*hands you pen*

>*hands you pen*
Sign this.

Attached: 1533133650224.jpg (2048x1724, 355K)

Other urls found in this thread:


it's a bit narcissistic to think all your problems come exclusively from yourself

Can I get a gf if I give her a firm handshake and promise to be early and stay late?

You define what constitutes a problem.
You're necessarily the heart of it.

The most eurocucked thing you could have said, nigel.

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This is the exact opposite of reality. Narcissists blame everything on everyone else regardless if they're at fault or not.

What a cuck. I'd burn that piece of shit paper.

*Takes pen and stabs the nigger in the eye*

You should probably see a dentist brit fag. It's affecting your brain.


Attached: clap.gif (280x280, 368K)

>*hands back pen*
while i do agree with this in theory
i dont sign things

He does make valid points but always fails to mention the oversupply of greedy dickheads who fucked the economy in the first place.

This is god tier advice and I would sign it immediately.

Change my mind.

Now that's a real work ethic right there. Not like the lazy youngsters today *sips*

Attached: buhmer classico.png (380x349, 70K)

>be happy and proud to be a wage slave
incarnation of the boomer spirit

i live in post communist country that is still semi-socialist.
and my country is shitty because of it.
tell me why my country shouldn't apply american capitalist model.

I'm an advocate for personal responsibility and doing your job. That said this is the cringiest, most bootlicking wageslave shit I've ever seen.

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Sorry workercuck, I already signed the N.E.E.T. pledge

Because ambitious people might become successful and make other people envious and we cant have that

Damn, the only people on this thread who agree with this are my based Ameribros? Damn, no wonder we always have to walk the rest of the world by the hand.

I also did not expect such bootlicking from amerilards

I gave you my foreskin, merchant, was that not enough?

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Attached: this here.png (426x271, 237K)

Signed: Mike Rowe, a multimillionaire who got paid more money than you to do a dirty job.

I can see the Zen stuff of "all problems are the problems we make" and all that kind of thing.
But if I hit you while drunk driving and you break your neck, I'm the cunt.

>I am a good goy who will be happy to work for master Shlomo

>be a cuck wageslave the document

Attached: tumblr_obnmysmU4T1v0pigno1_500.jpg (409x409, 38K)

Yes, because in principle we've done nothing except be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I'm not American, but I like the gist of it. I do take issue with points #1, #5, #7, and #8.
You shouldn't be grateful for any of those other than being born in/living in America. Most of the other things you had no say in and it was forced upon you.
Debt is okay, because debt is sometimes necessary to be able to invest and improve things faster, eg get an education that's worth something. On the other hand, everyone should be responsible for their own debts.
I think the best way to distinguish yourself is to do something better than anyone else or something completely new. This way you contribute to society far more than just working slightly harder. Work smart, not hard.
I think whining is okay if it helps people cope with bad situations. The important thing is to not demand others change to accommodate you though.

Yes. You would be a cunt.

wakey wakey wagie

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this lol

here here

It's a shame the UK banished all its Calvinist adherents to the US. Their loss is our gain.

what is with blue collar people and glorifying working like a slave for a living? hurrr trump is bring back factory work and plumbing huuurrrr

Attached: workerbees.png (946x631, 377K)

>spits him in the face

Attached: 15176651797840.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

hahahaah--oh fuck--- I blew out my right side!!
AAHHhh hospital.
If I die, Anons, remember me!

Preferring a capitalist system over a communist one does not necessitate overtly licking the heels of your employer as the pledge in the OP does.

If you die in that case, that's that, you're no longer suffering. If you survive, you should be grateful that you survived and make the most of your life despite the disabilities you may have sustained in that instance.

America's "wagecuckery" is the reason why it's the most successful country in the world.
>literally owns your economy
>most powerful military
>parts of country have greater GDP than parts of the world

Keep your pen Mr. Rowe. I signed that pledge a long time ago growing up poor in Ohio and shoveling horseshit and hay and tobacco as a youth to help my mom pay bills. I dont need paper to tell me how to act I do it because I want to.

"Being a good leader isnt getting people to do things because they have to, it's getting people to do things because they want to."

thats some pretty cuckd shit right there, saying theres no such thing as a bad job

I hate this stupid marxist bullshit where EVERYTHING is equal and having values and making JUDGMENTS using LOGIC and REASON is the gravest sin of all.

fuck that stupid fucking faggot and his jew masters

Unemployment spotted.

You're wasting your life as a NEET. In the last 5 years I went from $10/hour wage slave to a salary that if I told you what I was making you probably wouldn't believe me and I'd feel like a bragging asshole. Hard work does payoff. Life is random, so there's no obvious or guaranteed path to success, but if you work hard, opportunities tend to present themselves.

blue collar work and bringing factory jobs back to america would be fine if we had a living wage.

