What does Jow Forums think about women? Honestly.
What does Jow Forums think about women? Honestly
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Idk. They hate me though.
More Complexed then a fucking Rubix cube. At first it's a headache to figure out, you get annoyed even angry at it to the point you throw it at the wall, take a deep breath, realize it's another test in life and take your time figuring it out. BUT once you master it, you will feel like any key in the universe can be unlocked by you.
>...and no you can't peel off the stickers on this one either, or take it apart cause people shun on that and call you a low life cheater.
Incredibly childish and stupid mammals of whom the majority are incapable of having independent thought.
In the current day and age they’re almost entirely brainwashed by smartphones. Thus they all want to look, sound and act the same as who they idolise, and those they idolise more or less idolise and copy each other. As soon as something becomes popular, women are on it like flies to shit because it serves their image.
If I had to describe them in 2 words, entitled and delusional.
Men are just as bad but for different reasons.
they're shallow and stupid for the most part.
and for some reason, I've noticed they don't have hobbies. it's odd
They’re not complicated. It’s all a mindgame. Start treating them as rational, accountable agents, start seeing through their smoke and mirrors, and you may actually earn their respect.
They have holes and make babies.
Simultaneously the reason we are here, and the primary reason we kill one another. I hate it, but it is what it is.
Paki here. Women have one role, to breed, everything else they do is nonessential. Recently western men have tried to flirt with the idea of giving them extra roles, and it doesn't seem to be working out for them.
They're only good for one thing.
Woke. But you have to go back
Outside of having children they are worthless.
white women - bitches and whores
asian women - annoying
black women - monkeys
hispanic women - monkeys
arab women - disgusting
we didn't give them extra roles. they just keep taking on more and more. If you give women an inch of freedom they take a mile.
You tell em, Virgil.
They are pretty and kind and hug you gently.
Jew meatshields and nigger cuntholes. Next question?
ez mode
We have failed them, that's what.
Nice to look at, terrible to hear them
women are the NPCs of gender
The pussy is pretty good
absolute brainlet
high iq
also high iq
They shouldn't have any rights because they aren't capable of being functional adults.
There's literally nothing complicated about them except your own judgement being clouded by the tent in your pants.
They're exactly like men if men were narcissistic, extremely selfish and had no accountability. Just think about what her self interest directs her to do, throw out any moral or social judgement and you'll be able to foresee her actions every time.
Their glitter alone is going to choke the earth. They were a mistake.
Hobbies are how men put aside time to think for the most part. Women don't have hobbies because they spend their time socialising instead. Which is probably good for empathy, but because every part of you is engaged in discussion, gives you very little time to question life.
I like women unlike the homophobic closet gay faggots here
I like getting my dick sucked by 9/10s or 10/10s, but not much else
Whoah, you sound like bitch
All woman are shit
I hope you wont reproduce with this kind of awful women
literally me
Both happened desu. WW1/2 gave them an opening and they ran with it.
Though you can't blame roasties for either war. To solve these problems you have to be honest with yourself about where you went wrong.
Abject retards.
The best a civilization can do is keep them occupied with babies and playing house. Give them any power beyond that, and they wreck every. fucking. thing. they touch.
If the white race is to survive then white women need to be replaced there is no other way.
can't live with 'em can't live without 'em
if about these women in op then i can say confident nothing quality besides appearance in them even if i havent met them and when they open their mouths irl the attractiveness goes down alot but general like woman but not these like op
I love my girlfriend but my god does she nag a lot lately. The shit testing is pretty annoying too. Women can be good at manipulation.
They are Hot as fuck but thats about it
Women are very smart, funny, full of creativity and originality. They are also much more moral creatures than men. If you disagree with this it means you are a dumb racist with a small penis haha. REAL men are not afraid to admit women are superior to them in every way.
Imagine the smell
They don't understand their own subconscious yet they expect men to.
Some of us men do understand it, most do not.
It's hard to deal with a female subconscious when she's already filled it with a dozen+ dicks.
Teenage women in Britain drink the most out of all of Europe while teenage men drink the least. The meme of 80% of women going for 20% of the men is a reality here, an alright looking bloke still finds it hard to get a trash lass these days.
>TFW no gf and Jow Forums
>41 replies
>0 goblin rape
let's fix this
i had a chat with the guys and we've decided the whole vagina and boobs spiel is good. they generally lack quality logical analysis but the ones that don't are fuckin hawt
I wanna sniff their feet.
Subconsciously they want to have as much sex as possible
Consciously they want to experience as few consequences as possible
Same goes for men and fighting: they want to win without dealing with the death of losing so they invent armor and weapons.
