Liberals want the NPC meme to work for them so bad

I'm fairly certain it's a/biz/ meme, but I love where you guys are headed with it!

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Liberals lack the autistic attention span to make memes work. That's why Jow Forums is so good at appropriating memes and making them their own.

ITT some kinda shareblue bullshit

kek, you're probably right about that.

wtf are you even talking about faggot?

People obsessed with getting gibs for themselves aren't even sapient beings. The only real true proof of sapience, is the expression of it to affect the outside world; creation. Some modicum of self sufficiency and thriving.

Being a gibs-pet isn't like a sapient being. A pet isn't sapient. Sentient maybe, but not sapient. It's an animal. A mere beast. Less than human. "I am, I want" means next to nothing. A monkey, digging into it's own anus, to eat it's own excreted feces is this. Essentially a shitlib is nothing more impressive than a shit eating monkey. All of the leftist subhuman's supposed sapience, all of it's aggregated mental computing power, all of it's higher notions of concept, morality... All, is geared solely toward conniving out as much shit for it to eat. The leftist seeks to play the pig. It is not human. The leftist is npc incarnate. An npc single desire driven automaton bug of a creature.

I like how its so versatile. maybe that's the point, who knows?

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Does NPC = liberal now? I'm fine with this.

Pretty sure it originated on Jow Forums. Some autist posted the inner monologue study over and over and over all night before it caught on.

Oh yeah I forgot about that, there was like a week straight on Jow Forums where every thread was:

>"My tron should be mooning any day now"

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NPC is an old meme and an older concept and it spiked on pol organically.

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It does on Jow Forums haha, and that's why I love this place.

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>HAHA that's a good one

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Hitler found out that jews are npc's, empty vessels that can be filled with interdimensional entities. demons. And he had not choice but to kill them all.

Gold. This is the next step.

>Tokyo: Become Human

Bumping for more gold.
>Become Human
This is actually a good slogan. Instead of calling people "sheep" or any of that faggy shit, imply they're not already human and have to become human.
So much of the left's plight is based upon the mislead belief that they are human.

Jew here, I have constant 24/7 internal monologue so don't spread lies, goyPC

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Yes fellow white person I'm glad we all contributed to force this meme out onto the Jow Forums.

They think there being smart by making sure their buddies are the first few comments. I hope there not doing this for free. That would be pretty pathetic.

If normies are NPCs does that make jews NPC programmers?

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>It comes from the discord tourists on /v/, who don't actually surf the site on their own. It's laden with enough game centric imagery and lingo, but without enough actual realization that it is flawed or unappealing.
>Jow Forums took it from them and totally ruined it for them by doing better than they did, effortlessly.
>This isn't the first meme to operate like this. This isn't even the first wojak meme to operate like this. For some reason, the people that hate us have an obsession with the wojak meme in particular and always use it as their corruptive base for their shit memes.
>Anyone remember those hi-def wojaks that looked like shiny niggers and shit?
>Same group.
>They literally don't understand the level of memetic warfare we operate on on a daily basis. they are wildly out of their depth. It won't stop them.

I have no idea how that all came out as greentext.

It's almost as though you copy/pasted it from your notes? Kinda like a shill would do. Your not doing this for free are you? When does your funding run out?

I did copy paste it. I always check the I'm not a robot option before typing. It lapsed and it always fucks its all up so I had to create the quickwindow for it.

I always shitpost against discord traps for free you idiot. I'm not a shill, I just told you an actual real reason this shit is happening. Have you not noticed they always fuck with Wojak?

No, you just jumped to conclusions like an idiot. I could try to gaslight the thread against you by positing you are a shill innocently, but I won't. Because thats kike behavior, especially when someone shows actual thought in their posting.

From a recent thread.

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That kind of recoil seems like you've been found out? Do you still get paid of people call you out? Are you currently in Israel? What's the weather like?

>I'm not a shill

t. A shill

conversely, you are a kike on a VPN, strayans have better banter.
Double quoting, really nigger?

But seriously, its the discord trannies on /v/ that originated it. It has all their markers and gets spammed the way they spam. It actually gets posted LESS now that we co-opted it. As soon as that happens they drop it like a bad habit and organized articles shaming its use magically appear.

But I'm definitely a shill for shining the light on it for you, yep.
Go drown in Vegemite m8.

Rabbis were just the first people to figure out you could exploit trade with NPCs but they didnt realize every now and then a patch makes that type of behavior hostile
>I believe this unironically

checked. its because you got blessed SON

If your not a shill you got shilled hard. When does you boomer posting shift start?

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counter checked


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I always knew there was something wrong with Elon Musk

>The more I argued with them, the better I came to >know their dialectic. First they counted on the >stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was >no other way out, they themselves simply played >stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to >understand, or, if challenged, they changed the >subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you >accepted them, they immediately related to entirely >different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave >ground and pretended not to know exactly what you >were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one >of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like >slime which divided up and poured through your >fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if >you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow >that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but >agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at >least one step forward, your amazement was great >the next day. The NPC had not the slightest >recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same >old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, >and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; >he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had >proved the correctness of his assertions the previous >day.

>holy shit

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Jewish controlled and indoctrinated colleges are brainwashing the youth MAINLY women to destroy the west!!!
The kikes have destroyed education
We must OUTLAW all forms of liberal colleges.

Reform the schools! Re educate the feminists, fix women and harmony will followBanned Kanye west speech at SNL with commentary!
Spread like wildfire, a good opportunity to redpill the normies !!! Dindus love kanye

Kanye will expose the Jew
>he will redpill the masses of NPCs
>he is a golem, and we will turn him against his Jewish masters...

hang around niggers and you'll get an inner monologue quick. Everyone has inner monologue people are just liars or make up shit to make themselves seem unique.

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>I love when memes like this are right on the absolute cusp of really getting out of hand.

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Jew, your neuroticism is showing. Your tactics are old and obvious, calling everybody a shill to try to sow discord.
Unfunny and unoriginal, find a new slant loser.

Oh yeah. The next evolution is an NPC is anyone who watches and absorbs talmudvision/social media and the only way to become human is to go full 1488

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Shalom! Haha you're blending in so well. No one's caught on yet!

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Not necessarily. But the liberals who just react to whatever the media feeds them are NPCs. They even talk about being "triggered," which is how NPCs in a game work, having routines that can be triggered by various events. It's a perfect fit, which is why it stings.

chapter 11 or something I think, fml i didn't even need to look it up. I need to slow down on listening to mean kampf before bed.


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>User profile is a power-level hiding wojak
Kek, that's a nice touch