I think about the truth everyday

I think about the truth everyday....

I'm British & every day I wake up thinking to my self; we were on the wrong side in WW2.

It's hard to admit this as all of my family were war hero's in WW2, but he was literally fighting against the rise of commies in France & Russia, & anti-multiculturalism which was being pushed even back then...

We won the war but at the cost of our race. :(

(I continue to work, sleep, fuck, love & look after my family, but this fact eats at me everyday.)

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fucking deserved it
your jewish colonial empire and your retarded mutt colony literally ruined the world for everyone with it's interventionism and globalism

Fuck off Greek boy, it was the white empire! Yes there was a few jewish bankers profiteering, but thats what they do in every country.

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It all boils down to atheism being on the rise in your country. If you turn back to Jesus & ban Islam, you can still save yourself.

it can all be changed, OP
Look how quickly the globalist socialists have fucked the world up; it only takes will and drive to change it into something else, something new
TRUMP ushered in a new era, it’s time to get to work

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>yay we won the war no one can harm our brown pets anymore

you're not wrong. Hopefully more people will spit on Churchill in the future. He was truly a monster that destroyed our world.

>unironic christcuckery
Judeo-christian Hebrew desert cults forced onto Europeans are the problem to begin with.

>we were on the wrong side in WW2
Have you ever stopped to think that the whole war was contrived and Brits and Germans were made to fight each other for nothing?

Why would French be proud of being German slaves?

The fall of the church after WW2 & the rise communist ideas in the 60's fucked us hard, but I dont think asking Jesus for help is going to do much good. (I am trying to get foreign countries banned from funding Islam foundations in the UK,but I keep getting stopped by Female SJW dikes who run a lot of my country! )

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& if it wasnt for WW2, there would be 2.5 billion whites in the World, today including mix's there is only 600 million whites left.... fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!

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>Brits and Germans fighting each other
fighting each other?
one of them was literally protected by water from an invasion
they "fought" each other after USSR was already russian towards Berlin

I feel your pain, brother.
We were lied to about Germany and Hitler through Jewish media and powerful lobbyists.
All we can do is learn from past mistakes and spread the message that international Jewry must be destroyed.

Yay I pretty much blame him for everything & I used to him as a hero of Britannia when I was a kid.

But I dont think anyone back then really understood the consequences of what they had done, was not untile JFK era when they realised how great hilter was, JFK called him the best leader to ever live. (Think about that!)

Mate it tuck three major powers to destroy Germany & each country pulled it's own weight in the war by sea, air & land!

Also dont you realise I'm not proud that we destroyed them, I really angry we didnt side with them after Dunkirk & feel a lot of regret for what happened!

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The absolute state of europe

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> the rise communist ideas in the 60's fucked us hard
It all started with the fucking Mods.

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Better than this dont you think?

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>we were on the wrong side in WW2.
Henrich Himmler and Hitler literally wanted to enslave the British people for refusing to ally with them.

Here you go:


I would rather live with a bunch of niggers than work as a slave or be brutally murdered.

>guy starts war
>war fucks up the entire planet
>incels praise that guy for trying to prevent the fucking up of the world
Wow you guys so redpill matrix trenchcout pew pew agent

Lets not pretend this isnt also happening in America, we are all kind of culturally fucked due to controlled media!

we don't have sexually suggestive commercials here because we are prudes.

You guys have got to take the blame for a lot of it as well & I'm personally willing to forgive if you do so! But do remember you are just as fucked as we are because if we fall so does Israel!

I wish we fought with Hitler when he was literally begging us.

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>I live with a bunch of niggers and work as a slave for their 8 children while I am slowly murdered.


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>waaaaah our poor class was socially lifted and blacks were imported to do the dirty work
how horrible for victimized snow niggers

That only happened after we went to war with them, then all gloves were off! (He tried to make us allies but we turned him down, biggest mistake in our history in my opinion!)

Yep, biggest mistake we ever made! (People still were thinking of loved ones who died in WW1 & thats why it didnt happen, to much pain to ally with something you only hated yesterday! )

And also, as a result of the fall of colonialism (which was for the most part a result of the wars), Sub-Saharan Africa exploded in population and spiked from 200 million to 1 billion in 68 years.
I'm with you user, I think about these things ever day and depress me.

