Why being Muslim = being masculine and badass ?

why instead of fighting us like real men , you cry about muslims being "so violent , terrorists , against free speech , bad people ..."
Even Neo-Nazis and other so-called badass white people when they make protests in Europe , they don't make it to fight muslims but to cry to the world about how "muslims are bad"
imagine if the same thing happened to Muslims in Muslim countries , we would cut you into pieces
everyone fear us , just look at Israel for exemple , literally a big Israeli faggot with modern weapons and tanks against Palestinian kids with rocks lol and the worst thing they cry to the world too about how Palestinians are violent and they are the victims
what a joke , the point is : white people are big mouths only behind computers

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Why do you keep losing land the the kikes then?

Yeah dagestanis are so badass that they don’t even have a country

Brainwashing. White kids are taught masculinity is evil, just like how muslims are taught kafirs are evil.

nobody is impressed by arab fighting prowess, the last time arabs won anything was at constantinopole.
that dude is a russian that believes in a pedophile, but its the slav genes that are making him a badass fighter, not believing in an invisible pedophile watching him from the sky.


>why do you cry on the internet
>you're mouth breathers behind computers

What exactly are you doing different?

Its different when he does it. Typical authoritariturd

Without white people, you wouldn't have computer.

doesn't make any sense , Muslims today are very very weak in the term of politics and others , yet the world still see them as threat and strong , imagine if we go back some centuries before
Jews destroyed almost all arab nations from inside so they can't help Israel
>but muh low IQ arabs
who give a shit , the honour is all what matter , we choosed to fight the world with honour , but jews and their white slaves don't , but in the end God will make people who fight with honour win , the prove look at Europe today

Dagestan is literally a neighberhood , against Russian Empire , yet neighberhoods like Chechens and Afghanistan defeated them with literally knifes and WW1 weapons , this is the power of masculine people not faggots

you're right, it's pretty much shit or get off the pot with my people at this point - we either smarten up and start butchering you properly or accept defeat

Subhumans need to keep to their own

Muslims are like Antifa in that regard.
They have constructed a world view in which they by default can never lose.

If antifa/muslims commit an act of violence that they think makes them look bad, it wasn't REAL muslims/leftwingers.
If antifa/muslims commit an act of violence that they support, it shows to tough/badass they are.
If antifa/muslims get BTFO (as is usually the case), it's proof of how righteous and necessary they are. Look at us poor victims! We need to crack down harder on facism/islamophobia!

i'm not talking about power of muscles or MMA
Polish faggots like you insult Muslims only in Poland , i never seen a slav faggot do anything against Muslims in France or Germany or Sweden or others
you literally suck their dicks and a lot of them make them their friends , you have no balls with all my respect and i don't hate you or something but this is the reality

Most of the kids who join ISIS or any of the other "rebel groups" were pretty much elliot rodgers doing the kebab version of beta uprising.

Arab jihad is more or less just a pretext for frustrated beta chimpouts. This is even explicitly acknowledged with the 72 virgin thing.

Why being muslim lover = being grammar bad


Most Muslims live in Indonesia. Race has nothing to do with it. The White nations could easily wipe you all out if we wanted.

>Polish faggots like you insult Muslims only in Poland , i never seen a slav faggot do anything against Muslims in France or Germany or Sweden or others

and in reality this happens:


>the prove look at Europe today

That's the Jews winning, not you sweetie

I wouldn't go to France.

It's not about him being a Muslim, its about him having honor and being respectful. He has a strong sense of family, he loves his country, he loves his wife, he loves his god. he loves his job. He is the greatest grappler alive right now because he is a traditional sportsman.

Because we simply deeply believe that any man made laws, morals, and rules are nothing. We only believe Allah’s rules and we act accordingly. Onions boy white cucks call it “backward” is just a projection to deal the emasculation of their manly traditions and cultures. It’s great to be Muslim and even better to be in the West. You can always use it in your adventage when shit is not working on your favor.

It's a fact they have lower IQ.

From my experience. Muslim men are the most feminine men in existence. You guy's are very insecure about your religion, your women.. I'm all for being traditional but you guys are in a different world. I've traveled to Saudi Arabia and seen alot of horrible shit while I was there. Wasn't a big fan of the place. O e of the things I saw was a country full of rich mommy's boys that have never worked a day in their life lol. When I walked around with the female companion I was with l, we would often get ridiculed and if I made anyone look bad you guys threatened to call the Religious police lmfao... Khabib is sooo far away from most of you guys. I'm aware he's Muslim but just because he might be a badass I wouldn't compare him to yourself or any other Muslim. We're talking about the same guy's that would rather blow themselves up than fight and defend their land.