Aw that's okay. If my woman didn't nag I probably wouldn't do anything.
Very tough question. The few women I see are quite cool, but the majority of females out there are animalistic sluts that shouldn't even be considered human, so yeah.
being a woman has never been easy , but today is a terrible time to be a woman. I pity them.
So many angry christian incels i see here
Ill just drop this redpill to make them whine less
Yeah but they also won't respect you if you submit to whatever they're nagging about all the time.
Goblin Slayer
the manga has better shots
the anime scene only is like 5 seconds
What's with this glitter thing around the eye? I noticed it on tinder sluts. I don't like it so swipe left on them so I've never met one to ask where it comes from.
I wish they were more approachable. Other than that I don't really have a problem with them.
I really like a few of them, but most of them are highly illogical and whiny.
They can also suck and ride my dick and they're not men so that's pretty good as well.
Estonia, you can't reproduce for shit with that tiny lil 3 inch cock. Fuck you manlet.
Yeah. They're not getting all the rapes and beatings they secretly want.
Yeah, you have to keep balance between listening to nagging and pushing them back.
Thank you, my man.
>''If only one, just one, would love me...''
being a woman IS easy.
been happy for a woman is imposible.
No pain, and no glory. 0 risk.
Besides there's only one episode out. I never have patience for ongoings, better to wait until they're all out.
They kind of suck as a creature, but they're necessary so ehhhhh meh I guess.
Easily manipulated sluts.
Their biological programming has them follow, conform to, & desire whatever the latest social trend is. This is how women survived for thousands of years in tribal times.
Even women that THINK they are being "strong & interdependent", are just falling for (((Frankfurt school))) bullshit, pushed by the (((establishment))).
This wasnt a problem when we still had a moral traditional society.
BUT NOW, these women are becoming degenerate whores, that only care about shopping & brands, because JEWS have artificially made that the pinnacle of society today. See degenerate rap culture & all the "famous" bullshit. snapchat etc
Respect to the FEW women that dont fall for this, but it is the LARGE majority, as women will socially shun non conformists in their own circles.
If we want to fix our women, we must REMOVE THE JEW.
They're pretty good if you find a good one and know how to handle her. Raises your quality of life considerably.
I quite like most women personally.
Try the last 100 years.
That is what I meant by recent.
It's all so tiresome. Really. But offspring is worth it.
>remove the jew
Yeah see who can just even get them to stop sucking baby dicks.
You realize the biggest dick in porn is a dude who's like 5'6'' and a legit 9.5'' right?
>arab women
Dude there are some HOT AS FUCK arab women, and they are probably the LAST group left that haven't been totally JEWED. (mostly because their religion is 100% anti-jew)
I wasn't speaking of them as a person, good or bad like that. Just as a biological entity, weaker bones, weaker muscles, sitting down to pee, can't reach the top of a cabinet, can't open a jar of pickles, they bleed five days out the month and get bloated, hormones out of control so everyday they're a different mood. All the issues of gender wars typically goes back to their inability to deal with being the worse biological creature. They spend a lot of time wondering what it's like to be us.
I've found there are two rules for a peaceful life. Never let a woman know where you work or where you live. That's two places you don't need drama, and women are all about drama.
They all do this nose ring thing now. The fuck?
This individual is woke and gets it.
women are the mirror of men in a given society
Im sure there are good women, but its not worth the time looking for them. Most women are beneath me
I like women and have little bad experiences with them. They are what they are and as long as you don't rely on them for anything important they're pleasant and fun. Beyond the personal I do realize women's liberation is ruining western civilization, but it also seems women are the most unhappy and unfulfilled in this process.
Many are dispensable. Some are good. You have to train them. Be a strong male figure. Learn when to bend the knee. Learn when to say no. Don't listen to strangers on the internet, and most definitely don't listen to 90% of the things women say with any sort of faith.
Some of them are cute
>What does Jow Forums think about
>1 post by this ID
I think this is a slide thread.
European rape baby from back when Damascus was still white.
Well, yeah. We're like different units in a strategy game. You wouldn't say peasants in Warcraft are useless because they can't fight for shit, they just have different function and it's usually stupid to send them into battle.
It's just their way of telling you they're into bdsm.
>European rape baby
crusader genes
that why you find """whites""" in the levant
also from greek and roman colonization as well
Yeah. That's the key though, they have a different function. Yet they keep trying to perform another one that they're horrible at. And they themselves seem to hate being what they are.
Fuck 'em
Serbs are betas
lol this cant be real