Yeah I don't think you've had really nasty shit happen to you if you're saying something like that. If some jackass makes you a quadriplegic you will curse the day you met them.

We have a living wage, its the rest of the economy thats the problem.

yeah, and it's why half of wage earners make less than $30k a year, 60% of americans can't afford a $1000 emergency, and healthcare costs are the number one reason for bankruptcy.
all this in the wealthiest country in america.
>yes, rabbi. give me more late-stage capitalism

>theres no such thing as a bad job

It's nice to be optimistic and all that shit but people who just see *any* sideways remark like "nah sometimes thinks suck" as an excuse to give their boomer teir "gotta pull yourself up by yo' bootstraps!" garbage.

USA has Africa tier income inequality.
Its essentially one giant slave camp run by the jews just like it was during slavery. pic related.

Attached: 971_JewishSlave-Trade.jpg (539x385, 91K)

wealthiest country in the world*

no, the true reason is because your country is the main hub for kikes to create their schemes
it used to be the same here in the 17th century

hard work doesn't do shit buddy, tried that for long enough
i bet you sucked a lot of corporate cock for that fancy wage of yours

thanks based gay boomer

But resentment is a poison you give to yourself to hurt someone else. Why do you let assholes live rent free in your head?

the good goy pledge

NPC contract

>Why are you forcing me to not pay people for their labor???

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okay, that's an interesting perspective. i won't argue with you.

>Yeah I don't think you've had really nasty shit happen to you if you're saying something like that
My father was murdered by a random thug out on parole. His words after the fact were - to quote - "I'm the biggest, baddest, whitest motherfucker around".

Are you going to tell me it's impossible to forgive something "sufficiently" bad?

Shouldn't you be working right now wagie? I want to see a more positive can-do attitude from you.

>bragging about how much money we make for the jews

If by "suck corporate cock" you mean "pretend to like coworkers, bosses, and clients you secretly hate," sure. I suck a lot of corporate cock. It's a small price to pay, and my power in the world is steadily increasing.

>trying to make himself out to be the victim.

> The Boomer pledge


Working for a living is slavery. No man in their right mind wants to spend their life cleaning toilets or shuffling papers around. We waste our life in order to save it.
But also, living on NEETBUX is a bad idea. Unless you're physically disabled, society isn't going to look on you very kindly. You will be a social exile. Eventually, too, the neetbux will run out. Then what? You're back on the street looking for a job: but you haven't worked in 20 years. Who will hire you? Who would want a slave who hasn't done anything for 20 years?
You're fucked no matter which way you take it.

No worries.

Can you grieve over your loss of life potential? Or is that cucky shit too?

>"I'm the biggest, baddest, whitest motherfucker around".

Tell Buzzfeed.
Seriously though if you're going to tell me something like you'd shake the murderers hand then that is just dishonourable.

Im down with all but 12. Kikes are evil and are not my equal. Their underhandedness alone sets them as subhuman. And lets not discuss niggers.

dude they hire convicts, anyone can get a job right now even old people

>pretend to like coworkers, bosses, and clients you secretly hate
Man, fuck that
I had to resist myself from dropping a 250kg pellet on one of my faggot coworkers almost every day on my last job
That normie shit is fucking gay and I'm not falling for it. Not a money or power hungry kike myself so I'll just stay a good boi NEET

Oh god. I never got that far before rage quitting.
Even "work ethic" makes me mad. Funny how little we ever hear about "pay ethic" as the flip-side of "work ethic."

At least for now. But when the next recession hits, then what?

I've forgiven him. I'm commanded to.
There's not a single thing anyone can do that you shouldn't forgive, because in the end the judgement they face is an event worthy of the greatest empathy, since it's the most scathing, perfect justice one can ever face.

Does he hire janis for 4chins?

Yeah but that's kind of a dodge.
The guy will get punished, so you don't have to worry.

For those of us who don't believe in the divine then cunts just keep being cunts.
What happens in your religion to those who commit suicide form grief?

This all seems very cult-like. Is Hillary going to burn me to a crisp at a compound in Waco if I sign? Or perhaps if I don't sign?

Fuck, I just don't know.

I don't want him to be punished. I'm completely indifferent. God would rather not punish the guy, so if I had to take a stance I'd take the one of "since my God rather wouldn't, I'd rather him not be punished either".

If you're attached to worldly justice you've already lost, since there is none. Good things happen to bad people, and bad things happen to good people, and there's no - and there will never be - a consistency. It's all just nonsense.

Suicide isn't discussed in Scripture - if it were a moral issue God would have addressed it. It's not a moral issue.

>*Takes pen and stabs the nigger in the eye*
I wonder if I've been here too long when the mental image of user stabbing mike rowe in the eye and see him scream in pain is making me laugh my ass off.

