Can we get a USA hate thread going? Let's get a USA hate thread going

Can we get a USA hate thread going? Let's get a USA hate thread going.

Attached: american youth.webm (542x406, 2.64M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: america 3rd world.png (470x425, 105K)


One word: Donald Trump and the Republican party

everything u listed here is only true if you're a nigger except the part about money


Attached: ptg cucks.png (871x128, 12K)

Are niggers not equal americans?

Attached: america baby drop off.jpg (580x697, 82K)

nothing is equal retard

How un-american.

Attached: america land of the free.png (720x514, 393K)

What the fuck kind of question is that?

Not really.

thats obviously brazil

Same thing.

Attached: mutt farm.jpg (680x510, 132K)

El abominacion...

Coming to an American aligned vassal nation near you

Attached: El goblino.webm (640x640, 2.05M)

land of the grease, home of the retard

Attached: dekze5zcb9711.jpg (2048x1536, 667K)

Attached: TmpSge1538973895470.jpg (534x401, 36K)

Powerful and brave.

wtf was that

That's right dickmongle

Hate on the USA the only nation big enough to keep Russia at bay.

You fucking sicken me

Fuck off you peice of shit shill.
SAGE THREADS THAT TRY TO SPLIT US. BETTER OFF, DON'T REPLY AT ALL AND LEAVE TO READ ANOTHER THREAD.(unless to warn others). This means all threads that try to pit brother against brother. (((They))) are here and are trying to fracture us.

Attached: Screenshot_20180928-143728.png (720x1280, 591K)

>black men
Never, nigs are shot on site in an ideal America

America, land of the great! Trump 2020

Attached: 1538745264444.jpg (1500x1001, 486K)

You aint seen nothing yet

Attached: Oh_say_can_you_see.jpg (528x660, 78K)

Attached: waiting for bus in america.webm (480x608, 1.34M)

Attached: lmao.webm (640x480, 1.96M)

This is freedom

Attached: progressive street art.webm (1102x620, 2.56M)

Take it to bant you worthless, rulebreaking cunt!

Attached: Sage.jpg (1156x2031, 933K)

>A threat
Worst case we will end up in a Chechnya situation. Most ruskis blasted to shit and a dictator cucking Putin in Lithuania.

>UK hate is ok

Attached: americanised.jpg (914x2048, 310K)

Ok now this is epic

Attached: americanendgame.png (657x705, 316K)

is that 2 males? gay

>boohoo they're laughing at us again

looks more like Brazil
