Japan is successful because we don't let women rule

You know why Japan's economy is so big, despite us having vastly less people than the US, China, India, EU etc? Becaue we have UNITY.

We don't let crazy activists take power, Japan has basically had a one party rule since WWII. Unemployment rate is pretty much 1 % (you don't want 0 % because there has to be available workforce). Crime is low. There's little to no polarization in society because everyone knows the social codes and respect each other.

When you let women rule, they'll turn your national state into a global hub. Women don't care about nationality, they have no national pride and they're more or less controll by their feeble emotions instead of logic.

Women will destroy the western society, while Japan watch.


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Japan is successful because:

>Samurai Spirit
>Jews fear them
>No niggers

The reason we have so few niggers is because we don't let women rule

Divide and conquer. the epitome of kike tactics.

Diversity is racial D&C for homogeneous indigenous people
Feminism is D&C for male and females
Atheism is D&C for spirituality

>implying you're not a weeaboo burger english teacher

Good work Japan. On a side note, the Bible also teachers not to allow women to rule over men. Its why western countries have only began declining when they moved away from Christianity

What about Koike

What do you mean.

In grade school i was bullied by a gang of vicious girls. They sat on my face and made me lick them. Girls rule here but just much more silently.

Just like one of my chinese cartoons

Poland gets it. Women are allowing multiculturalism to happen, because they love it. They don't want borders, they don't want countries, because they think every race is the same.

They don't understand why most countries in Africa are still poor, and why Japan is a very advanced society.

Lol kys Hideki, your entire people are confirmists who suck the West's dick for pleasure. The feminist cancer is growing in Japan.

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It's not. There are only small groups inspired by western feminists, and they don't get to any powerful positions.

Japans economy is so big because it's workers work 20 hours a day

We have pride and we care about what we do, yes

ching chan ping pang

And you guys wonder why you don't have time to produce more babies lmao

But you let women run the budget of the household

Your people have a weak actitude but you arent being cucked like the swedes ,I dont even know how

So why did you have a massive bubble in the 90ths?

Almost every developed county have bad birth rates, not just Japan.

You did, too

True but you lads need to start reproducing

I thought it was successful because the yakuza run things instead of stupid, corrupt politicians.

Send help please.

Indeed we did, and I'm pretty sure you're going to blame our bubble on women. But you don't have women, so what's your excuse?

And Japan hasn't let immigrants in. Save yourselves Japan, it's too late for us. Use robots instead of immigrant. Save yourselves!

Attached: robots-humans-together.jpg (999x717, 375K)

You're not fooling anyone David kun. You're an English "teacher" dancing for peanuts. You'll be removed when they realise how much of a waste of time you losers are.

>He trusts robots over humans
The day of the EMP can't come soon enough

Good for you Tatsuo. I would give you guys Kuriles if it were up to me.

Sadly, Abe signed a deal with EU where Japan will receive 500,000 imigrants.

At least they'll come in based on skill, not based on women's emotion.

Attached: hitlerjapan.jpg (431x605, 40K)

Because their economic boom was driven by massive government spending, primarily in construction. Nearly every river is dammed and there are numerous "bridges to nowhere".

They ran out of things to build and have basically been in a malaise since the bubble burst. Except now the solution is apparently to flood the country with obnoxious Chinese tourists looking to take advantage of tax free shops

Hopefully that's true, unlike our gov, they just open the flood gate as if they are opening tap water. As much as they control the amount of people coming in now, but they still wont stop until our country is over populated.

You are literally more gynocentric than the West and are dying faster because of it.
>for millenia every working class Hiroshi had to give all his money to his wife
>she stays home and does nothing, only gives him a small allowance for being a good boy and working the rice paddy
>now Hiroshi is depressed because he is too beta to call the bitch out on her bullshit
>becomes "herbivore man" and spends his time buying used panties from a vending machine (too beta to buy anything from a person)
>meanwhile Abe legislates free daycare and all kinds of tax breaks for the precious wahmens and raises taxes on Hiroshi
>average nip thot just fucks Yamata instead
>a-at reast we don't ret women ruruu
>stupid baka gaijin

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Why do people keep pretending JP flag posters actually are Japanese

idk, maybe feels good.

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i recognize that ass.
it's adriana lima, right?