>I don't want him to be punished. I'm completely indifferent. God would rather not punish the guy, so if I had to take a stance I'd take the one of "since my God rather wouldn't, I'd rather him not be punished either".

Right, but if God said "he fries" you'd get a marshmallow and a stick and sing campfire songs.

>Suicide isn't discussed in Scripture - if it were a moral issue God would have addressed it. It's not a moral issue.

So what happens?

Lol, the medical industry is teetering on the edge of collapse once more Americans find out that most medical-related charities are scams and that they can avoid the hospital with simple lifestyle changes.
Blame the boomers and their narcissistic view of life.
and most successful*
Your view of success must be complete shit, commie.
>giving jews this much power and credit
Maybe you should just neck yourself if this is how you view the world. Because at this rate you are not going to be able to do anything about them except perpetually bitch like a woman.
How's living in your mom's shed with only ramen to eat and a fleshlight to keep you company?
>welfarefag bragging that he doesn't make money for the jews while he siphons off everyone's paychecks like a jew

Education is great...but no one gives a shit about education, they give a shit about a piece of paper from a kike indoctrination center.


>working shitty day labor jobs with illegal mexicans in the hot sun
>no chance of ever moving up in the company
>job has ZERO benefits (401, dental, health insurance, vision, etc)

No thanks pal

>Right, but if God said "he fries" you'd get a marshmallow and a stick and sing campfire songs
That's because the only human wish ought to be "God's Will be done".

I don't know - you face judgement sooner than if you'd have died from other means is the only thing I think can be said about it, since it's not an immoral act. If you had people you were responsible for there would be a moral dimension to it, since you're abandoning your duties prematurely at that point. But if you have no such dependents or outstanding promises you're not engaging in something that's mala in se or otherwise innately sinful should you off yourself.

>All people are created equal

Attached: genepill.png (1058x1447, 146K)

SLAVE pledge.

I "served my country", always did the best I could...never complained, worked hard and paid into the system.

Then illness hit me and I needed surgery, life threatening condition. They made me fully pay for the surgery up front(no insurance) and had no qualms letting me die. Meanwhile illegals, niggers and every other piece of shit gets all the free healthcare they could ever need no problem.

With that said; Why the fuck should I care about this country?

>ultimate boot-licker

For the record I have no issue paying...my issue is they wouldn't even setup a payment plan so I could get surgery then pay it off.

Imagine working 40 hours a week X 52 weeks.
And you average about $28,000 after taxes

Now imagine, your boss making that in literally 10 SECONDS...


Attached: Untitled.png (946x768, 661K)

>Boomer gets taken to mountaintop
>Satan: All you have to do to own all this is vote for me
>Boomer :Where do I sign!

Attached: pat little jesus.jpg (726x669, 165K)

why didnt you have Obamacare user

Dude wtf, story time.

>i believe that all people are created equal

He's a space nigger


I wouldn't put my name to the entire thing (even if I were American as #1 would make no sense otherwise).
#3 is outright false; bad jobs exist. Doesn't stop them being an opportunity (largely to cause you to find a better line of work).
#5 should make the line between investment debt and consumption debt clear.
#6 is an odd one. Of course safety is my responsibility, so why does it appear here? I'd suspect a veiled jab at externally imposed safety regulations.
#7 is where I start disagreeing with all of this. The worker who relies of working extra hours to do their job will quickly find it becomes expected of them to work those hours. Very rarely does someone doing the crappy tasks get rewarded, and if you volunteer for them it becomes your job to do them on top of everything else.
#8. One man's valid concerns and input is another man's whining and complaining. Also, if this guy wants people to bring their passion with them (#4), he is going to have to expect people will get attached to their work (and so don't want to go through the bullshit of changing jobs) and to want to improve their happiness at work (by attempting to raise issues and concerns impacting on their happiness).
#9 I've no objections to, so long as this guy doesn't twist it into being a reason not to supply appropriate on-the-job training.
#10, NOPE. We are all a product of both our choices and circumstances, and it is ridiculous to assume otherwise. Two people making the same choices can have wildly different outcomes based on their circumstances, and some of those circumstances can be directly attributed (or blamed, to use his wording) on the choices of others.
#11, I disagree with the point he is getting at. I don't want to see someone torn down due to their success, but I'd want everyone to have a fairer roll of the dice than they currently get.
#12 seems to be repeating the point of #10, while trying to justify people's problems as being a product of bad choices alone.

I hate this boomer

I like working in a factory, faggot.

Hey you can take these rocks and turn them into bread. Just check them into the rock market!

>tfw you got something for a lousy rock

Attached: 30 year old boomer car.png (1000x861, 259K)

Wonka plz go

>if you're complaining about unpaid internships I am 100% sure you are nefer gonna make it
Funny, because unpaid interns are statistically less likely to land jobs than those who took paid internships.