Threat level

My friend and I were talking about encounters the other night and how certain group dynamics made us less or more tense.
What's your call on it, does any composition in particular make you uneasy? If any at all? Feel free to add race, age or weapons. Template added below.

Attached: threatlevelzero.jpg (964x2000, 198K)

Now with nogs.

Attached: template.jpg (964x2000, 147K)

interesting subject. Sometimes it's not just the group dynamics of other people, but the group dynamics of your own group. Often that can be because of girls but more often it's because of guys in the group. For example ever been with a guy who is fine by himself but once in a group of people acts like he is in a gang and everyone will back him up so starts acting like an asshole.

Agree. I find that 2 guys and 1 girl can be worse than just two guys alone at times. Some times the presence of the thot makes them act like morons. But nothing beats a +3 sized group of just dudes, every fucking time I've been out and a group like that passes by me I always feel like they're sizing me up for a fight.


Yea yea, your dick is huge. Here have a big dick sticker to put on the back of your Volvo you fucking Swede.

I believe it's better to point out the typo than to stay silent and hope the person posting it eventually notices it

Niggers, gypsies and terroni: 4 if scrawny 2 if built will make me uncomfortable and I will probably avoid them.
Other than that, everything is fine. Maybe if they're noticeably drunk and angry they'll fall in the above categories.

Not if the female is a gypsy.

I'm too used to people being dicks, sorry mate... Point taken.

Attached: 38C83907-B182-4E52-9573-71607F9406A3.jpg (644x1334, 56K)

>not working at lidl just to trap old gypsies in the cages

made a template for that too then. whats a good gypsy face?

Attached: racetemplate.jpg (964x2000, 199K)

>Me and 3 buddies talking about the surf and walking to the pub
>Weird tense guy walks past darting eyes at all of us
>zero fucks given, we glance back, laugh and continue on our way.
Chill the fuck out bro, come out for a burbon or two.

Are all the characters black for a reason?

yea this would be mine. Asians are the least threatening of all.

Attached: this.jpg (964x2000, 198K)

This but i dont feel tense bcs of jews on the street but rather on social situations because you know they will backstab you in some way so i never trust them or show a sign of weakness around them

The area where you are also makes a massive difference. Like I'm born and raised in London and we have all types of combinations walking around at all times of the day and night. I can't be crossing the road all the time, you just have to accept this is where I live and hope things will be okay.

but I've been to Poland and if I saw 3 polish guys walking towards me I would be like fuck this even though we have loads here and the idea that I wouldn't be intimidated by that happening here is ridiculous.

Exact composition shy of a really big group doesnt make me nervous, it is about behavior. I almost got raped once and that has made me hyper aware/paranoid of of being followed. Obviously you stay away from big groups of men no matter what.

Jews wont attack you in the streets. The issue is their institutional power they use against europeans

agree on the Asians, not the jews, they are not individually violent and they move in a weird kinda disabled way

I know they wont attack me but Jow Forums has warped my brain in a way that I tense up around them. Like they have mind-control powers or something.