Atheists are:

Atheists are:
>Earn more
>More educated
>Understand science better
>Vote democrat
Why not take the atheist pill Jow Forums? Dump cheeto hitler and join the winning team. Reality has a left wing bias.

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Other urls found in this thread:

A lot of us are atheists and National Socialists at the same time.

Hitler's concept of race falls exactly in line with evolution and survival of the fittest.

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>Why not take the atheist pill Jow Forums?

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Where are the stats? Because most atheists are even more stupid than Muslims.

>Falling for the procreation meme
Atheists are too smart for that. We understand there is no reason to have children, they're an unnecessary burden. That's why we have better lifestyles than dumbass religious breeders who pop out 5-6 kids a pop.

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We support progressive policy like gay marriage. Regressive dumbass religious people do not. Atheists use rationality and science to make our decisions and studies show that gay people are better adjusted on average than straights and have better, longer lasting relationships. That's the advantage of basing your political views off FACTS and not your imaginary sky daddy

Attached: Gay Marriage.png (350x478, 141K)

>don’t have kids
>religious people have kids
>nobody believes in Athiesm

World atheist population is expected to dramatically decrease in the coming years. Funny, isn’t it?

>Jews believe in fairytales like Adam and Eve
>Still more progressive than atheists

Checkmate, libtard

I think this is obvious. If you are atheist you look to science and so obviously to evolution. Of course what else is there to believe in after that but your tribe and people. They go together

We own the education system. Most school teachers and university professors are atheist. We don't need to have our own kids to create more atheists, we'll just convert yours :)

Atheist are also NPCs. So there's that.

Your disgusting hedonism is showing you repulsive heathen faggot.

Promoting relativisem and post modern morals, fuck off to your rabbit society

The goal of life is to maximise pleasure and minimize pain. Not having children is a rational decision because those 18-20 years having to raise a crotch spawn are much better spent pursuing my own interests. Again, you dumbasses are so easily swayed by irrational sentimentality about things that don't matter. All that matters is your life and how you spend it, you don't get good boy points from your sky daddy for preserving your culture when you die, you just stop existing.

>are also usually white
Why did you leave that out faggot?

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name one (1) civilization built by atheists and/or leftists

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you forgot >the current year

Keep your racism out of this. Studies show atheists have far less racial prejudice and are more open minded and global thinking. We're not braindead white nationalists like you retards

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this is bait, but for newfriends please recall that the rural, reproductive conservative is happier, more well adjusted, less lonely, and in a far more stable and passionate marriage than the urbanite leftist
do your research and do your part NOT to fall for leftist memes that will rot your soul

Aw, I was on board until (((you))) flipped your cards too soon.


I am not a 'white nationalist', I'm not even saying being atheist is a good or bad thing, I'm just noting how this post-modern atheist burgeois culture that you love is mostly a white thing and will go away as whites become minorities.

>Murder and violent crime rates are HIGHER in highly religious countries than in more secular countries
ok now I know that you're baiting for sure

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You realize you're proving my point there? Religious people are more prone to crime and regressive conservative thinking. Atheists are more civilized and more likely to support progressive policy like transgender rights. Honestly the only thing stopping us from making more social justice progress at this point is the cancerous mass of religious retards in the south.

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Haha you dumb nigger, you self professed science faggots tell people that guys with dicks can be women

Probably less likely to have families too, which is the actual redpill.

Reality? "Oh I make more money, I am part of a more important cog in the machine" Lmfao, the only people who care so much about money are the poorest faggots around. Once you get over $100k a year you literally do not even care - in fact, the majority of people start giving it away.

that's gonna be an "oof" from me dog

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They can be women. That's scientific fact. Start believing in science, not your sky daddy

Yeah. Sucks about the higher depression and higher suicide rates though.

>Civilized city people all atheist democrats
>Suburban retards all religious republicans
Thanks for proving my point

In reality atheists are too smart to fall for that retarded white nationalist rhetoric. Atheists swing overwhelmingly left wing which makes perfect sense because people with higher IQ vote left wing. Pro tip, look up the states that have the most Christians. They vote republican and have the lowest IQs

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Do atheists think critically about pro-gay arguments? How do higher instances among gays of domestic violence, drug use, STDs, prolapsed rectums, rectal cancer etc factor into your understanding of homophobia? Do athiests use science to understand race or do they accept uncritically that differing outcomes can only be ascribed to “racism”? What is the scientific foundation for egalitarianism and social justice? Asking for a friend. And by asking for a friend I mean you are a dumb faggit.

