So...Why aren't you blocking the electric jew?
It's real
Other urls found in this thread:
Checked and copped
>these glasses are polarized
I'm amazed
this is actually really fucking cool
polarization isn't reliable for this, you wouldn't be able to guarantee every screen in polarized in the direction you need to cancel them out with the lenses on your face
just checked their kickstarter
it seems that all jew media outlets LOVE it,I wonder why
>get triggered by fox news
>make a pair of actually pretty fucking cool They Live sunglasses
Would buy desu
Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses
Designed to help the wearer develop a relaxed attitude to danger. The lenses turn completely black at the first hint of trouble, thus preventing the wearer from seeing anything that might alarm him/her
Does it block street signs? If they do, government will find a way to ban them
Just put 2 filters 90 degrees from each other, the people that buy this shit are so gullible they'll think the absolute darkness is a feature
Plot twist: the glasses only let in CNN and Vox
Completely saved
Reflectacles are better for Jow Forumss purposes
Too fucking accurate. Why oh why are memes so real?
Last time we discussed these we lacked proof that they wouldn't just illuminate your face perfectly rather than washing out. If this has been proven viable please source us.
Optical Science tards won’t get it...
They’ll think it’s black magic
Thats exactly what it is
>IRL Glasses block LCD/LED screens through horizontal polarized optics (we found out about this after coming across a 2017 WIRED article).
>By flattening and rotating the polarized lens 90 degrees, light emitted by LCD/LED screens is blocked, making it look like the TV or computer in front of you is off.
They did exactly what I said
Glow in the dark nigger glasses?
Familiarize yourself with it and learn how to use it, Faggot
Terry was right
>IRL glasses do not yet block smartphones
Because the polarization of light is angled 90 degrees on a phone screen as compared to a TV or computer monitor.
These glasses are a joke, there's no new technology here
Great. Now make them stop the constant clear-channel broadcasts of all electronics with speakers that sit in stand-by mode.
lol this blocks all light
Wow now I've seen it all. Kickstarter.....
It's called polarization it's been around a lot longer than these shit glasses that's for sure and you can get em for $5 at your local gas station.
>get pulled over for speeding
>tell cop you couldn't see your digital dashboard because of your glasses
SCreens Rule Everything Around ME
Accurate, also saved
they have digital lcd street signs in brasil?
If only they had polarizing contact lenses.
holy fuck
so when you tilt your head it stops working?
Sorta, wouldn’t work well on a black lady doing chicken head... dats rite
>reflects light away from your face
>illuminates your face
The only digital street signs I can think of are these LED ones, I doubt they're affected.