
Atheists of Jow Forums, why are you an atheist?

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honestly just because my parents were atheist so never raised me religious, I didn't even know the concept of God until I was like 5 and a teacher was explaining to us why we were going to church for Easter

im gay

I believe Nasa space is bullshit.
So im a believer.
Fuck off with this atheist shit

That's not their symbol, this is their symbol.

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If god performs miracles (Bible says god will move mountains on your behalf) then there should be physical evidence to point to. Catholics realize this and at least make an attempt to confirm several miracles every year. I just don’t believe the child-raping Catholics.

*tips fedora*

No one has ever given me a reason to believe in god. Even when i was i kid during bible school(which I went to for an hour every fucking week) the adults couldnt answer my questions. How come ever civilization came up with a different god with no communication? I think it is a natural evolutionary function of the species and is good for moral enforcement but even that aspect is dying. Honestly if there isnt an institution that comes soon to structure humans then it is going to get degenerate extreme. Think now but 15 times worse in 3 years. The masses are wide open for it too and begging to be structured. Social media is trying but utterly failing. The masses are ripe for the picking if anyone here wants to try.

because i don't believe in god you fucking mong

Easter isn't even a christian tradition btw, they stole it and changed it from the European pagans.
Wdym with Nasa space and what exactly do you not believe?
Where does it say God literally moves mountains? Its probably meant figuratively

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No substantive evidence for supernatural phenomena of any kind, wide history of the scientific method resoundingly debunking mysticism in the fields of medicine/history/biology/etc., and the logical problems of creating a space wherein the supernatural can exist and then trying to corral it back to just one interpretation of one faith. I am a scientist by profession and years of training myself to demand rigorous evidence to make even incontroversial claims make the absolutely outrageous claims without any kind of data beyond "muh feelings" inherent to any kind of religiosity difficult for me.

Because (((organized religion))) is a farse. You don't have to sing in a church and pay a tithe to be spiritual.

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Because I'm an intellectual. I love science, I browse reddit and I vote democrat.

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there are no atheists in the west. these retards are all Christians and don't even realize it

Based and redpilled

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Physicalism can't explain qualia therefore God

i dont know i never believed in any god and dont care about it. i think its because my parents arent religious so they didnt push anything on me

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So long as it's not, "therefore (((God))). The best you're going to do with logical arguments is deism. And Satan doesn't exist (no logical argument against that).

Only religious retards vote Republican. Educated atheist elites like myself all vote Democrat. If you're a Christian you're helping to support cheeto hitler and probably have an IQ less than 80

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This, i cucked all you faggots

That would explain it if you were agnostics. But as an atheist you have to explain why you choice to believe god dosnt exist.

because there is no evidence for god existing, therefore i default to a pragmatic assumption of no god. Should evidence for god arise, then i would believe, but as there is none, i do not

Thats a case against organised religion. You cant be spirtual and an atheist though.

Have you ever been to north Korea?

an atheist can be an agnostic atheist. being agnostic or nostic defines "knowledge" if you "know" a god exists, you are a nostic theist, if you "know" that a god does not exist, then you are a nostic atheist, etc

no, but as all maps i have ever seen show north korea, i default to the pragmatic assumption that it exists

This guy gets it. Evidence shows there is no God and that diversity is our strength. Stop believing in fairy tales and let more immigrants in. The future is brown and atheist!

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Because there's no convincing reason to take part in religion.
No, atheistic originally meant non-religious, but has been twisted into your modern interpretation, much like most other labels, which is why non-religious people avoid the atheist label nowadays.
The only evidence you need for something that doesn't exist is lack of evidence for it in the first place.

What if you dont know either way. Then what are you called?

Lack of evidence. Even morality has biological roots as people are naturally repulsed by antisocial behavior

But you have no first hand proof. You just assume is real because every body eles does right?

agnostic atheist/theist. Nostics "know" agnostics dont

Only rural and suburban retards believe in God. Smart and sophisticated city people all voted Hillary.

3/10 way to thick

The universe is absurd and things happen arbitrarily. Many patterns we recognize are just confirmation bias or illusory, though some may intend to pursue truth.
There is no real reason to believe in an involved creator due to the problem of evil, nor is there a reason to worship an uninvolved creator for obvious reasons.
If you want to be spiritual, go ahead and be "spiritual." I just don't think there's anything there.