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A lot of white people in 2008 believed they were voting racism away by electing a nigger and a filibuster proof congress. Only later, when more niggers started showing up in their towns did they come to realize they were voting for their own demise.

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>What is the scientific foundation for egalitarianism and social justice?
Diverse societies have better quality of life and better economies. This is scientifically proven. There's also no such thing as "race", also proven by science

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It doesn't matter if white people vote for their own "demise" because whiteness is a social construct and race doesn't exist. As proven by science.

This. Without religion you don't center your actions on trying to have a good afterlife, but on ensuring the passage of your genes and knowing the tribal nature of humans we know that going multi-culti would make a hell of a life for your descendants, so you want to create a better future for them.

It's more like there are very few articulate, intelligent, outspoken and, crucially, platformed white nationalists.
If you don't scour the internet for places like pol or other alternate news and/or discussion sites, you're going to get stuck in the echo chamber, and with the information available to you, conclude that left wing rhetoric is correct.

It's not that intelligent people are educated on all the facts and then skew left, it's that they only hear the mainstream left. I have an IQ of 132, and literally everyone I know from 90iq knuckle draggers to doctors are racist because they spend a shit load of time either with nogs or online on places like this

They're also more likely to parrot what they hear uncritically.

your reality has a left wing bias becuz you let the left wing curate your reality for you. time to snatch your brain back, zombie.

>Vote democrat
Pick one.

It's impossible to have an IQ over 100 and be a racist and/or conservative so don't even bother lying. Intelligence correlates with atheist which correlates with being left wing.

Lol what the fuck world do you think you live in? None of what you said is true.

This is very true. (((They))) infiltrated a lot of facets of knowledge obtainment, including the scientific institutons. If you dig deep enough you can find all the information that (((they))) are trying to hide so much, mainly the important race realism redpill, to present a skewed world view to people to control them.

wow, people who don't believe in fairy tales do better in life, I wonder why

>Retarded science denying conservative
Honestly, read some journals, it's not hard

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>Atheists are:
>>Earn more
>>More educated
>>Understand science better
>>Vote democrat
Low effort bait

Yeah it’s why I rape. Maxed pleasured. Appeal to nature. Start a harem. Appeal to nature appeal to nature. No concept of transcendence. Scared little matriarchal earth mother animalistic orgiastic bs. To scared to reach for the sky. Appeal to nature.

Believing something because you think God doesn't exist is as mentally lazy as believing something because you think he does exist.

Atheists are just as retarded.

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yeah you could read it like that. People we ultimately go with what is in their best interest though. A lot of people who voted Obama and supported left wing progressive ideas have swung heavily to the right.

Exactly. No sky daddy means we're free to give transgender people the rights they deserve and stop worrying about made up concepts like "race". We need to start basing policy off scientific fact and not religious hoodoo.

Attached: Race doesn't exist.png (1213x813, 1.92M)

>read some journals
>not saying to read scientific papers, including those that the left tries to hide, to determine the truth on your own, instead of being told what to think
And this is how I know you are a controlled brainlet. You are a NPC programmed to spout leftist bullshit. You don't question it, because that's not in your script.
>inb4 hurr you used NPC meme, therefore your argument is irrelevant
See how I can predict what you could do?? Because I have seen the same NPC script many times before.

This is wrong. Smarter people becomes ancap.

Only idiots worship any politician.

>debunked meme chart
Parsley this shill post and move on.

>scientific facts
>ignoring race realism stemming from evolution
This cherrypicking reminds me of the creationist tards. You are the same kind of cultist as them. Not to mention that you want to normalize mental illnesses.

To become a true atheist you need to become AnCap.

>race realism
Considering that race has been scientifically determined to not exist it's pretty hard to be "real" about it. It's a made up concept to try and scare religious people into being irrationally worried about their country turning brown.

Italy based as always.

>scientifically determined to not exist
I am on a phone right now, so if any sane user would be kind enough to show this faggot the actual studies and facts showing races do exist and their different traits, I would be glad.
As for you retard, if you want to claim that I am the same as an african who visibly has a different skin color, skull structure and thinking process that lacks abstract thinking, then you truly are a NPC who has in his script to deny visible reality and you should just kill yourself.

>High number of religious retards
>Unable to accept that diversity is a net gain for their country
Makes sense

>show this faggot the actual studies and facts showing races do exist
womp womp

atheists smart? you cant disprove or prove a god exists ony an idiot would choose a side in this argument.

