/hue/volution General -

Bolsonaro vs. Haddad run-off in 3 weeks (October 28th).

>We managed to elect over 50 of /ourguys/ to the lower house!

>1st round results
Jair Bolsonaro 46,26%
Fernando Haddad 28,95%
Ciro Gomes 12,51%
Geraldo Alckmin 4,78%
João Amoêdo 2,52%
Cabo Daciolo 1,26%
Henrique Meirelles 1,21%
Marina Silva 1,00%
Alvaro Dias 0,81%

Jair Bolsonaro is front-runner for president of Brazil. He is a conservative Christian, former army captain and the only candidate free from involvement in corruption. He's pro-gun legislation and whats the liberalization of the economy with a Chicago boy as minister and to align Brazil to the American foreign policy (fuck Cuba, Venezuela, Palestine and China). He's stable in the Israeli hospital after being stabbed in the guts by a former member of PSOL (Socialism and Liberty Party) and undergoing emergency surgery.

Memes by Bolsonaro:
>Pinochet should have killed more people
>Historical debt towards slavery? I didn't enslave anyone.
>The Portuguese didn't enslave blacks, but blacks enslaved themselves.
>I wouldn't rape you because you are ugly and you don't deserve it.
>Do you burn the donut? I don't care! Be happy! Hugs for you!

Plans for a new constitution:

>English Subtitled videos of his famous memes:

Bolsonaro's government plan (in English):

>US Youtubers about Bolsonaro

Previous thread:

Attached: Haddad-Bolsonaro.jpg (1024x722, 86K)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for based Santa Catarina

>be brazil
>every single aspect of you is in desperate need of some if any sort of work and/or repairment
>your rulers fully knowing that spent the best part of their time stealing and trying to bring the World Cup and Olympics to you
>they suceed
>waste gazillions building new stadiums
>after both events these same stadiums are abandoned and used to let old busses rot

PT has absolutely no regard to the public money or the work of brazilian citizens yet people vote for them.

First for Kuruminha

Attached: 1539050667181.png (400x500, 211K)


I need a gf lads

Attached: download (2).jpg (251x201, 9K)

a qt lefty gf that hates your facist ways but can't stop loving you or a qt trad gf that wants to marry you right away just so you two can have children?

reminder NOVO is for basedboys/vegans/cucks

Attached: 1512829878750.jpg (513x499, 34K)

Have money?
If not, forget about it.

>será criado um superministério de Economia que abarcará as atuais pastas de Fazenda, Planejamento, e de Indústria e Comércio Exterior
Damn, Guedes will be a second president (and that's a good thing)

Comparativo dos programas Bolsonaro/ Lula (Haddad):
(Links para ver na fonte:)

>PLANO DO HADDAD=LULA: divulgacandcontas.tse.jus.br/candidaturas/oficial/2018/BR/BR/2022802018/280000629808//proposta_1536702143353.pdf

>PLANO DO BOLSONARO: divulgacandcontas.tse.jus.br/candidaturas/oficial/2018/BR/BR/2022802018/280000614517//proposta_1534284632231.pdf


- Bolsonaro: Redução da carga tributária e aumento da receita destinada aos municípios (pág 58)

- Lula/Haddad: Criar imposto sobre a exportação (pág 41), criar imposto sobre lucros e dividendos (pág 42) e aumentar o imposto territorial rural ITR para grandes propriedades (pág 56)


- Bolsonaro: contrariedade a qualquer regulação ou controle social de mídia (pág 7)

- Lula/Haddad: implantar mecanismos de regulação da imprensa e criar uma empresa pública de comunicação para expor o posicionamento do governo (pág 16)


- Bolsonaro: a justiça deverá seguir seu rumo sem interferências políticas (pág 15)

- Lula/Haddad: promover uma reforma do sistema de justiça para reduzir o poder de investigação do ministério público federal (pág 6, 15)


- Bolsonaro: tolerância zero com o crime (pág 10) e redução da maioridade penal (pág 32)

- Lula/Haddad: desmilitarização das polícias (pág 31) e iluminação com led nas ruas (pág 54)


- Bolsonaro: reduzir os 29 ministérios existentes atualmente (pág 17)

- Lula/Haddad: Criar 6 novos ministérios (pág 19, 20 e 55)


