Other urls found in this thread:
Q - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Posobiec - Zionist
Bannon - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Geert Wilders - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Molyneux - Zionist
Cernovich - Zionist
George Webb - Zionist
Jason Goodman - Zionist
Matt Couch - Zionist
Milo - Zionist
JF - Zionist
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Weev - Zionst
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
Kyle Chapman - Zionist
Stephen Crowder - Zionist
David Duke - ?Zionist shill?
Laura Loomer - Zionist
Patrick Little - Zionist
Gavin mccines - Zionist
Jared Taylor - Zionist
Robert spencer - Zionist
Pamela geller - Zionist
Charlie kirk - Zionist
Candice owens - Zionist
Thomas paine - Zionist
Douglas murray - Zionist
Joe Rogan - Zionist shill
Kate Hopkins - Zionist
Elon Musk - Zionist
Because an old oldfag got into a car? At least post the video, you snail gobbling cunt
Thanks for posting a useless image and no context you fucking baguette..
Did the black woman assault the old guy or something?
context, nigger?
>vox (((dei)))
You = meme flag
>if I post this enough times, people will believe it
And the JIDF disinformation kieks really need to gas themselves before the world wakes up to their Machiavelli... and it IS waking up -- to. be. sure.
They already do rabbi
still no
>Adolf Hitler - Zionist
based gaylord telling it how it is
Are freelance photographers the ultimate npcs?
Will a blowjob suffice, mon cherie?
>do swallow
You could at least post the link, you fucking frog cunt.
>flag fags
That's funny. I noticed my favorite Puerto Rican isn't listed. Nor is anyone associated with Assange.
good slave
>meme flag
Gas yourself kike.
>flag fag drone #9178517325981293481023481203948129034812903481293841203489013284
White normies are going to side with nationalists and Trump if this shit keeps getting out of hand.
good news everyone shills hate this thread
forgive him for expecting at least one of you three cucked ass nations to know what happened with antifa in portland. everyone in the world knows no one cares what happens anywhere but America and if you aren't keeping tabs on U.S you aren't living a life worthwhile.
Mega faggot S o y thread.
Oh ya antifa huge level of anchient roman boyloving of retardedness.
>nazis everywhere
>bumping a slide thread
How well does soros pay you guys?
most white people hate themselves and each other
>implying anyone with a >80 I.Q. gives a whit about muttland, beyond its destruction
wew... dat perspicacity
spencer's comments on israel are always taken out of fucking context, at the time he was saying he wants white zionism, as in he wants white people to fight for their homeland like jews do. You people are so fucking dumb and take out of context quotes as proof of stuff
Maybe just old fasion trolling and not shilling ;)
>i love to shill cause it makes me think of soros
stop being white and everything gonna be fine
are you retarded, 2/3 of your cabinet is Goldman Sachs you delusional muttoloid
lol that must be why they form huge gangs and slaughter each other by the thousands ever year right?
So it was written, and so it shall be done.
>imagine having this saved on your computer
We to start medical race transitions lol
> Man I just hate being a cis white male. Tommarrow i going to identify as a Philipnio Wandan shemale cat.
>night terror being this much of cuckservitude kike minion and enemy of the state
>No proof/sauce at all
>Philipnio Wandan shemale cat
the mental image slideshow elicited is ineffable
White to gang up, sell drug, pimp, and activly destroy their communities and leave their baby mamas.
> I feel like they do that already but american politics is everyones politics topkek.
>blames muh joooooooes for everything
>somehow excludes the debt-ridden, fat broke fuck from this Kabbalistic cabal
dat cognitive dissonance... wew
Nice meme flag fellow trump supporter.
> Lets pretend people with different opinions are nazi and bigots but its all a big joke cause communism.
As usual, Ryan Dawson wins again.
Are you on meth or something?
>not enjoying a beautiful woman
So - What
All that people should be put in a mental institution. And problem solved.
This shit can make anyone turn extreme right wing instantly. How can anyone see this and want to be on the same side as violent demon terrorists?
This is good because middle America hates this shit.
They dislike extremism from either side and mostly just want to be left the fuck alone.
Extreme leftist violence is simply driving moderates, undecided voters and formerly non political actors to the right.
Gamer gate for example turned non political group like virgin gamers into alt right magas
One of the most pathetic and useless threads lately.
Holy shit OP. The amount of completely retarded shilling in this thread is amazing.
I think you've definitely hit a nerve.
This *CLAP* is *CLAP* why *CLAP* Trump *CLAP* won *CLAP*
Stop clap typing clap like clap a clap faggot clap.
i don't need to imagine
i have it saved on my computer now too
Nice list.good job!
Watch the jew students screaming
Close the thread!!!!!
That faggot's the biggest shill of them all. God you people are clueless
Shilling for what exactly?
Check out E Micheal Jones, he's the only academic who speaks honestly about Jews.
Jewish controlled and indoctrinated colleges are brainwashing the youth MAINLY women to destroy the west!!!
The kikes have destroyed education
We must OUTLAW all forms of liberal colleges.
Reform the schools! Re educate the feminists, fix women and harmony will follow
College educated (mostly) white women are the main source of West's problems and an aggravator of all the other problems.
If the Kavanaugh episode didn't teach you this, then you weren't paying attention:
Jow Forums - Zionists
Based, look at the asshurt drones.
Stop spamming this stupid shit
>lefty trying to meme
Nerds who think Israel and Jews are good just because they appear in the Bible aren’t zionists. Jewish supremists are zionists.
Donald Trump - Zionist
So fucking tired of this low IQ analysis that Trump won because the esjeeeeydubyaaas.
Anti-white sentiment did push most white people to the right. But that didn't win him the election. The shift didn't alter the results except for a handful of states. Those states share a list of concerns that are not built around explicit anti-whiteness or hysterical Yale students screeching at people. Its built around coal, around manufacturing, around being undercut by foreign workers, around protectionism.
Trump had an agenda that was laser-focused on those concerns, that's why he won, he gave no fucks about the unwinnable states. He focused on the concerns of a small set of states and those states gave him the win. Also the Amish voted for him because Hillary proposed some retarded inheritance law that would fuck them over. The Amish probably gave Trump PA.
>Full retard
You cant defend it so you deflect, but it keeps happening because you dont address it.
Everytime shit like this happens it validates Jow Forums
This is completely fine, let's just give the entire city to Antifa while we're at it.
anyone else kek irl when they see this posted?
>fag flag
Think for yourself nigger.
(((vox gay))) is a jew
>giant good goy
oy vey shut it down
where my homegoys at?
You have to go back Paco
Anti slide bump
nastiest way to go i've seen for a while
Care too explain how Elon Musk is a zionist?
Jesus that would have fucking hurt like fuck. Why would you choose to die by anal penetration?
thx m8
PJW is a fairweather cuck, every day he flips a coin and decides whether he's going to be a nevertrumper piece of shit
fuck off crypto
Fag - btfo
Rainbows are sign of salvation for Gods children not sodomites.
>Not in alphabetical order
>Still posted the exact same way
Nice bants
You almost got me, post this on twitter I want some actual freak out on this one, to good to waste it here.
>David Duke - ?Zionist shill?
What are you hiding behind that rainbow schlomo?
Based and Logospilled
All of the mega corp media outlets gave (((David))) a national platform.
>Thinking that we give a fuck about any of the controlled opposition
ha ha ha ha
Posted on an american website