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i take the position that would make everyday life easier. I am a skeptic, so i question everything. However, i cant test everything, so i will remain at the pragmatic assumption (whatever is accepted as true) so yes, i essentially believe that North Korea exists because all maps show North Korea, theres constant shit about North Korea being a cunt on the news, and because its the pragmatic assumption

My parents weren't very religious and I didn't even know what God was or what praying was even for or the bible at all until I was around 8 years old. I remember trying to rationalize the fact that Pangea was a thing and trying to correlate that with the idea that God created the world with the cities that existed in the Middle East. Though I didn't know it at the time, that was my first exposure to conflicting contradicting claims. I lost faith in 7th grade when I was probably 13 because I realize that the sacred text and word of God wasn't true based on what we've learned about the world around us.

>Smart and sophisticated city people all voted Hillary.

How do you even know that? It's even more laughable because you claim to know who voted for what when you aren't even American. From what I saw, it was minorities and women that voted for Hillary.

I always just figured atheism is nihilism. But as says its definition is pretty lose.

Rural retard detected. As a high IQ city dweller it's child's play to figure that out.

Agnostic, not atheist
You used the wrong pronoun

>TFW I was agnostic until I read the simulation argument
we are clearly all in a simulation

Yes, you're clearly high IQ when you can't even explain why you think something. Remind me never to visit Germany. I wonder if there are any white people left in Germany. I'm probably speaking to a nigger.

well, i dont think nothing matters, if anything i think everything i do matters, at least to me, because its my only chance to make my life as good as possible.

But you get my point. A lot of a beliefs are not based on first hand evidence. Most people form beliefs based on trusting what they were taught. You have faith that north Korea exists it sounds plausible so you believe it.

Wrong. Atheist means you believe there is no God.
Agnostic means you do not know.
Why is this so hard for you stupid dickheads to come to grips with?

yeah, but i dont have faith, at least in the way that i see christians and muslims have faith. I would absolutely visit P'yongyang just so i can see that north korea exists

I will never understand how anyone could ever be an Atheist unless it is out of pure fear of God's existence which in turn proves their shame which they cannot and will not asses.
Agnosticism is really just a light version and on top of that philosophically weak.

When i say faith i mean trust. That i can believe something without definitive proof.

incorrect. Agnostic means you dont express knowledge. I am an agnostic, and also an Atheist. So i dont know, but default to not believing. I simply have no belief either way

i suppose, then yeah

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This isn't PlayDoh, you don't get to mix these terms.
A- Gnostic literally means Don't Know
Atheist means you believe there is no God.
These are mutually exclusive terms ya fucking retard.
PIck one.

Nihilism is a belief that everything is meaningless, atheism is just lack of a belief in gods. Do you really need God in everything to find meaning? What an odd thing to say, if you play a video game and have fun then was that God?
Even if we are just brains in a vat, what difference would it make? What could we change about it? It seems silly to worry over without some definitive plan of action.

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>an anime girl and some jewish verse will change your minds!

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Don't feel a need for religion and it has no reasonable evidence that (((your))) religion is true.

It looks, sounds and feels like sham made by other people to get what they want.

We Starfleet now

u are fucking retarded if thats really your main point such a passage is meant to be symbolical

no, no they are not. Agnostic is "dont know" like you said, but it isnt "dont know about god" you idiot. Atheist is the lack of belief. It does not require a secondary belief. Agnostic means you dont know. However, you can still not know, and default to a position. I dont know that your a faggot, but i can still default to the position that yes, you are a faggot. So i am an agnostic yourafaggot-ist. Pretty fucking simple.

this. also bonus points for being australian

Repeating yourself will not change the fact that you are wrong.
Agnostic and Atheist are distinct and mutually exclusive terms.
Deal with it.

Well what meaning does life have without a higher purpose? Maybe not "God" as the christians see it. But what is the meaning of life?

I'm an atheist because every religion uses the same argument.

"MY holy books is full of truth! Why? It just is! Have faith!"

Science doesn't run on faith. It runs on experimentation.

but two agnostics are not equal to each others one can tend to assume that belive in god may be favorable option the other can think the opposite

well what about new age and spiritualism in general ?

