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We live in a merit-based society and they try to circumvent that by claiming that different subcategories of human deserve Merit based on Rarity. What they don't understand is they are tacitly saying that the more common races that exhibit skill based Merit deserve demerit also based strictly on color gender whatever.that notion flies directly in the face of all their isms that they espouse day in and day out. Not only is that basic hypocrisy left untouched for the most part It is such an easy argument to win and no one seems to f****** make it enough

C-SPAN used to be pretty good. Lots of real debates and good interviews. Is it still good or has it become completely cucked & fucked?

>Watching cspan has become a radical act

It's still good, they are impartial by law.

you can't win though. when your opponent is 100% brainwashed into thinking everything they do is 'progressive' and 'the right side of history', they cannot be reasoned with. anything you do to challenge their worldview is called bigotry

> He thinks you're trying to change the person you're arguing with's mind
This is why you argue in public user. You aren't trying to expose the person you're arguing with to their own retardedness you're trying to expose them for being retarded and hopefully preventing people from siding with them. The inevitable cognitive flailing that goes on display is usually enough to dissuade people from taking their side. Not everyone but you have to have some faith in humanity as far as having a majority of people who aren't completely retarded. That mentality is genuinely our only hope

>That full house
Nice digits canuck

No, they are not. Live right now is a pink haired feminist trying to tell people women need to vote more. Fucking kill yourself if you think this is impartial

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Kurtzleben is jiddish

And later they'll have some nazi on. They give equal time.

These people that they are letting speak are reading scripts. This is retarded

donna brazil is on!! ask her about seth rich

Oh boy Muh color Muh Women. What does Donna Brazile have in her mouth? She cant even talk right.

holy shit blessed someone needs to call in and do this!!

can someone put it on rabb.it i wanna shitpost in the chat


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Why would anyone watch this?

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Based woman from texas said how can you care about children from other countries when you murder our own babies. ha ah aha ha

Donna Brazile saying the protesters werent paid but were honest taxpayers. Shes shilling hard.

> Women are a race......

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