This. Being so emotional over a shitty book is a sign of low T

Which explains why they still believe in a sky daddy.

You wont be so honorable when you get btfoed by serbs, greeks, or russians. Instead you cry to NATO and your jew overlords to help you like the little dogs you are

I know you are falseflagging but the main reason is because we are not violent monkeys like the middle east

Antifa are 50kg 1,70 yet they have balls , and this is what matter , specially in your country , Antifa re pretty much powerfull and not those retarded autistic amerimutts
what i'm talking about is not supporting violence or something , but at least be real men , if migrants do bad thing go ahead beat them , but not stay at home like faggot and cry about how life is bad , you have big mouhts but no balls

>drunk christian black with tattos vs fat polish
what is this ?

Why do we keep losing our countries to their policies? It's a bigger embaressment for us than the sandniggers.

dont expect much from the muslims, their mental and civilisational progress stopped a 1,500 years ago, and militarly speaking the few wars they managed to win in the last thousands of years was only when they outnumbered the opponent a 100 to 1, their entire race is a complete joke.

The return of memeflags was a mistake

>what is this ?

its a clip of fat unskilled polaks knocking down an athletic looking nigger in one punch, mustafa.

Based and redpilled

We go to prison when we kill you. why is society such a hard concept for the autists on here? I personally hope Europeans do start killing muslims but i'm doubtful. You guys are so bad i see Europeans say they prefer the blacks to you, kek.

almost all of you faggots are small, tiny cocksuckers who only have balls if you are either armed or outnumber the opposition 5 to 1. been in enough confrontations with muslims over the last couple of years to know that your kind isnt worth shit.

I think that’s more of a Gulf culture vs Slavic culture thing than anything to do with Islam. Many Chechens (I know Khabib is Avar) do the latter as well though.

>be me watching news about kebab rioting after he made mc gregor tap
>really hope he's not muslim
>find out he is and feel bad for all of you shitskins, why does it always have to be a muslim
>literally wins because of his skill, but loses it all in the end because of lack of dignity and honor

just another proof of the degeneracy that your religion is

if you could that is what you would have done. you are a race of conmen waging war pretending to be at peace. even 150 years ago the people of pak-afghan region alone were enough to take all of europe and kill all europeans. it is only because you used our humanity against us that you have gained this advantage over us. but even this advantage is not enough to easily wipe us out. even now we rise even as you wage this war pretending to be at peace and remove all humanity from human relations.

when the nation state is destroyed and the parasite fangs of the banks removed from our bodies, you will find no humanity in us. there is no humanity for the cockroach. even now we have it in us to take whatever you throw at us, with your advantage gained with lies, and destroy the white vermin scum.

after you have used up your advantage gained by 500 years of war on humanity, we will see what you are capable of. the west will never rise again. there are no more continents filled with naked people to discover and exploit and enslave. there are no more unknowing people in asia who will give you hospitality and treat you as a human being after what you have done. the discovery of the americas was the last hurrah of the white race. the white race and the western civilization dies with the death of america. america is truly the last best hope for western civilization.

those who wage war pretending to be at peace will never have any peace. for them there is either success or annihilation. the white man is the real jew. the so called "jew" is a amateur learning from his master.

Funny how you mudslimes always talk about honor and yet you animals are the MOST honorless people in existence. You are even lower then the jews in that regard. A pack of jackals shows more honor than you muhmud fetishists.

>doesn't make any sense , Muslims today are very very weak in the term of politics and others

that's the point

the problem is that the west overindulged in humanism, which you animals never discovered (even during the so called 'islamic golden age')

the west has all the nukes and capability to bomb the shit out the muslim world. With mecca and kaaba obliterated, as well as dropping chemical weapons on large muslim cities like karachi or whatever the fuck other hives are

you may bark all you want about your honor and manliness, but you are at mercy of the christians' goodwill and christians can be really volatile if you go too far.
just ask european jews who lived in the ultra-liberal weimar republic in the 1920s. they couldn't imagine obliteration - could they?

The muzzie have a valid point.

>Slimy cunt declares jihad

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That’s rich comes from the most cucked nation that divided their soil like a piece of cake and probably 40% are the result of rape babies from based communist and nazi cocks

Khabib is a honorary white christian man.

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Antifa are unhinged faggots trying to "bash the fash" aka try-Harding to be masculine
problem is that the men have the hormonal balance of a 17 year old girl and the women are women,which mean their inferior to men in every single way
antifa are also backed by the (((deep state))) aswell

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>white people are big mouths only behind computers
how fucking ironic. all muslims can do is cowardly shit. you have one, heavily russian-admixed fighter from dagestan. so what? is that really all you have to celebrate, goatfucker?