>or lacks belief
I make no claim of knowledge. therefore, Agnostic

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The cosmos is beautiful, but it is an absolute mess.

It may look fine-tuned, but I, like many people more articulate than me, would suggest that that seeming knife-edge that allows our tiny fragment of space to sustain life looks more coincidental than planned.

If our universe was deliberately designed, it could have been done a lot better and with less room for unjustifiable suffering.

So ... that's how you wanna play eh? Perhaps we should go back to using this symbol for Christianity then.

If you want atheists to "be respectful", perhaps you should start by looking in the mirror.

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>I'm actually Agnostic, not the Non Sequitur mixed term Atheist Agnostic
Was that so fucking hard?

>Wdym with Nasa space and what exactly do you not believe?

He's probably a flat earther who thinks that outer space was made up by "Jewish communist niggers" or something.

Straight from Reddit

I don't even understand why spirituality is necessary, given that the real world is so wonderful.

it's wonderful until it gives cancer to your 5yo child

>I'm a Christian because I think that Vlad the Impaler and Christopher Columbus were okay guys. Injuns deserved worse. Heil Hitler.

That's how stupid your strawman argument is.

agnostic does not necessarily refer to god. How hard is that to grasp. You are probably an agnostic in lots of ways. Do you make a claim of knowledge that, for instance, unicorns exist? if not, and you have defaulted to non-belief, your an agnostic a-unicornist. you can do this with literally any set of beliefs

Mind your own goddamned business.

atheism was weak and died to a hat, while screaming about girls

Simple. Other than the telos argument, there's no reason that anything REQUIRES a God to happen or exist.

>Repeating shit arguments from Jordan Peterson.

What makes you think that Jesus invented the entire concept of compassion?

my man made a perfect point. You can be an agnostic theist, or an agnostic atheist. Or you could be a nostic theist, or an nostic atheist. Agnostic simply refers to the claim of KNOWING, not the claim of knowing WHAT

What in the fuck are you talking about?
You claimed to be an Atheist Agnostic.
I pointed out that you were wrong, because that is a Non Sequitur term.
Then you retreated to saying you are Agnostic.
I never state anything about my personal views at all, so go sit on your fucking Unicorns ya retard.

>there are actual simpletons and intellectual-cowards in here that don't understand Agnosticism isn't a middle-man/mutually-exclusive

The vast, VAST majority of self-proclaimed Agnostics are Agnostic Atheists. Accept your Atheism and move on.

Dude. Stop.

You're either a moron or a false flagger who is deliberately trying to ruin rationalism. Either way, fuck off.

i never claimed to know if you believe in unicorns, i asked. i never retreated to calling myself an agnostic, because i was always saying im an agnostic, simply an agnostic atheist. You are not actually listening to what im telling you ya retard

No evidence.

Why arent you Muslim, Hindu or jewish?

To be honest, I think that many people who are actually agnostic self-identify as atheists.

This is because the two beliefs aren't that different. In practice, most agnostics derive happiness from knowledge, derive knowledge from science, and derive morality from their emotions … just like a typical atheist.

Only reddit I go to is r/TESLore cos I'm an Elder Scrolls autist.

However, I'll happily admit I stand on the shoulders of giants when it comes to my arguments for disbelief. Mainly my main man, Christopher Hitchens. Science rest his soul.

But, Andromeda being on a crash course with our galaxy, the inevitable heat death of the universe and a staggering historical infant mortality rate, that meant that most of the souls conceived, even after Christ, never got a chance to become Christian, doesn't strike me as deliberately thought out.

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Non sequitur.

What about all the Christian dictatorships that were common in the world until recently?

But im not an atheist. Because life without faith is meaningless. But i dont believe in your jewish god.

You now that William Luther Pierce was an atheist right?

I've seen video footage of it. It's real.

Because it's not easy to change your beliefs.
I think that atheism doesn't offer anything, and religion is at least a safety net.
But can't believe in a god, I despise religious institutions.
I would try to go some pagan/math shit, I'm still trying to figure the placebo.

I have a friend who thinks NASA and space is totally made up, it's completely retarded

You ready to grow the fuck up and have an adult discussion?

you're probably 15

He's a troll.

>i have witnessed christ and can assure you god is real.

The specific place is irreverent is was just an example to make a point.