Next month, Dems are pushing to regain the House and Senate, which means impeachments of both Trump and Kavanaugh...

Next month, Dems are pushing to regain the House and Senate, which means impeachments of both Trump and Kavanaugh. I live in Cali, and I have never seen this level of push from professors, students, people on the streets and online social media just for one midterm.

If Dems win, they will try to place Trump under impeachment and then investigation. Then they will insist that he cannot nominate judges until (((their))) investigation has concluded. They drag the investigation to the end of 2020, and hope to get him voted out in a media-backed, non-transparent process. But at least they create massive delays. Similarly they focus on the threat of Kavanaugh's impeachment. They use that threat to keep him line line, and to attempt impeachment if he votes to gut Roe v Wade etc.

Ultimately these tactics are designed to give themselves leverage that neutere Trump and Kavanaugh until about 2020. When Trump can be voted out of office etc.

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Next month, Dems are pushing to regain the House and Senate, which means impeachments of both Trump and Kavanaugh. I live in Cali, and I have never seen this level of push from professors, students, people on the streets and online social media just for one midterm.

If Dems win, they will try to place Trump under impeachment and then investigation. Then they will insist that he cannot nominate judges until (((their))) investigation has concluded. They drag the investigation to the end of 2020, and hope to get him voted out in a media-backed, non-transparent process. But at least they create massive delays. Similarly they focus on the threat of Kavanaugh's impeachment. They use that threat to keep him line line, and to attempt impeachment if he votes to gut Roe v Wade etc.

Ultimately these tactics are designed to give themselves leverage that neutere Trump and Kavanaugh until about 2020. When Trump can be voted out of office etc.

They won’t

Blue wave cancelled

The whole Kav nomination really backfired on them.

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>which means impeachments

requires 2/3 of senate you mouth-breathing child

Kushner shill bot is back.

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Imagine being so pathetic and sad you waste every day hoping he'll get impeached. Feels good not caring about that

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Impeachments only require majority in the House.
Removal from pffice is 2/3 Senate, numbnuts

correct. but your original pasta confuses the average Jow Forumstard, so why did you post it if IT DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING.


But history is not on our side. It happens without almost perfect regularity that the president in power gets ass blasted in midterms.
Plus (((polling))) is on their side.

Trump promised a wall...a glorious wall, said he would put the witch in jail (she should be executed for treason)...yet 2 years in and all he has done to prove "america 1st" is give a bonus to Israel.

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Just shut up you dumb nigger. Get out of my MAGA thread, or help the fight you fucking pussy..

That would suck, but they're moving fast to get it.
And history is on their side.

Well they're not going to be able to get the 2/3. I think that's what you mean. But impeachment by majority in the House creates a domino effect where 1) he can't get new judges confirmed 2) can't enact other controversial legislation until the sham investigation is complete.
That will magically conclude around 2020.
Just neutering his first term.

I have no doubt the shills will push that HARD as reasons for Trumpsters to stay home. But to me, he's got the Justices and he's still the far better option.


I agree fellow white person.

Get registered anons:

Why can't the left meme?

look at it this way...if he doesn't build the wall or do something against HIllary...then his promises will just be the same as the last election.
He needs to do what he said he would do, especially with the power he has at his disposal.

Thanks for the input rabbi

Lol you think I'm a shill? Stay out of my thread. This is for mutts and based Aussies (not you)

Sorry fellow white person I didn't mean to call you out as a shill and make you recoil so.

The truth does not need to be memed.
Trump not only gave Israel a bonus but he gave the white helmets a fat check.

This is reality, not the left/right bullshit.
Open your eyes, look at my flag...I have no dog in this fight but I will call out bullshit when I see it.

This Trump shit is the biggest psy op the kikes have ever pulled on the right wing. Gaiz we r blowing out the libshitz based Trump is giving the corporations more money and power than ever and Israel is getting more money than ever. Meanwhile he is doing nothing with healthcare or immigration how based is that? He needs workers for his hotels after all.

I guess that's fair. Parts of the wall are newly designed and being built. He needs to go over congress's head and build it faster.
He did give us a bustling economy, he's kept us out of WWIII, and appointed two justices. So I'm happy with the progress, under these difficult circumstances.
How is your run off election looking?

Heathcare probably drops in 2024 when the pendulum swings back. Can't have it all. Priorities.

It's okay Aussie fren, I just don't like reading lies in my threads. Feel free to stay if you can speak strictly truth here.

Attn mutts.
Get registered here:

>look at my flag
Look at this faggot thinking VPNs aren't common as dirt.

>avoided WW3
The wars you have going in Iraq and Afghanistan are a serious drain January the USA will not call the middle east the longest war in US history. I really don't get why he does not call it quits...Isreal has enough money and resources from the US to defend itself. Ending those money pit wars would greatly bolster the US at this point for Americans...not some sand kikes.