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Yeah, I bet that all the mudslimes were thinking the same way before the crusades happened. Funny enough, mudslimes still cry like little bitches when the crusades are mentioned, "we wuz genocided". So much for the "masculine" race/reliigon/whateverthefuck mudslimes are considered now.

what is fighting like real men ? all muslims do is shoot unarmed civilians or bomb a market.

The thing is the cucked justice is on yours and their side. They'll take pity of poor Ahmed like they'd do for any retard: yes they treat mahometans like children who don't know any better.
And of course judges will side with antifa, because their parents have connections and they fight the same imaginary "good fight" against fascism.

based nip. anybody whose interacted with the know they are cowards alone. act confident and aggressive in groups. conor doesnt need a posse to be confident.

>go out on streets and shout

Just like you kebab guys, we tend to bomb or shoot some high school (often full of completely innocent people). It tends to get message across. Left can't even do that.

"Just going out" and looting, like antifa does has no measurable impact.

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And then there is this absolutely pathetic donkey of a zealot coming on here to try and tell me that he has it figured out.

Who cares what your stupid opinion is or how fervently you can reply to people in your retarded thread, or how desperate you are to cite Islam as the best thing since sliced bread, because the candid truth is you are an irrevocable noone and the kind of fool to get his nuts chopped off by the opfor.

You stupid reactive Islamists are obsessed with proving this or that since this UFC fight and you are personally a gravely laughable instance of the social phenomenon known as the self-unaware Muslim interpersonal failure

I knocked a Muslim last night, ain't too rough without it's rat pack.

Also Khabib is not a good fighter because he is a Muslim, it's because he is an Avar.

this is even worst if we are like this and you don't fight us xD it means you are worst than us , another big mouth and this thread is for you
where are your friends ? doesn't have one ? i can give you tens of videos when one migrant beat literally 2 to 4 white faggots alone

>We go to prison when we kill you
no one talked about killing Juan , but at least fight back like real men , when i see even neo-nazis in europe cry , there is a problem

From what I know of mudslimes, they are pretty much the opposite of what a man is, they have no agency, all they do is in function of their fairy tale book, they are cowards and pedos, they use Taqiyya to hide their true beliefs and goals from others because they know they wouldn't be able to pursue them in broad daylight. The Quran literally justifies retreat from battle if you do it in the name of the great sky pedo, how is any of this even remotely masculine? Also, acting like animals is not masculine either, real men put beasts down.

>butthurt mustafa

awww geez, looks like i struck a nerve on the subhuman muslim.
while we were busy destroying and cucking every opponent for the most of the last 1,000 years you niggers did.... uhhhh.. well nothing to be honest.

Muslims are raised by women, while the men live in a eternal hedonism. Stoic muslims are a rare breed

praying for a heaven of endless orgies is not masculine at all. It's completely perverse and animalistic.

Regardless of religion Khabib destroyed McGregor. Connor was even cheating the whole match and he still got fucked up. Khabib is the best pound for pound fight in UFC history, period.

hes actually raising some good points here guys..

its almost as is deep down the muslims know they are pathetic and the only way to actually conquer a land is to lie their way into it and outbreed the competition, lmao.

>no agency
if agency actually exists why is your country so fucking trash

it was precisely his dignity and honor that made him do what he did. you slave races will not comprehend this. come back when you know how to live without masters. the vast majority of people of central asia will understand what he did. money is irrelevant. if he was hungry and starving, i would comprehend not fighting for honor. but when the man is already a millionaire then there is no excuse to give up honor for a couple of million. that is the way for slave races. nothing but mad men.


Can you explain Bacha Bazi to me please

Dude there are white people against free speech. Fuck that. Most people are against free speech if it means it doesn't hurt their fee'fees. They don't know its value. That's why sites like 1stAmender.com are popping up out of the woodwork saying: "Fuck that shit."

when we come with our armies to europe, we will see what honor the white race shows. a race of men calling themselves by our "aryan" names and have no place telling us that we are the ones without honor. if you truly honored your ancestors, you would never have claimed that our ancestors were your ancestors.

lol! What sort of civilization that doesn’t cross beyond your vermin shitty land?

Our ideology started like a buttfuck backwater in the middle of the desert and proceeded to go every corner of the world, and that includes your vermin infested shithole you call home.

this. Islam only hit Chechnya around the 1600's. Before that they had clan system, blood feud, and an alpha warrior culture. They could not be controlled. The two recent wars have had an affect too. I will concede that maybe Islam makes them go the extra mile, but they naturally have it.


