‘F--k. You. All. To. Hell' - Sincerely, Google

Google exec slams GOP over Kavanaugh nomination: ‘F--k. You. All. To. Hell'

- foxnews.com/tech/google-exec-slams-gop-over-kavanaugh-nomination-f-k-you-all-to-hell

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Google is not biased. Stops posting this. He is just saying the things American want for our democracy

Better go to Google + and see what those 4 people are saying

Google is going to get taken apart piece by piece
Monopoly, pushing fake news, attempting to undermine democracy by silencing conservative and libertarian websites.
They are so fucked and Google execs fucking know it.


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>our democracy
Kill yourself, neoliberal shill. Electing aristocrats ≠ democracy.

But that's okay, because even if you've lost taytay and google, Facebook's jews still love you.

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probably a jew

I really like how the censor things like when people google black crime statistics or whites killed by police or German immigration problems.
The best of all is to google white man white woman.
Pushing globalist agenda via their monopoly could be considered high treason .

They shut it down after a huge security failure in March.

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kek leaf

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This. They're in panic mode ever since Hilary lose elections, but they incapable of stopping and now digging their own grave deeper and deeper. It would be fine if Hilary won, but since that didn't happen they've lost control over narrative and can't shut it down. They expected to ride helicopter but they boarded the wrong one and now screaming in panic while clinging to the past when they were still on the ground.

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why isn't a population allowed to elect aristocrats in a democracy?

If j*ws like him all hate Whites so much, why don't they just leave American and fuck off to israel?

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>American soil*

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Literally every single google employee deserves to die a painful death

There is a small based group of us fighting from the inside out. Stay patient my anons.

tell me moar

Is this how they vent their anger over fuck ups like Google+?

They're actually keeping it up until August so people can download anything they've uploaded.

Wy are they this crazy? I've never seen any conservative be so hugely pissed about a decision that barely affects them (inform me if you have)

There are a group of us who are anons and are rebelling against this echo chamber.

are you in goog?

Yup, it's pretty bad on the inside, people whining about the dumbest bullshit with microaggressions and how Drumpf is going to kill all the gays supposedly. They say you can bring your whole self to work except if you believe anything right of Clinton's platform.

it's afraid

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are u larping? show something like corner of ur id

i bet you hes a kike

oh please do SHUT THE FUCK UP you incessantly large fagoooootttt

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checked rekt and keked if google didnt have the most common search engine and buyout youtube they would be useless "Don;t be evil" we know its you cyberdyne

Because that's not democracy. Before the jews got hold of the word, democracy meant a final say in the actions of the state.
Because in so-called "liberal democracies", where liberal is just a nice word for "managed", democracy only applies to the managerial-professional political class.
Last but not least, why aren't we allowed to elect NON-aristocrats in whatever you want to call this shithouse system?

how long until Lord Trump shuts Gargoyle down forever?

should be soon

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Truly a well spoken man of incredible intellect
His powers of persuasion are impressive

You forgot one to add. Actually many others.

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Hey thats cute, you should commit suicide. Like just kill yourself. Ita easy, you are ready. Just Do It.