He's trying to step it up, but it looks like selling out.
Do any of you young of you young fag know what SELLING OUT is?

T. 40 year old doomer

This, since day 1.
Peterstein never /ourguy/
He sensed the radical left was boiling the pot too fast and tried to reign in the Jewish golems that were running amok undermining the cause. He was attacked for it and became an accidental alt-right e celeb. His (((masters))) then re-purposed him to subvert (rightfully) angry white men.
He's a giant anti-depressant snorting trojan horse faggot. the end.

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You know faggotry is a jew trick,right?

How the fuck would stepping down clear his name?
All it would indicate is that he had a reason to step down and vindicate people

Jordan Peterson is a new world order globalist selling a version of civic nationalism to young men who would otherwise have become true nationalists. He has co-authored papers for the UN.

Juden Peterstein literally on suicide watch.
Gonna need a double dose of anti-depressants this month.

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juden peterson is a joke

All the innovation you cucks made, and you can't figure out how to use google. Pathetic.

It wouldn't. This line of reasoning is pure kikery. The left would devour Kavanaugh and destroy him if he did that and the right wouldn't defend him. His whole family's life would be ruined.
Maybe Jewden Peterstein needs some false rape allegations directed towards himself for perspective.

he makes 6 figures off of soibois with daddy issues

>Peterson is a leftist faggot and he's a rightwing release valve so the pressure doesn't blow the top off
Alot of us knew this for a long time . It's the same think Rush became /is since back in the day. Same thing Alex "Israel" Jones is doing Same thing "Proud Boys" are doing. Same thing Crowder is doing.
It's all a trick.

Why should I care about an e-celeb?

Exactly. Peterson is trying to lead the right down the path of destruction . He is not "one of us".He is a self described leftist. He isn't even American.He is nothing but a leftist Israel-loving scumbag.

Doesnt have a suit either

>he makes 6 figures out of globalist NGOs donations

Attached: Jordan Peterson Origins.png (2127x1525, 698K)

Q calls out the jew
Q posted that they are saving Israel for last for 'obvious reasons'

Nigger on shitchan think Q is zionist

This is why shitchan is dying. Eighttchann is the future faggots.

What people are missing out is Peterson is probably one of the biggest Jew lovers in the world. He can't stand the idea of Catholics like Gorsuch and Kavanaugh in the Supreme Court. You'll notice that the leading critics of these two are always kikes.
They are absolutely fucking terrified. I imagine that once Ginsburg croaks, she'll be replaced by a Catholic woman.

>le everyone who isnt hitler is a liberal

Not this retarded chart again

You shouldn't care about him personally. You should care about how they attempt to co-opt and control the narrative though.

Here's proof of what Juden Peterstein is all about. The only 30 seconds of this faggot you ever need to watch. 0:50 - 1:10.
He warns this useful idiot tranny leftist they need to slow it down, she won't listen and instead attacks him. His reaction is priceless. I'm so glad they didn't listen to him. Instead they are accelerating their own destruction carpet bombing normies with redpills every day.

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>my internet daddy is better than your internet daddy
Fuck off. "Based Jim" and Peterson are both obnoxious dweebs.

>"If we appease our enemies"
I'm just gonna stop you right there. Peterson has always been a leftist and has never hidden that fact. He is not on our side, he is just a self help seller. He has never been right wing at all, he's a leaf through and through.

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What's retarded about it, leaflet?

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Well said, either Peterson is a fucking moron or a snake. i lean towards snake since he doesn't seem stupid.

That flow-chart has got to be an elaborate joke..

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Holy shit, that pic related says it all. Saved.

You're retarded. Those figures constantly host material that deal with the left being absolute retards, and infuriates the right. I know I get pissed off at lefties when I watch stuff from those channels. Yeah they are pozzed on the JQ and ethnic nationalism, but they help bring people to find out about people who do promote that stuff. I would have never found out proponents of white nationalism if I never watched Gavin Mciness of the proud boys interview Jared Taylor.

Do you suck Jim’s cock too?