We need to bring back the white sharia meme. It was a good idea.

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More like NPC

Just mudslimes being dancing-pedos fleeing from their countries like coward rats.

Khabib said he went after McGregor's trainer because he was talking shit about his father, his religion and his teammates. All religion aside, that is having honor, not letting that shit slide. Letting someone get away with that and being a good sport is for pussies

>we will see what honor the white race shows
AI and Blockchain swarm based drone weapon systems using facial\racial recognition for precise targeting.

I love this

>our armies

excuse me honey but our corrupt elites letting you in != your armies invading

also we invented your country and back you up against india, not quite sure what you're about Pakistan.

yet he didn't, if he would have a pinch of dignity he would walked out of that pentagon as the winner and laugh at mc gregor, but he blew it.
I don't expect you to understand it because you literally live in the desert

sportsman implies sportsmanship...
>leaps into crowd

is this supposed to be in english?

>Our ideology started like a buttfuck backwater in the middle of the desert

and its still a buttfuck backwater in the middle of the desert and your people are inbred retards, your entire cockroach race achieved exactly nothing in the last 1,000 years and added absolutely nothing to the betterment of mankind.

They can't because that's how your people win.
Their country is so divided that if they go and beat the fuck out of your people (verbally) then the oponents will try to use it to get political advantage.

Whenever someone have any complaint they are called islamophobic or racist by their opposition.

Your people are the cowards that hide behind the state and try to provoke others yo get hit and be victims.

you are not supposed to intervene in a barfight as long as its 1v1. every russian, polack or bong i have ever met understands this. you dont intervene unless somebody else does or it gets close to somebody not getting up anymore. you brown shits know you cant fight anyone straight up so you gang up. pathetic fucks.

What Khabib did was more honorable than Connor cheating the whole fight.
Cheating has zero honor in it

We are doing fine at the moment, thanks, at least Italy is not a degenerate feminist hellhole. How is that percentage thing going for you, Jamal?
>Defending mudslimes
You are either a faggot or a kike who needs to show his true flag.

Isn't like 80% of Pakistan inbred?

what armies? you poor niggers dont have anything to conquer with.
the muslims are present in western europe because the germans allowed you in, you are ALLOWED to exist in europe, i dont think there is even 1 person on earth thats afraid of imaginary arab armies lmao.

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>throwing away your culture and traditions to bow down and worship a shitskin = masculine

>5 bombing by terrorists and all muslims are like that
i'm talking about daily life faggot

>while we were busy destroying and cucking every opponent for the most of the last 1,000 years
>polish slav

>I knocked a Muslim last night
>see flag
>stopped reading

what is the cowardly shit that muslims are doing. is it the waging war pretending to be at peace with the nation state and the bank? is it the building of aricraft to bomb from miles away? is it the building of heavily armored vehicles and wearing hevay armor ? is it the use to long range missiles ? you build weapons that are best suited to killing civilians because civlians live in static places. the mobile armies are not so easy to kill with such weapons. but that is no consideration for your race. you would rather trade effectiveness in war for armor and protection even when it comes at the cost of killing civilians. there is no honor in your kind. but then a race that wages war pretending to be at peace does not even know what honor is.

most muslims are totally inbred, thats why they look and act like they have 50 IQ----- thats because most of them really has 50 IQ.

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This is something emasculated weak gook who’s suffering extreme anglophile wouldn’t understand, you roach eating cuck

>fighting us like real men
nailbomb in a concert full of children
driving a truck down a boulevard packed with civilians
flying civilian airliners into buildings full of civilians
running people over minding their own business
gutting people with hunting knives who are just sat outside having dinner
suicide bombs
kidnapping and hostage taking

you are incapable of fighting like "real men" because militarily you are totally outgunned, thus you resort to the above

> is it the building of aricraft to bomb from miles away? is it the building of heavily armored vehicles and wearing hevay armor ? is it the use to long range missiles ?

its called technology, a thing muslims have no understanding off.

Especially pakis though.

Please dude. Toeing the fence and grabbing the gloves is a WELL-KNOWN "you can do it, but don't do it a lot" rule in MMA. It's like hugging in boxing. Technically, it's against the rules IN ALL CASES, and should not be allowed at all, and the fighter should be penalized immediately. However, watch any boxing match (let alone the big heavyweight title fights) and what do you see? The guys hug NON-STOP after round 3... it's practically a combo. Throw a 1-2-3-hug

Any follower of an Abrahamic religion is doing just that desu.