
Why are all these young girls maturing so quickly

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Who this???

Definitely not some thot who will become massively entitled and stupid because men will throw money at her to show her holes.

more estrogen being pumped into the water

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Same reason the fucking frogs are so gay. It's a combination of that and also just it's not actually happening much more than usual and the internet is just really good at curating pictures of young girls with huge titties.

different sides of the equator, same jew tactics in play to execute NWO

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>Lumbardosis is cute
wanting to pass a crippling skeletal problem on to your offspring, just so you can ogle non-white melons, is literally sub-human chimp tier.

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my thoughts exactly, growth hormones in the food supply, look at her milkshake, just a cup of rBST.

They’veaways been maturing quickly. They don’t mature at 18 lol they mature around 12-14 and most become fully developed by 16.

fuckin mudslimes leave the armenian qt alone

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feminine hormones in food.
girls are maturing 500% faster because of that.
boys are 500% more feminine because of that.

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estrogen from the processed food

Growth hormones in poultry. Which is why I never by organic chicken for my daughter. Gotta raise dem tiddies right.

girls without fathers grow up faster I read somewhere

It's the absence of fathers. Without the presence of male family members the girls bodies go in crisis mode and mature faster.

It's a good strategy if your tribe suffered a lot of casualties. Not so great in the modern world with lots of single mothers though.

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gib milkies

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Interesting idea. I have my doubts but this is an interesting concept.

fun fact-
Did you know that if you eat KFC chicken in particular, that even your man breasts will develop the fastest. This is because the poultry farms supplying KFC's food chains are pumping their chickens half to death with hormones to keep up with demand. This is only getting worse.

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They always have.

I never really liked KFC tbqh so I'm safe

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Look at how she dresses and sits. Acid in that face will teach it some modesty.

>rapid, unrestrained consumption of onions products
The funny thing about onions is, it has certain nutrients in it that helps the body produce more estrogen.
Either that, or it's genetics

>Researchers from University of California, Berkeley, have discovered that girls who live in homes without a biological father physically mature sooner than those who live with their biological father.


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No wonder you and your kind are so detached from society. You autistic niggers can't go one second without wanting to kill something

Birth control in the water from roasties pissing it out. Estrogen mimickers in food
>Estrogen mimickers in plastic
>Hormones in milk
Mainly hormones in milk. Estrogen mimicking chemicals are why cucks have that face.

Gotta love the low key pedo threads disguised as truth seeking threads.

phytoestrogens, xenoestrogens and absense of a father during development jump-starts menarche.

Nonwhites utilize the R breeding strategy.

Girls have literally always gone through puberty around 12-14 and most physical maturation finishes then. It's some weird desperate meme that it comes later, some cope by 18 year old guys with flat chested girlfriends.

You know (((why)))
The happy water filter salesman tried to warn you

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is God's way to show us that he really loves us.

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i dont see the problem

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The problem is that the side effect is that men become feminine

Hey this is a question I can actually answer.
Basically due to the fact that greater and greater women are single mothers, as well as the fact that most fathers that do stay around are just absolute trash. children mature faster, as their subconscious goes "oh fuck, all the husbands are dieing because of war or famine or some shit, better hurry this shit up so I can start helping out"
It happens to boys to, for much the same reasons, but in various different ways.

TL;DR it's because of single moms, kids seem like they're growing up so fast because they literally are. this means that you have kids becoming sexually active at younger and younger ages, which helps the death spiral of humanity. we have reached the point where the death of society is unstoppable and inevitable. I give it ~ten years. before the "sexually mature" children start becoming properly of age and have even more children with random people

>Can barely speak English
>Still talk like a nigger
How do we stop it

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where the fuck are the mods fucking pedo loving shitbags.

Sounds pretty believable and a good argument. You have any sauces on this, faggot? If so, I would like to use.

Are you Jason Schreier from Kotaku?

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actually, he's Alf Stewart

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aaaw poor user, have some more feet before I go to sleep ;)

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>girls without a biological father present

That's just niggers. They hurt puberty earlier. Also why they're fucking retarded.


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How old is she now?

birth control being peed into water supply, and not filtered out. we are constantly ingesting hormones


I haven't googled it. But I'm willing to bet the birthcontroll pill is a jewish invention

I get you guys have a crush on her, but she's really not impressive looking and she does that annoying spic hair thing where she pulls it back so tight that it's like the hair is painted to her greasy scalp. She also has a punchable face, I imagine it would be fun to just see her on the street and start smashing that ugly face of hers in with punch after punch.


>talking like a nigger
The mudslime is actually the based on here. Makes me cringe to admit it tho.


It's nature compensating. Current generation of young women are unfuckable thots, so nature is putting the next gen on speed delivery.

Prepare for the wave of "why are 25-35 yearold men going after 18yearolds instead of settling down with women their age?!" articles

Y'know, I didn't type onions. What i meant to say was
Man, when did Jow Forums become such a lil bitch that they have to censor words such as

Nope. They examined non-Hispanic white girls.
And the result was even more prevalent among the wealthier white girls.