I already told you before, but reading stuff rhat tells you what to think are not facts. That is not the study. All journals talking about science always misrepresent the actual facts and studies. Always.

they don't care. they just need to feel special to fill the gaping hole in their hearts

Atheists follow a faith, just like theists. Agnosticism is the only logical and scientifically viable belief because unlike atheism it follows the scientific method.

I've been atheist for my whole life, never saw any reason to become religious. The only religion that even makes any sense to me is Buddhism, anyway. Sometimes in emergency situations I do pray for deities "just in case."

>just in case
uhh wouldn't they know you're bullshitting, or are you banking on non omniscient gods

Your a priori assumptions that a) progress is morally good and b) that a hedonistic approach to life is virtuous and good show your low IQ. You NEVER take contested points as assumptions.

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Damn it feels good to be a Mormon. That's a real white person's religion which I wish all Anons convert to ASAP.

Well, since I'm atheist, praying is meaningless to me in any case. But when a person is in an emergency situation, they are irrational and do things they normally wouldn't. In such situations one doesn't care what is logical or not.

Atheism removes God, the state fills up the gap. Communism is both a cause and a response to atheism. We need either a strong faith or good (life) philosphy, which is why I'm in favor of Christians as it stands.

But user, I tipped my fedora for Trump in the elections.

They also have a 1.0 birthrate. Which I believe by group, is the lowest on the planet. If atheism has a genetic component to it, then they'll literally kill themselves off, or at the least guarantee that atheist never takes a strong hold.

I'm smarter than all of those bitches. Atheism is the closest thing I could define myself as. Religions are all about the same thing, nothing. When jesus and moses are talking about God they're simply trying to understand the concept of zero or nothing which is the limit that doesn't exist

They're also going to help. So there's that.

>if atheism has a genetic component to it
Why even post this

>Start believing in science,
Yeah that's not how science works user

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> Thinking that posting atheists are worse than Jews here is going to make some kind of valid point
Are you fucking insane? LMFAO

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i'm an atheist and realize that niggers are subhuman. gonna vote trump fampai

>tfw to smart too reproduce

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Atheists feel they:
>are smarter
>are more educated
>understand science better (lolwut)
>must vote democrat

Atheists are just as ignorant and dogmatic as any religious fundamentalist, mostly because they think they're the bestest, smartest, mostest etc etc by virtue of being atheist. This is profoundly ignorant.

>Atheists are:
possessed by daemons, and are in desperate need of an exorcism.

Stop replying to trolling cunts like op.

Report them for breaking board rules.

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Being an atheist doesn't automatically make me in favor of open borders. So why would I support the Democrats?

I have to agree with you there. But if you're concerned about overpopulation, you should be in favor of deporting illegals, who crank out about 10 anchors per breeder.

I'm an Atheist. I'm also a conservative, pro traditional family values, against gay marriage (in fact, I think homosexuality is radically repulsive), I hate SJWs, I want much stricter border enforcement and the deportation of all illegals, etc etc.
I will probably never, ever vote democrat. "Cheeto hitler" is a fantastic president.

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Atheists live by one rule only: tell absolutely everyone possible they are atheist.

They are the hyper NPC.

One train of thought, all the time.

The only thing atheists are better at is boasting that they are more scientific.

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Why don't you put that big IQ to good use and tell us how the nigger population in those "lower average IQ" states impacts the IQ and how THEY vote?

Fact: Atheists and niggers vote the same.

cuz theyre fucking GAY
>believing the universe """""""""just existed""""
>atheist "intellectuals"
Godfags 1
Atheists -infinity

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I'm an Atheist and I don't approve of gay marriage at all. There's many other Atheists that agree with me. Please tell us, why is gay marriage so "rational"?

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I'm an atheist and I hate leftists.

Here's a little secret for you, voting patterns aren't as correlated with IQ as you'd think, slightly higher IQ individuals are still susceptible to propaganda, sometimes even more so.

Kill yourself, God I hate edgy atheists like yourself.

I'd rather live in a Christian society than a society of faggots like yourself.

This is why I prefer to call myself agnostic, because of cocksucking semen loving faggots like yourself

It is weird that American atheists are so retarded. Maybe they are only atheists because (((someone))) tells them?

Whites are most likely to vote Republican, they have a higher IQ than Blacks or Hispanics.

Hmmm, really makes you think.

>join the winning team
I think you might be mixed up on who's been doing that for the last 2 years

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This is just propaganda to make easily led people agree that they are atheists so they can share those bullshit traits you have assigned to them.

>regressive conservative thinking

Sigh.. I am so sick of this bullshit mindset.