- Bolsonaro: deixar de louvar ditaduras assassinas socialistas (pág 79)

- Lula/Haddad: desenvolvimento da infraestrutura de países do Mercosul (Venezuela) (pág 11)


- Bolsonaro: Segurança no campo, políticas para consolidar mercado interno, abrir novos mercados externos, melhoria da logística de distribuição (pág 69)

- Lula/Haddad: regulação do agronegócio para evitar ampliação de grandes latifundiários. Implantar reforma agrária e distribuir terras ao MST e indígenas (pág 56)


- Bolsonaro: respeito e obediência à constituição (pág 6)

- Lula/Haddad: Estabelecer um novo processo constituinte para aumentar o poder do estado (pág 6)


- Bolsonaro: Prender e deixar na cadeia quem tiver cometido crimes (pág 30) e acabar com a progressão de pena e saída temporária (pág 32)

- Lula/Haddad: Reduzir a massa carcerária do Brasil através da liberação de presidiários (pág 33)


- Bolsonaro: o sindicato deve ser voluntário, contra a obrigatoriedade do imposto sindical (pág 64)

- Lula/Haddad: valorização de sindicatos e associações de trabalhadores (pág 40)


- Bolsonaro: Combate à ideologia de liberação irrestrita de drogas ilícitas (pág 26)

- Lula/Haddad: Promover a descriminalização das drogas (pág 32)



Attached: 1400204129826.jpg (600x399, 91K)

Didn't find the democrats funding PT thing but I found this archive.is/GujUd

Really hoping Bolsonaro wins fellas

I bet 50 bucks that he don't banged?

Fuck user you're making me sad too now, I really want the right.

I want convert a leftist trought dicking

Upper middle class

Olavo always told that the Democrat party help the commies in South America

Bolsonaro spent R$0.02 per vote, Meirelles spent R$41.

Attached: chrome_2018-10-09_15-08-11.png (770x481, 22K)

Attached: ditadura.jpg (801x960, 57K)

Once I fingered a brazilian exchange students butt and I felt poop, I haven't dared to do it since then.

Help frens?

Cool artwork huehues

Attached: 5B8258ED-A00D-4DA4-9C66-F3CA29DC000C.jpg (369x1024, 81K)

hey, parabro, how is the job market in there?
If Bonoro lose I'm thinking very seriously to go fugido

>Daciolo spent less than R$ 0,01

Meirelles is probably making some money laundry

Their position in 2014 elections.

Attached: NOVO-2014.jpg (570x960, 112K)

Tudo graças ao nosso senhor.

Thanks for making this so easy, Bolsominions. The harder you lie about this shit the easier it is to embarass you publicly on Facebook. Already made 3 Bolsokeks delete their posts from my class kkkkkk

Based paraguayo

Attached: Chilavert-Bolsonaro.jpg (813x784, 330K)

I don't really understand why you people immediately assume I'm shaming his old self.

Attached: 1538530146685.jpg (1000x838, 289K)

In all seriousness what if Haddad wins?


NOVO needs to die.

We flee to venezuela.

NOVO have a literal split inside, some members are conservatives and others are leftists with the muh free market

Coup. Save up food.

If you needed any proof they are corrupt in some way this is it.

How likely is this?

>Once I fingered a brazilian exchange students butt and I felt poop, I haven't dared to do it since then.

What were you expecting? Candy?

Attached: 43405819_2088142237910689_7267665464669503488_n.jpg (614x470, 74K)

Attached: 1200px-Passaporte_Português_.jpg (1200x1757, 585K)

I'm not sharing my dog meat with anyone.

If he wins we have proof elections are rigged. Run to the hills, lefties.


Coup/flee the country/die. Personally i'm going with Flee.

>I want convert a leftist trought dicking
It's surprisingly easy.

His popular and military support is big enough to start a coup in case they fraud the election and make him lose. He has what PT always wished it had.

Attached: 1538446614158.jpg (720x692, 30K)

Well done, user.

orange is the new red

We still need about a decade to start annexing territory. You need to deal with your shit alone for a long while mate, sorry.

Attached: 23432.png (1251x711, 1.94M)

E ela chama-se "greta"...

Greta (commie named pussy): "To vote in someone who supports dictatorship is suicide" hashtag not him and what not.

Jiao: Friend, PT supported SEVEN dictatorships:
Guiné Equatorial

I thought the same.
And I don't know nothing about that guy.

