Wew lad

Wew lad

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CIA=Assassination, mind control experiments on American citizens, an overthrow of foreign countries, drug trafficking.

He was also a nazi, can you believe it?

How many more "wacky hitler" stories are we going to read.
At least when WW3 happens we'll have a new set of material to work with.

>Russian soldiers recovered the Trump piss tape from rubble of Kremlin, but accidentally overwrite it with anime pornogrpahy and videogame walkthroughs

Why did they forget to add that he had one testicle and was part jewish and had a fetish for his niece?

Hitler was a weird autist but this reads like vintage fake news

I finaly get it. Gay vegans are actualy real nazis.

>he also had 1 ball!!!
>he also was a degenerate!
>he also sucked 1000 dicks!!!
>he also had black ancestors!!!
>he also had jewish ancestors!!!!!!

They never even found his body. If you believe any of the eternal smears they put out against him you are an idiot.

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We really need sadomasochist flags up in ere

wew lad indeed

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my nigga Hess chilling in the inset


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Sounds like the average leftist

He was a major incel too. Shame he couldn't have been born in the 21st century instead, he'd have fit in on here instead of killing 6 trillion people.

>US intelligence
Interesting. And what do the Mexican intellectuals have to comment?

That explains the masturbation machines. It's Over.


>"Frozen nazi from the future found in supermarket freezer, but doctor's say he's CIRCUMCISED"

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>They never even found his body.
Body, what body?

oy vey, it's like another holohoax. Gib shekels goyim.

Those arent even the worst about him.

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Did he also rape jews in the ass?

>in school but has no friends
>contempt for enjoyment of life, no drinking or smoking
I'm gonna make it

He raped them with gas

jews are degenerates. they always project onto their enemies. the trump piss tape is a classic example.


they also say he shot his dogs and would molest his niece

Adolf Hitler slept nude in an oxygen tent which he believed gave him sexual powers

He also ate his cousin's poo, and munched on literal carpets. What a weird fellow, that Adolf. Now go out and fight him, goyim.

They dont want to tell people he was an environmentalist vegetarian who banned drunk driving and cigarettes because then liberals will fall in love with him

Did Hitler have Jungle Fever?
New report finds that Hitler had African women shipped to Germany for his own personal harem. It's believed that he had multiple illegitimate children including one from a distant African relative.

I literally don't care what jiggled his jangle. He's an interesting historical figure. He and everything associated with him has a certain dark mystical power that is attractive, but probably in part for how forbidden it is betrayed but it all comes down to one thing: the fashy path writ large is one of violent struggle against your neighbours. Sometimes that's called for. Sometimes it's simple aggression. Everybody does it because it's the nature of power.

If we are to take literally the Buzzfeedian notion that "people in the past had different conceptions of sexuality" then doubtless homosexual expression would have occurred in the slums of Vienna between some young men, potentially out of isolation and desperation. It is not just a feature of decadent environments, but decayed ones also.

Based russians. There are wacky stories about them though from WW2
>The most controversial of Ivanov's studies was his attempt to create a human-ape hybrid. [2] As early as 1910, he had given a presentation to the World Congress of Zoologists in Graz in which he described the possibility of obtaining such a hybrid through artificial insemination.[citation needed]
Word is that atalin tried to weaponize these hybrids for the war which i seem to remember being stated in the article in the past. My theory is he did do so and thats why the russians were such savages in WW2

Also weird how the real interesting stories about the nazis are never mentioned for example their flying saucers and mengele being successfull with his twin experiments

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it was a popular symbol at that time

Daily reminder Hitler was a Rothschild agent and funded by Prescott Bush, he subsequently fled to south america and didn't die, given a free ride as a sockpuppet of the Rothschild zionist elites

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But...the CIA wasn't even formed until after World War II in 1947.

I love how (((people))) still try to defame Hitler as if they were attempting to sway some vote. Even if he were still alive he'd be like, what, 150-200 years old? Pathetic

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He was also black.

>Fags destroy the roman empire
>Hitler the fag destroys the future of europe
>Fags destroy the catholic church

Maybe muslims are right

They're getting scared.