Bolsonaro is a lock...there is no way Haddad is going to win the second round. PT was buried when they jailed Lula, got rid of Dilma and got Dirceu jailed as well.
Haddad is like a corpse at this can compare him to Hillary...a low energy cunt that can't get things done.
The US needs to learn from Brazil when it comes to putting corrupt cunts in jail.
For you see, Brazil is draining the swamp 200 cunts at a time...the number of arrests and successful prosecution of entire parties is what is needed to truly get rid of scum bags.
PT was always flaunting its corruption like Hillary. Here comes a guy like Bolso who knows that to get the country out of shit you have to actually jail all these mother fuckers. Wait until he gets elected, he will put so many fuckers in jail it will be glorious. He actually actively participated in the great swamp draining that the car wash scandal...why? because he is not corrupt.

of course...anybody who speaks the truth about Trump is a shill or a paid soros convenient

As I stated in my other post....look at what happened in Brazil with the car wash scandal....get proof of corruption from politicians, put them in jail. The ex-president is in jail, the president was impeached.

You can only successfully drain the swamp if you are a person like Bolsonaro. Of the hundreds caught in the scandal he came out clean. You can't imagine that they don't have some dirt on Trump. If they didn't he would have done what Bolso did.

That simple. To actually drain the swamp you have to jail the crooks.
61 Politicians ended up in jail...61..entire parties were dismantled. PT was left to rot in its shit...the party that ruled over Brazil was creamed.
Trump can't even jail one old lady

Brazil is already a completed vision for the future of America. A rootless grey race of consumer people content with living in decaying filth while their oligarch ruling class insists it's all ok.

leftists are too lazy to vote

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dems will mass suicide after losing bad in a month. Cap this.

god the left is pathetic. you retards realize you just blew the nov election with the kavanaugh shenanigans right?

That would be a mistake


Kick them while they're down!

Good luck user

Dont interrupt your enemy when they are making mistakes

Let's hope so. It certainly explains the massive time & effort they're spending on this PARTICULAR midterm turnout effort. Let's hope their voters are flakey college kids like before.

And then they get 4 years of president Pence.

That's cool, it will just be time to shoot people.

Lol they're calling me a Jewish shill too and I've done nothing but push for Trump this entire thread. They have poor attention spans I think.

You do that know it takes a 2/3 vote in the Senate to impeach, right? That would never happen.

You just jealous because our next president was able to drain the swamp even before becoming president LOL

I know..with every passing day Trump is proving he won't do shit...the corruption and selling out of the US is well under way.
Brazil will show the world what winning is all about.

Bolso helped to put 61 people put in people in government and many has Trump imprisoned?

Even Hillary is free as a bird after selling military secrets to the Chinese. How fucking embarrassing that my shithole will be a constant reminder for the next 8 years that Trump is all talk.

Attn: low IQ niggers. My entire post was unwaiveringly pro Trump. Please exit my thread and vote on Nov 6th. That is all.

Cali is a big state. Maybe what you are exposed to helps you make these statements? Otherwise these are straw man arguments and attempts to demoralize.

I was told in Kavanaugh's case he could only be impeached for actions he takes as a judge and not for personal shit that happened before he became a judge. Is that correct or was I misinformed?

See: need to leave california or stop watching tv ...maybe drop out of indoctrination university and get a job....reality calls you back

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Not sure what you mean by demoralize. But for the fourth time in this thread, the voting registration link is right here:

They have no fucking arguments.
That is what happens when you come on a political discussion board and criticize their candidate.

I voted for Bolso because he helped to drain the fucking swamp...I now expect him to continue jailing cunts so this country can wake up from the PT nightmare we have been living in for almost 2 decades.
If he doesn't keep pushing and perform even more than he did before becoming president I will be the first to criticize him.
When you support a candidate he needs to put up or shut up.

With Trump I got tired of seeing his fucking twats about crooked Hillary...he had 2 years to prove he would drain the swamp yet not a single fucking person has been put in jail. That is some lousy shit IMO.
If you want to drain the swamp you have to do it quickly and with stealth, not rant about it on fucking twatter like a boomer fag.
How the fuck can it take 2 fucking years to put that cunt on the gallows?

That's the plan eventually fren.

Good luck user

I see this picture every fucking time I go on Jow Forums what gives?

thanks, may Bolso roll out guillotines and let us rent helicopters...
Can't wait to be able to arm myself like an American.

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It's just an eye catching Trump pic. Usually used ironically.

>right dems are pushing each others shit in

It's a russian bot favorite. Their out of fresh memes, it's going to be a long winter.

Outstanding meme.
Anons be aware elections are Nov 6, but feel free to (carefully) spread this false meme around campus.

Since you call it "Cali", like no Californian ever did, I'm guessing you're a Midwestern humanities major drinking the Kool-aid at UC Irvine. Amirite?

Step out of the echo chamber and smell the coffee.

The propaganda pipeline needs to be severed. We need a new law protecting us from propaganda to replace the ones king nigger fucked up.

You really are delusional. You are going to lose the house and the Senate. Enjoy being the minority party dick sucker.

KeK komands it!

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