What would heaven look like for you?

What would heaven look like for you?

To me, it would be like a new start on your old life, where you can go back and relive it though new eyes.
Trying for a more optimistic style of thread here.

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>What would heaven look like for you?
I just want to see every dog I've ever had again. I don't care about anything else as long as I get my dogs back.

doggos are awesome

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Benign awareness of all that is.

instant access to all possibilities of existence

what you mean are you killing your dogs

An anthropomorphic furfag paradise

If it were anything else, I would not consider it heaven

dogs live longer than people user

i mean... wait

That's not heaven, it's reincarnation. Pretty good either way, and quite pagan in spirit too. Would be cool if you could remember details from your previous life by being exposed to certain stimuli, thus becoming wiser in much less time with the proper guidance.

Optimistic : A place where you can choose another life and know its future and live that life but you will forget all the future of that life i guess

Pessimistic : life is eternal, you dont feel thirsty, hunger, pain. A place where theres no other joy-source other than the thought of being with god. A place where everything is stagnant, the joy, enthusiasm or entertainment that you felt back in earth is no more. this may sound very edgy but this is what i really think what heaven is like

This is heaven. Try that new eyes choice tomorrow.

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Heaven for me would be non-existence. I don't want an "afterlife". If I was still conscious after death, I want it to be life an eternal deep satisfying sleep that feels warm and comfy like sleeping in on a cold winter day!!!FACT!!!

Improved reality

The ground is made of pizza. Sausage trees grow everywhere. Waterfalls of beefaroni cascade from cliffs of bacon. Even the cool summer breeze is laden with calories. No matter how much you devour, you never reach a point where you feel unable to eat more, and each bite tastes delicious.

God here. Gonna let you in on something because kek says your ok. The life thing is shit, really terrible I know, it's necessary thou cause I need you to develop souls and suffering is the only way I'm afraid. But anyway, I wanna compensate you because I'm a stand up guy. So after this bs is over I'm gonna give you your own universe. (They're just simulations anyway to be honest). Yeah, do what you like, go fuck Roman whores and do drugs in Babylon, redo your life and see how it could have gone, be batman, be Charlemagne, rape that Harry potter slut, see how history ended, give yourself superpowers whatever. All popular. I'll give you infinity time but if you get bored give me a shout and well do something else. So hang on in there faggot, gonna be great and you can really gasthekikes if you like later.

It would be pretty awesome if you could remember EVERYTHING. imagine being just 5 years old and know it all that you learned in your past lives. Pure Kino.

A harem of big booty black ebonies + QT Hijabi women. All ready to be impregnated, one at a time.

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After you die you go to a place you've fantasied about. There you spend some time until your soul is purified and either ready to go again (if you need to learn something) or go to a next level.

So fire up that imagination, anons.

There's infinite choices that could happen
One thing I thought of would be if you die, initially you get like an analysis of everything that happened during your life in terms of numbers and shit, including shit I don't currently know about like psychic skills...

Idk lol

Based but bluepilled

To be with my little cousin and all bad people(everyone else) to be gone.

Heaven is coming back as white or Asian. Hell is coming back as a shitskin.