>hitler would be 150-200 years old by now
jesus christ america was a mistake

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k.. keep me posted

The truth is The Führer found a stone mask in Agata, Asgard aka the inner world. His army is coming back to liberate Earth. Jews are scared shitless because he's coming back soon and they're trying to brainwash people to fight him once he appears on the surface. It's over.

Amphetamine is a hell of a drug.

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So Hitler was a homosexual Jew who admired Marxist socialism and used nationalism to bring diversity to Germany

Sounds legit

So his contemporaries who were his enemies alleged that he was a faggot back when that was still a commonly accepted as a bad thing? I am shocked.

Hitler was actually gay, and never slept with his wife, or even care about her. The evidence for this is the housekeepers who would make their bed and find no trace of sperm.

At least, that's what a Jewish historian on the history channel said.

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And on top of all that, he was a literal nazi.

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big if true

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Thanks for your input rabbi

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Oh thats why alt-rights are total faggots. Their idol was one

Definitely Jow Forums approved. He probably liked traps.

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>using homophobia slurs
>calls others alt-right
I'd call you a troll if it wasn't common knowledge how much of a hypocrite people like you are.

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yes everyone who exposed nazi ties with Rothschild zionists is a rabbi, go to sleep

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And that’s a good thing!

Yeah also they had masturbation machines in the camps. And ovens where you could see the nationalities of the jews being burned alive inside after being gassed 48 times in a raw judging by the color of the smoke going out of the chimney. US-British report n°6000000 says it. Evil monstruous natzees amirite?

>according to a CIA profile on the Nazis leader written during WWII


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Dude, they do this every year. Even year, jews project some gross sexual proclivities they have on to Hitler. Odd year, they try to bump up the holocaust casualty numbers

Nice now lets push the homosexuals and other degenerates are literally Hitler meme.

but they are user

>USA being homophobic as always
How is this news?

Hitler only had one ball goyim

The CIA also wasn't founded until 1947. They may have been referring to the OSS, but the need for them to simplify things to their base makes me question their integrity.

Hitler was a bull and cucked many men

>150-200 years old
Why can’t you be more like your siblings, you were always the problem child

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>imagine actually believing this
Go for for israel goyim

Shitting on faggots chest is not gay

I seriously doubt Hitler was gay but I think it's safe to say that he had gay friends and probably didn't give too much of a shit about homosexuality, so long as it didn't get too obnoxious. When you are a genius visionary shit like homosexuality just barely deserves a place on your radar.


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makes sense, he was a jew

>They never even found his body
he was actually a holographic projection from some alien ship, maybe the moon? or the people from mars?

Let's just roll all the purported claims into one:
>Hitler was a Catholic pagan atheist gay midget meth head half-Jewish nigger with one testicle that liked golden showers
t. News Jews

Jews hate Hitler because he was a patriot and stopped them from destroying Germany.

>jews hated hitler because he put them in labor camps where they did have to work with pools and leisure activities, uncovered their scheme and removed the masonic and jewish menace, had a currency with non-gold standard (jews had all of the gold), and put an concrete racial based nationality for everycountry barring the jews by default from infiltrating

>leader of Nazi Germany was a filthy sodomite

Imagine my fucking shock.

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You should not disrespect my prophet this way. I'm making a list

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If the kikes say so it must be true, of course!

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He was also a Jew. And a drug addict. And a pedophile. And had only one testicle. And a virgin. And had a tiny dick. And stuffed jellyfish up his ass. And ate babies.

Wasnt he also a pagan and christian at the same time

he was sleeping on benches at some point. wouldn't surprise me if he stayed in all kinds of seedy places whenever he had a couple pennies to rub together.

Imagine scaring the jewish globalist cabal so thoroughly that they are still releasing propaganda about you more than 70 years after your death.

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>He also was a corprophile!

Things brainlets say about hitler
>Hitler would have gassed you
>Hitler had brown eyes
>Hitler was a jew

I am not even a Nazi and know that Hitler expressed anxiety and fear as any human being would if I had a bunch of retarded slavs dying in mass just to rape an old lady in Berlin.

>He was also a maid

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>he was also a Zionist!!!!!!!!
Oh wait, this one's true.

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talmudist propaganda

Wtf I love Hitler and Nazis and hate jews now!

You left out had his cousin shit on his chest.

The CIA didn't exist in 1943.
This is actual retardation.

and One Of The Immortals

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Vegan too


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