>early puberty is more prevalent among white non-Hispanic girls who live in relatively well-off homes, ones where the household income is higher than $50,000. And the absent dad effect held even when weight was taken into account.

Missed it at first kek

Unironically it's cow's milk.
Humans are the only species to drink the milk of other species. The growth hormones that are used to quickly mature cows to breed and therefore for milk production I'm guessing also affect female (and possibly male) humans to some extent.
It's not just sōy milk, it's cow's milk too

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If u actually went outside for once in your life u would notice that these girls only look mature on pictures, in real life they are incredibly small, they literally look like dwarfs

Is hitting puberty earlier a good or a bad thing?

Women are never really mature and the whole point of them is to make babies, why would God lock this ability unless crisis?

stay out of it, shit tits

>I haven't googled it. But I'm willing to bet the birthcontroll pill is a jewish invention
Every fucking time lmao


>"Dr. Gregory Goodwin Pincus (April 9, 1903 – August 22, 1967) was an American biologist and researcher who co-invented the combined oral contraceptive pill."

>Gregory Goodwin Pincus was born in Woodbine, New Jersey, into a Jewish family

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it's basically the perfect storm.
1) girls that simply mature young
2) hormones in food (chicken, milk)
3) social factors (girls that have unstable households ie daddy issues can have their puberty triggered earlier as a reproductive red alert)
4) I believe a certain amount of it is possibly psychologically willed by the individual

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Black males hit puberty earlier than whites, they want white women to only have sexual encounters with black males. White girls are now hitting puberty much earlier and developing curves and huge knockers while still basically being children. Connect the dots, it's planned and engineered to be this way by (((them))).

Most of the time bad. They turn into little fuckhounds and this has a bad effect on their long term emotional development. Also they almost never have nice healthy tiddies into adulthood.

People who dress like this need to be gassed.

Only people that eat onions or other substances like that.

Free range chickens that have no added hormones are a okay to eat.

Shes only half. Pretty much a mutt

>nevermind their triple F tiddies and supple asses
>they arent very tall!
Homosexual alert

who is this?

She's just fat

they are smaller than you think lmao, the cloth/makeup/photomagic they do is insane

The chemicals turning the frogs gay are making their boobs grow.

I don't understand dudes that obsess over tall women. Tall women tend to have big man hands and feet combines with awkward lanky and curveless frames.


all those men are hot though
t. female

Fucking pedos. How could anyone get off to the idea of removing a little girl's clothes and licking her tiny body all over, nibbling her neck and kissing her adorable little nipples? Only a heartless monster would think about her cute girlish mouth and tongue wrapped around a thick cock slick with her saliva, pumping in and out of her mouth until it erupts, the cum more than her little throat can swallow.
The idea of thick viscous semen overflowing, dribbling down her chin over her flat chest, her tiny hands scooping it all up and watching her suck it off her fingertips is just horrible. You're all a bunch of sick perverts, thinking of spreading her smooth slender thighs, cock poised at the entrance to her pure, tight, virginal pussy, and thrusting in deep as a whimper escapes her lips which are slippery with cum, while her small body shudders from having her cherry taken in one quick stroke.
I am disgusted at how you'd get even more excited as you lean over her, listening to her quickening breath, her girlish moans and gasps while you hasten your strokes, her sweet pants warm and moist on your face and her flat chest, shiny with a sheen of fresh sweat, rising and falling rapidly to meet yours.
It is truly nasty how you'd run your hands all over her tiny body while you violate her, feeling her nipples hardening against your tongue as you lick her chest, her neck and her armpits, savoring the scent of her skin and sweat while she trembles from the stimulation and as she reaches her climax, hearing her cry out softly as she has her first orgasm while that cock is buried impossibly deep inside her, pulsing violently as an intense amount of hot cum spurts forth and floods through her freshly-deflowered pussy for the first time, filling her womb only to spill out of her with a sickening squelch. And as you lie atop her flushed body, she sighs breathlessly and her fingers dig into your back as she feels your cock hardening inside her again. You're all sick

someone post the video of her eating the sandwich in the pink dress

that shit should be illegal

probably because you're a manlet and don't have to secure your genetic material anyway

Her boobs are fake

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Yes, but on the other hand...

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Mate, they literally look like puppets on strings when they move. Theresa May dancing levels of awkwardness.


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They're not fake. She wears 3 padded push up bras.
t. roastie

sure thing, Abdul Jones

t. manlet

Where have you been? That filter has been active for months, maybe a year now.

Excessive sugar creates estrogen

that does sound very likely... although humans don't really communicate with pheromones that I recall, rodents do and they have some similar responses to the number of males/females, alpha males, alpha females, etc in their vicinity.

yes, it's interesting how we think conscious intelligence is so important, yet the unconscious intelligence that occurs just in the body with basic functions and DNA performing calculations about the environment is insane to comprehend.