How are leftshits reacting to this?

Attached: DpEXr-5XcAAkRMO.jpg (1002x906, 108K)

>Greta (commie named pussy)
You're thinking "grelo", lad. Greta is a legit (albeit uncommon) name.

>Come home white man
>Oh shit! It's Brazilians!!!

14 out of the 35 parties will lose government funding and TV time

Rede, Patriota, PHS, DC, PCdoB, PCB, PCO, PMB, PMN, PPL, PRP, PRTB, PSTU e PTC

Tchau, queridos!
Papai Bolsonaro vai cortar o fundo partidário ainda por cima, podem chorar adiantadamente.

Attached: 1467686044186.png (726x720, 230K)


I'll go back to the army and help them out with the coup

Attached: file.png (519x893, 60K)

>tfw no more Daciolo antics

Let me guess if I remember enough of my high school spanish: Novo doesn't support either candidate because their ideas are both practical opposites of ours?

On the flip side, if he gets something like 60% of the vote, it's a lot stronger mandate than winning with 50.1%

You manage to actually do it?

Both mean pussy here.
And nobody here is named:
>Gostosinha bunduda amo anal

... enjoy:



>We don't support any candidate, but (the leftist party) is the complete opposite of ours.

IMO it's endorsing Bolsonaro without endorsing it

partido de embusteiro do caralho

based Olavão

As long as your CV isn't as barebones as a teenager's who just finished school, you should be fine

Death to Brazil, death to all zionist stooges

>On the flip side, if he gets something like 60% of the vote, it's a lot stronger mandate than winning with 50.1%
well... we have 3 weeks of memes to get even more votes. My humble contrib: youtube.com/watch?v=-6yX-ljVxvI

I want to see 90%ish percent vote shares in the south

Wait you were in the army?
What about the possibility of a coup if Haddad wins?

>Both mean pussy here.
I see. Well, over here it's doesn't mean anything.

Did you read my mind? I imagined sketching something like that, whoever drew this is an absolute madman.

Novo actually has proposals similar to Bolsonaro's, but the party leader is a faglord that doesn't like Bolso's "extremism".

I was dismissed of my obligatory military service. Would it possible to volunteer? Not sure how it works.


>1ST on BR trending youtube
kek globo is having a shift

I see I'm not the only one who thought of this.

Praise God, I hope for Bolsonaro on 28th

In the Portuguese language, greta is a narrow passage, a fissure.

Olha aquela greta.
Vais por ali, passas na greta, etc e tal.

De certeza que já ouviste "pele gretada" ou assim, não?
Deriva de greta.

This famous Brazilian cosplayer is moving to Mexico because of the terrible political climate in Brazil


Attached: danielle.png (480x572, 104K)

>I want to see 90%ish percent vote shares in the south


Attached: Bolsonaro 0332.png (681x600, 105K)

This is betrayal

The left truly is suicidal.

Either flee to Paraguay or sell my ass to the first European from this board that lives in a country where I can take my family with me.

Tchau querida

Somebody post that Brazilian trap with the qt tight ass.

20-30% of whites in any election will always be cucked because MUH Gibs and MUH minorities and MUH women

Attached: 15390247560142.webm (1280x720, 2.36M)

Prefiro aguentar anos com os mesmos corruptos de sempre do que aguentar quatro anos com um machista.

O Brasil é forte, sobrevivemos a corrupção que começou no FHC e s espalhou pelo PMDB/PSDB.

Bolsonaro como presidente, Guedes como primeiro-ministro. Semipresidencialismo já!

Bonoro can bring Daciolo to PSL, if he stop chimping with Mason ( I know mason should be shot)

For a few months only.
They revert to their old ways without a man, after break up.

Then they get used like whores and increase the leftism...
it's ridiculous.

Left or Right

Brazil is done for

Personally, I support Haddad instead of a mysoginist fascist faggot


Attached: dan.png (480x326, 44K)

Aqui não se leva tiro mas para emprego também não presta.

It was hard starting dating her?

Daciolo is good for a laugh but he's anti-gun and has socialistic tendencies, I don't want this shit in PSL.

No idea, I'm not there
Most people there just kinda hated PT and the current government though
Unless you have some major defect then you are free to join if/when they request for volunteers, I suppose