Your nose is showing

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That everyone in the world is separated by 4 degrees. 3 degrees of separation, and you know a billion people. If you're someone like Jordan Peterson who's in the academic world and has even at one point done even a tiny bit for the government, he's connected to pretty much everyone higher up.

You're basically making a guilty by association argument, which is one of the worst evidence for proof that you can make.


It’s been months, retard since Jow Forums dropped Judenson

Metokur is actually a lonely piece of shit who's only joy in life is to make fun of others. His audience is all reddit and sub 15 year olds too

So pretty much everyone on the internet 20 years ago?

Anyone claiming his fans are reddit are shills seeing how butthurt reddit is on metokur and his videos on the reddit hijacking of the SCP website (a former /x/ domain) and his videos bashing rick and morty fans, which is a stable for redditors.

The only good leaf is a dead one.

Peterson is just another faggot to come out of Canada (sorry, burgerbros). He's a traitor and more dangerous than any liberal cat lady.

Fuck him.

Attached: identitypolitics.jpg (1199x776, 137K) Forums/

Does metokur post there or is this an archive?

Metokur's main audience, according to YouTube, is 20/30 something men, the most sought-after demographic for advertisers.

Answer the question, shill. No one on Jow Forums likes any e-celebs.

So confirms my theory that Jow Forums is reddit

>siding with postmodernists, going against all of his hundreds of hours of lectures
This is what is causing the backlash from his true acolytes but a lot of them are missing that this error in judgement started as a response to one of his "intellectual dark web" kike friends who kike tricked him right in to a kike trap. I'm hoping he wakes from this concussion fully hip to the JQ.

I don't want that either. I don't think any sane person wants to have millions and millions of people die here. Jordan recognizes that it's what's coming if someone doesn't start doing something. Jordan's problem is that he's going about it the wrong way. He says he brings people from the far right towards more the center. I'm sure that is true. I'm also sure that it's true that the number of people who are moving to the far right is far outpacing the number of people who are going from the far right to the center. This same thing applies for people on the far left that Jordan has convinced to come to the center.

I'm actually convinced that Jordan believes that lefties are going insane, and he feels like he needs to really quiet them down or they will go absolutely banana's, and push the far right past the point of compliance. "Just have Kavanaugh step down" he says. He doesn't actually believe that the woman is telling the truth. He doesn't actually believe that Kavanaugh raped anyone, or is incapable of being a judge, he's doing it because if the left doesn't get a win soon, they're gonna fucking lose it, and the pushback against them losing it will be catastrophic. So Jordan is making desperate attempts at idea's to appease the left at this point. To him having a different SC nominee to avoid further madness from the left is worth it.

I understand Jordan's fear. I do. But, and I think he'll realize this soon, there is no placating the far left at this point. Sorry, there just isn't. The divide is growing too strong and too fast. He's going to have to start thinking of another way to avoid disaster, and that very well may mean he'll start to endorse voluntary separation. Or maybe something else that's more realistic.

I think all the comments in his twitter post calling him out on how his idea's at this point are just wishful thinking will change his mindset about what can practically be done at this point.

Czech those digits for Papa Bear truth.
I like Peterson where he's good, but accepting all of his ideas is stupid. I had no idea Peterson's tickets were $260. Fuck that noise.

Peterson IS a communist. One does not merely own a collection of communist propaganda 'artwork'. And, if that wasn't enough, his behavior amounts to the most obvious controlled opposition operation I have ever seen.

That's not bad criticism, but these connections are not irrelevant. Some professor doesn't just appear on youtube and starts getting paid $100k a month through Patreon. At the very least it shows some of the stuff he's been up to. Like "sustainability reports" for the UN, and his past involvement with the chosenites. He's a shabbos goy. Doing the work they can't do.

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Q also has yet to deliver on anything substantial.


You’re all glowing. Fuck this board.

I don't want someone less divisive. Fuck this jew marrying faggot

You're a brainlet if you think having literally thousands of hours of video disparaging communism is irrelevant to him being a communist, and that we should focus on the fact that he has propaganda artwork.

I like propaganda artwork myself. It's fucking Kino.