How history could've been so much better.

This has nothing to do with slavery!
99.9% blacks/browns migrated by themselves here, cant blame us for that! (But you can blame us for the mess in your country.)

Believing some post war propaganda. Hitler held the British people in high regards. There are plenty of speeches where he makes that clear and known.

To be fair you were massive cunts in ww1.
Look what you did to Australia and NZ and all of your colonies for that matter.
1st wave in all your battles, literal cannon fodder.
We will never forget Gallipoli

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>were imported to do the dirty work
Niggers in Germany, working
Yeah you fucking wish

i don't really blame you for anything
they probably enjoy better life standards as bottom class in britain than middle class in 3rd world
was talking about your op pic
yes they came on their own will
but YOU welcomed them
stop whining about it

Yes, didn't you read the link? He hated the British lower class and then hated Britain outright aftter refusing to ally with him. His fuckbuddy Himmler hated Britain even more and wanted to kill 80% of the population - it's in his diaries.

Remember when the British wiped out 10% of the Australian population?

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I suppose it could of been worse, we could of imploded like the Roman Empire, but yay pretty much a downer! haha

Well we've got to keep living our lives, I try to do my little bit creating memes (Red-pill'ing Women) & supporting politicians with my interests! ha

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The war didn't need to happen though.

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you reap what you sow. you *owe* the true whites your life and if you are not going to do anything else than sitting in your computer eating mcdonalds and not going to fight for your race outside you deserve to die. this is all you can do to repair what your ancestors have done and have honor again

Well they were not invited mate, it's wasnt like we said come on in! haha

They broke down the front door & pushed there way in & would not leave. ha (The cheeky fuckers.)

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Just be glad the British Empire existed. Through the empire we got the best white countries created: america, ANZAC, South Africa, Rhodesia. Sadly not all are with us today. But imagine, imagine if Britain had not colonised those countries. Imagine if Europe was the only white group of countries on Earth. No Americans or anzacs... just a shit load of petrol huffers and maoris and a ton of natives in the United wigwam confederacy.

It still doesn't justify colonisation.
The Brits must have understood, that UK is their ghetto and they must never get out of it.

Meanwhile, in Sweden

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oh yeah Rhodesia. What a triumph that project is.

all you had to do was not give them citizenship, as easy as that, they didn't break any doors, they came via ports and airports
it's actually what Arabs do (which you often shit on them for and call it slavery) 10-25 year visa

That map isn't entity accurate. Germany also had a sausage factory in Tanganika.

>coming from that flag

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Gallipolli was Churchills fault.

Yeah. Feels bad man. :(

Mate, everyone had huge losses in WW1 & no one really won that war!

& you are us you fool, you are British & dont forget that. The USA is a mix European race, but Australian white's are almost 100% British! (YOU ARE US & WE ARE YOU!!!)

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Never said it ended well m80. I hope your next ginsters has a toenail in it

>It all boils down to atheism being on the rise in your country.

This. We need to turn back to the old ways of the Gods

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What gods? You dont believe in odin thor and loki right? Cringe

So WW2 had nothing to do with Cultural marxism. That arose later and distinctly.

Hell is your ghetto but hey, your filthy feet still trod God's green earth

I didnt say that at all, Germany went to war to stop Communism from taking over Europe. & in the end they were right because communism killed far more people in Europe than all the people who died in ww2, the horrors eastern Europe had to deal with because of Communism, they've still not recovered from it.

Wow that pic is a hell of a downer, but has great potential.

Remember how the Asian one was considered wildly offensive and they were forced to pull it and apologize? Yet the people that complained about the Italian ones were considered through criminals and nazis?

It's all so tiring.

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Hitler tried to warn us all but the Jew had the upper hand all along.

Let's play a game, only one of these cities is not european. I forgot which one long time ago.

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More Brits than ANZACs died at Gallipoli

What really worries me is that since Hitler lost, we could still also lose over time. The powers against us are simply so great, who says we don't all get squashed bu the EU army at the first sign of an insurgency?

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if we hadn't done it to you too leaf, you'd still be living in your igloo eating whale fat all day eh ? or a burger/spic maybe.

>few jewish bankers
you are the root of all evil

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