Having kids is evil and selfish

Having kids is evil and selfish

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>Bware da baby trap
is this catered to niggers? Topkok

lel, normies are mad too

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Can't you just have both by Not taking responsibility?

>mongrel engrish
>stop breeding - buy luxury items!
This is literally straight out of a 1980's dystopian fiction.

Is this a shoop?

>have a four month old boy
>still find time to throw 4 hours at vidya every night
npcs can't time manage properly

This. The roastie and spawn can get the tax payer to handle it.

Can't have educated people continuing their bloodline when you're trying to import an ignorant slave caste.

>Implying I can't play video games after becoming a dad
It's called moderation, scheduling your days, and not playing for ten hours a day anymore.

Being a father of two children, I can tell you anons, nothing is better than raising two beautiful white children.

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I have a 4 year old. I lost all interest in vidya last year. I have more fun playing with my son. Sometimes I out a box on him and call him Solid Snake while he sneaks around.

would I trade my ps2 controller for a pacifier? is this nigger srs?

Kids ruin 20 years of your life

is this another soros trick?

It's actually a good advert though, if you're worthless enough for the ad to apply to you then you definitely should do everything you can to not reproduce.

the ads are marketing cringe, though they target the right people. That aside, having kids is retarded and selfish given the direction the world is heading to.
But those are just my two shekels - I couldn't give 2 shits if you want kids or not. I don't want any cause I hate kids, know that the muh bright, trad, red-pilled future is just a kosher wet dream, and would rather spend my shekels and free time doing something else.

I wouldn't give up the PS4 for a baby

Does it sound like it's targeted towards educated people, or does it sound like it's targeted towards teenage boys and slags?

See, this ad is for you, don't breed.

>nothing is better
Being a paki, I can tell you what is better.

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Brainlet here:

> Leftists
> stop having kids

> Also leftists
> we need immigrants because there aren't enough kids

What's up with that?

That's what I call women.

>he doesn't know babies have a bigger market value in the kid trafficking sector than a PS4
No wonder you're poor.

if Ghenkis Khan could do it, why not?

They have to adapt their campaigns to their population.

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These people know their family names are jokes and their grandfathers were disgusting idiots and trash that should of been kicked in the teeth and laughed at. Or course they aren't going to breed. They're nothing. Good.

Women are basically tit niggers.

I still have time for gaming too. Even with a full class schedule and working 9-12 hours a day. It's all a lie.

Aye. I have two kids, work full time, and just beat doom 2016. It's as stupid as saying you won't have time to watch tv ever again.

This. Just had my daughter last year. Best thing in my life, wouldn't trade her for the world

I know it's not fair rhetoric or especially convincing, but people without kids really don't understand.

I will unironically trade a ps4 for a baby if anyone has one going.

It's more that if you don't have kids and raise them well, chances are pretty good that you'll end up selfish and evil

Jordan peterson says we must take on more responsibility

Feel bad for you that this is the kind of pozzed whorehouse world where your daughter will grow up user. Hope it works out well for you guys and she grows up to be a woman of decency and integrity.

Holy fuck, those ads are so goddamn orwellian it isn’t funny.

>the penis is evil, vanity and entertainment are good

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There's literally nothing wrong with video games

That sounds nice user. Kinda autistic but wholesome, good for you

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Lol this can't be real.

Stop anytime, Satan

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These ads are already false on their face even without the "dont have kids" undertones. I know plenty of couples where the father plays video games in his off times while the kids are asleep, and the mother still dresses up nice.

At least they're actually pushing condoms instead of abortions for once.

Possibly more. But without them, people suspect you're a faggot, plus the municipal workers will carry your coffin to your final resting place

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>gf doesn't want kids
>Other than that she's ideal
What do lads?

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Tie up and beat up, jizz her face, sharpie in pooper, and tell her you'll be moving on soon to start a family with a woman you deem worthy

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Bware da baby trap? Is this targeted toward blacks?

Not dress up nice, this is implying she goes to clubs and gets smashed twice a week

>having kids with modern women
lol I'll stick with porn and vidya

>Anoda woman don die afta

What the fuck kind of niggering of the english language is this shit? Does the BBC really let their ((journalists)) write like this? I've never seen a more real example of monkeys and type writers.