Thats my fetish

I live here anyway so its fine right?

Then why your people don't have sex anymore ?
And why are the marriage rates can't stop dropping ?

You just need to take a look europe where woman rules

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go back to class gaijin

If women in japan DONT rule, why arent you guys fucking em?

>we don't let women rule
Explain this shitshow, faggot

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Saa.... hen na kanojo no tachi wa nettaimasu ka?

How do you do my fellow asians ahaha

white people am I right?



Japan is truly the last bastion.
They must preserve their racial homogeneity.
Every other country has been cucked.

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On the budget you give them....


>Atheism is d&c for spirituality

How, would you say? Spiritual religions do a fine job of dividing themselves and atheism is simply the claim of not being convinced by any claim of God. Atheism doesn't even claim no god exists.

women's suffrage was the point at which the country lost. They are too swayed by emotional arguments and that's a disaster for national governance.

>We don't let crazy activists take power
Says the loser English teacher

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Go home loser.

Japan has the worlds third biggest debt so try to sort that out first boy

requesting link or video of Japanese politicians messing with a female politician who was talking about dropping birth rates, by telling her to get married and have kids.

sexy, but a bit flabby master-race reporting in.

I heard you guys chose kids names by throwing silverware on the floor and copying the sounds. True?


>We have pride
You nothing more but a slaves, aren't you?

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>we have UNITY.

It's basically because you don't have to spend in Army budget since you don't have one, you are still colonized by the burgers since WW2

>perfectly round butt
>a bit flabby

And suicide rate is highest in the developed world because you are still chinks unable to feel empathy

This is how I rule

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It's always been my understanding that Japanese women control the household finances.

>no niggers, women, and Jews in Gov.

That's the key guys!

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Because nips wake up and start the day singing the company hymn while working harder than anyone on the west, thats why.
Also OP is either a migrant, a tourist or a proxy.

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But you fell for the women vote too, and it haven't destroy your society yet.

>people think this ass is flabby


Everything you said was correct. This country was destined for greatness now we feed the third world and enrich bankers.

You're not fucking and your populatuon is disappearing.

The economy doesn't mean shit for a dying nation.

Public debt
Are you frustrated?


>talking about a dying nation
Calm down, it's been a week since your last mass shooting and your over due.

Not even in the top 29
South Korea has them soundly beat and the U.S. is 34.


honest questions jap bros, is it impossible to have a single earner houseold? did you fall for the women in the workforce meme? or do mothers work part time?

Not an argument

Ethnically homogeneous.

I dont speak frog

My friend, while I understand the appeal and logic of your argument, but it's not enough. Unity is one thing, good work ethic is another, and you need both. There's a bunch of examples of unified societies that are unsuccessful, because package of drive, ethic and agency translate into oppressive, shiftless hiveminds

Package = lack

That blonde is incredible, tarnished by the company she chooses.

Do you jews have both in Israel? Here in Brazil we have none.

We Muslims will come and will abolish you infidels.. you all got no chance against us..We will kill all of you Christians and communist maggots. we will rape all of your women including your mom and children..

I'm Japanese. 2 Chan is 99% Japanese only problems, it's boring. 4 Chan I get to make fun of white people for losing power to the negros..

looks like a manlet ass

Why do women like metrosexuals so much?


Silvio Santos?

No user, that's chinese

>You're not fooling anyone David kun. You're an English "teacher" dancing for peanuts. You'll be removed when they realise how much of a waste of time you losers are.
Ha aha! Yeah, this dancing eikaiwa monkey is trying to make everyone think that he's Japanese. Not falling for it.

>Nearly every river is dammed and there are numerous "bridges to nowhere".
And concrete covers all of the river banks. Fucking concrete everywhere.

lmao tell that to your millions of virgin men who are ignored by your greedy whore women
just saying, we have it just as bad but we're not advertising ourselves as a successful nation

>women's suffrage was the point at which the country lost.
The Japanese are apolitical. They have no interest in politics, especially the women.

Whatever, Black Pigeon. Why are you btiching like an incel on this Mongoloid image board? Don't you have some hookers (who may or may not be underage) to fuck?

You've said nothing that I can disagree with :-/

>We don't let crazy activists take power, Japan has basically
Your population is dying.
Your young generation don't even bother to fuck.
The anime cancer is ruining the youth.