Did potato niggers discover America?

Are they lying about Columbus discovering America?


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>discover a place that had people living there for 15k years already

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>be called "Native"
>actually migrated from Asia and have mongoloid hair profile as all other Asians

Doing something intelligent like domesticating the native deer and milking them to make cheese sounds like something white people would do.

The Duhare were probably wiped out by the english like they did to spanish settlements. They didn't want other europeans to claim right to land in america.

It was a discovery for the old world. And it's not like any of those spear chuckers were doing anything with the land in North America.


irish are truly the niggers of the white race

the natives had their stone age civilizations all over, and had invented farming at about the same time asians and middle easterns did.
the difference was that while all tech innovations would be spread around eurasia pretty much evenly, american natives had to independently discover everthing and of course that made progress slower

I like how everyone says "WE WUZ INDIANS" is essentially buying into the JEWISH anti-white colonial narrative from the 60's. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that multiple caucasian civilaztions & peoples at one point "discovered" america before columbus.

Front left a cute. CUTE! I want to hug her and make her know she is mine.

Columbus is your new Jesus faggots

America was discovered by Leif Erikson.

You know what I only learned recently? Potatoes are from South America. They didn't exist in Europe until Columbus discovered the Americas, and Europeans brought potatoes back to Europe.

We associate the Irish with potatoes so strongly - and yet potatoes are not native to Ireland. They were imported from South America.


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And rock solid evidence the "native americans" massacred the shit out of the original natives

Calling the very first people to settle a land natives sounds pretty reasonable to me.

meant to quote the post below

America was discovered long before Columbus. Viking rune stones have been found showing Viking occupation ... Anglo Saxon runes have also been found in the Southern States which are complimentary timelines.

However ancient Clovis culture finds from France gave been found scattered through the US.

There is archeological evidence (disputed, of course) that Europeans found North America by 1700 BC.

yeah, but columbus is the one that actually made a difference.

it doesn't matter if other people discovered it and then failed to do anything with the knowledge.

the mayans had wheels, and only used them as toys. the part that matters is realizing you can make a fucking cart after discovering that round things roll.


? Columbus took syphillis back to Europe and reported that he had found Asia. It was later explorers like Cortes who made a difference.

hernan cortez basically single handed conquered 70% of the continent
id say he made more of a "difference"

Define making a difference?

If it means infrastructure, tech etc then Colombia didn't. The founding fathers along with key Europeans; Freemasons and Rosicrucians (Josephus Kelpius etc)

Native just means you stay on a place for enough time for it to affect the phenotype of a people.

Potato Aryans*, (((fuckface)))

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you need to be 18 to post here

You have a lot to learn. I will teach you.

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There have been viking artifacts discovered in the great lakes areas proving that vikings made their way from the ocean down to the great lakes hundreds of years before columbus.

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>small thing from Y is found in X, proves that Y was in X
thats not how trading works

I'm an adult mate. I just never knew this, that's all. I also didn't know that tomatoes come from the Americas. So they also were never known to Europeans until the 1500s. Mental.

What the fuck is a chink doing there?

Sometimes it takes me by surprise to be reminded that there are fucking retards on this Earth.

>yet potatoes are not native to Ireland

This is part of the reason for the famine.

lads after the drought this summer we are having a potato crises
i usually buy my poatatoes every saturday and i get a bucket of potatoes for 16 euro
now the dealer can only do a small bag of 16 potatoes for 16 euro
fuck the eu hang merkel

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mmmm. i love me some pale, plain irish babes.

Im sure you think all the east asian artifacts found everywhere in the world just means there are east asian living everywhere too

So that explains The Kensington Rune Stone being created with local rock?

Get your head out of your ass.

>entire argument rests on thoroughly discredited "evidence"

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Columbus was a merchant who stole the credit for the discovery, which actually happened during Roman times.

Tomatoes too

Here are some redpills for ya: the existence of what would be known as america was already known to the european ruling class by the time of Columbus. It was kept as a secret because they wanted to avoid uncontrolled colonization.

P.S. There are maps showing the americas and documents describing the "antipodes" prior to the 15th century.

having the mental development of a six year old, you're not considered an adult.
Now get out and go back to primary school

Wow you proved me wrong with a shit meme of a proven liar and no actual proof.

I now have a great respect for Mexico ... kek!! You've proved beaners are linked to the mongoloid/down syndrome race.

thats would be consistent with how columbus was a hail mary for the spanish crown after the jews gutted their economy

do you have any sources for that tho?

ill give you a hint: when an inmigrant from certain part in the world, while living somewhere else, finds a relic that comes from his own native part of the world, 97% of the times its a fake

That was an ice age genetic trait that developed in Norhern Europe.

Beaner logic again....so that explains Clovis Culture finds too? You are so fucking dense it's untrue. Mexican education is shit house then. Kek!

What makes you so certain that they were first?


there are enough discoveries made under accredited supervision on clovis sites to build an historical narrative

a random swede with no academic background or accreditation finding a relic that happens to be from where he is from is a different thing

thats not even accounting that linguists immediately identified the script as a fake

Whatever makes you feel better, Irish are the lowest representatives of the white race.

holy shit lads a potato just flew over my house

No, they discovered Canada.

Decent post, shit tier picture
Dafug that subhuman in fedora is doing on a Irish parade?

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The Vikings settled Newfoundland at one point. They also seemed to have traded as far as the Ohio Valley. Portuguese fisherman most likely fished the shores of North America before Columbus.

This whole back and forth between the limey and the mexican is pointless because, regardless of the authenticity of the Kensington and Clovis stuff, we know for a solid fact that the Vikings established a colony in Canada and warred with the natives, so Columbus wasn't the first Euro to reach the Americas anyway.

It's common knowledge the vikings made it the New Foundland in North America, it's not that far by rape and pillage ship.

That's what I'm trying to say ... The Mexican is unable to comprehend.

And I'm not a limey - but I guess thanks is in order. Kek!

>>discover a place that had people living there for 15k years already

"Proof an Irish colony in South Carolina predates Christopher Columbus"
Proof the Irish are "WE WUZ" niggers .

im not saying that didnt happen, in saying the artifacts usually found more inland are fakes or where moved by trade

nah you are making claims about a specific, known to be fake relic

Again - it seems only you know that it's been disproved. So let me just give you other proof of Vikings in North America ... I'm sure you'll say these are disproved as well. Anyway - choose the red pill if you wish or not.