Leave her. Otherwise you'll live your life with her thinking about the little johnny boy you didn't have and sooner or later you would just break down and stop loving her.
Better doing it now then at 45 since you can still find love in someone else that shares your same goals and values.

It's what a white woman thinks a black man will understand.
Incredibly demeaning isn't it

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Nihilist arguments are ultimately self refuting.
>Morality is a spook and ultimately meaningless
>Having kids is evil and selfish
If morality is meaningless, why do you care?

>why do you care?
because it matters to someone else and we've been made cattle animals

Kids don't bring you happiness. They bring eternal stress and anxiety for their well-being.
But they also bring you something that is more important than happiness. A Meaningful life.

dump her

>bringing up a daughter in this #metoo era

I wish you the bets of luck mate. She's got a lot of obstacles to avoid if you want her to be the perfect red pilled daughter.

It's just a translation. They have the same article in its normal form.

We need to cover these evil posters with our own propaganda showing happy and loving Aryan families with slogans encouraging our people to reproduce and have large families.

>pic related is an example of photos that can be used for this

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>That aside, having kids is retarded and selfish given the direction the world is heading to.
But the world is going down the shutter because whites aren't having enough babies.

>would rather spend my shekels and free time doing something else.
Just remember that you are what's wrong with the world.

Look at how she reacts when she sees a baby, you can't notice that mother look in her eyes if she has it, what she says is not important.
If there is not that expression dump her.
Kinds are a blessing, becoming father is something that only who is already father can understand.
It's joy, pure joy.

They write the article in English, then they have a staff of trained chimps to translate it into pidgin.

mgtow and semen retention are the key to heaven and high level personal success.
I appreciate the anons who are keeping the white race alive, though.

There aren't too few white babies, there's too many shitskin babies.

And what's meaningful about that?

you stupid kike we will kill you all for your propaganda on our women

we will finish your race for good

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Where did anons even find a self-respecting woman to have kids with? Isn't that basically a miracle?

Jealousy is a sin condemned by Allah

I just met one 20 mins ago

it is the most frustrating part of a conversation in leafland to have to lead every one like horses in this part of a debate

Trial and error. I was lucky to find a fresh 18 year old when I was 21.

(((who is behind this)))

>only 4 hours a day
Yeah, no. You're a cuck, through and through.

Must be nice being Muslim

So in short you have to win the lottery? I love the current era unironically. It's funny as fuck.

you just gave away you newfaggotry and jewishness in same time , VPN kike , get rekt

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What if "debauchery" gives me life fulfilling happiness?

then you are sick and must be de-genepooled

Someone tweet/comment that this ad is racist because it is appropriating and insulting black culture with “bware da baby trap” spellings.

>Accuses me of being a newfag proxykike
>Uses a memeflag
You got me pal, I have a huge schnozzle

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i knew you had

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being married to your half sister and having horribly inbred children?

Pretty sure those are frozen mice for snakes before anyone rages.

Men would. Women wouldn't. Evidence : just look at single mothers

Why would I give up a DualShock 2 for a pacifier?

It's important to out birth Muslims and Atheists.

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>I have more fun playing with my son
You sick fuck. I bet you're a Republican.

STOP BREEDING white people!
Also take more 3rd world refugees!!!

>Bware da baby twap uwu

I understand that some people talk like that, but I really doubt many of those people actually read news articles.

Yes I would give it up in a heartbeat.
tfw no gf

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We've gotta import terrorist refugees because of the fertility crisis, while at the same time maintain an anti-fertility hyper consumerist culture

IE, how to replace a population as fast as possible 101

I've seen this before, but I didn't believe it was real. It had to be some intricate troll, or shop. It's real. It's fucking real.

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This is a specific, conscious, intended plan being orchestrated by certain groups

lmao what the fuck is that shit.
I swear if you grab a little nigger from a favela who's been playing F2P gameso n steam he speaks better english than whoever wrote this masterpiece.

if it was aimed at negros the shoe would be an Nike

The funny thing is, if you're a responsible adult, you don't need to give up either. These posters are disingenuous and the UK government is run by the wicked, for the wicked.


Another dad here. Can confirm, even with two kids, there's still plenty of time to play games and plow my wife. These ads are just sick propaganda.