Give me one good reason why these murder machines shouldn't be banned

Give me one good reason why these murder machines shouldn't be banned.

Attached: Pit-bull-Dog-in-India-Killed-His-Owner-Who-Purchased-it-for-9-Lakhs-Rupees.jpg (480x480, 44K)

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Nigbulls need to be genocided.

they should be exterminated

here you go

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they are not naturally violent you ignorant retard. dumb niggers and spics and wiggers make them that way. since they are the strongest breed, they are usually always trained to be violent because niggers use them as self-defense tools. if we're exterminating anything it ought to be niggers

I have a pit bull. He name is fluffy. Fluffy din do NUFFINS!!!! He a gud boi!!

Nothing of value was lost.

>being so retarded you think a golden retriever would eat a 3 year olds face because his owner isn't white

How can you believe in racial differences and deny basic dog breeding? Takes a special kind of retarded

Shall not be infringed

>government vans pitbulls
>claim pitbull is a weapon and thus protected by the 2nd amendment.

Pitbulls should be mutted / mixed with the other dog breeds and returned to their original form. We fucked these guys up too much, theyre all messed up.

Genocide all nigger dogs

>not all pitbulls
Good enough?

They bite niggers, they are also the victims of nigger shenanigans.

Hating an animal which lives on instict handmade is retarded (niggers arent animals, they are animal-like. There is a difference)

Unironically this. Nigs buy pit bulls to be guard dogs because they are cheap as shit. They also do not train them properly or treat them well, usually leaving them chained outside and giving them minimal attention. All strong breeds like Pit Bulls and German Shepherds are capable of the violence attributed to pits, but people that own expensive strong breed dogs have the money to purchase and train them. Give a poor trash person a German Shepherd and you’ll get the same results.

Lab testing

Explain why they maul babies and liberal women then.

Fuck off there are tons of cases of nigger dogs mauling their White single mother owners to death who treated them better than humans

Because the state should not interfere in people's lifes even if it means some children will lose their faces.


I was banned from /an/ for this topic but you realize black people own pitbulls specifically because they have black neighbors and live in a black community? As in they CHOOSE OUT the most violent dog they can find to ward off other nigs, and that dog is always the pitbull?

You realize that, right?

Because if it's the "breed not the owner" then it's also "the gun not the owner".
Use it as leverage, tell then you'll give up guns when every last pit has been euthanized.

we should ban them from white areas, starve them and make them mean, then release them in black neighborhoods, just for a lark

>they are not naturally violent you ignorant retard. white slave masters made them that way. since they are the strongest breed, they are usually always trained to be violent because whites use them as slaves. if we're exterminating anything it ought to be whites

pit, as in pit of hell
bull as in moloch the bull god who demands

banned? skinned alive and roasted over fire.

Because 99.9999% of people deserve to be murdered. Learn 2 math.

we have two, one is the laziest dog you ever want to meet, loves every one. I have had her for 10yrs and never once have I heard her growl at anything..she goes everywhere with us...the other is a male, 5yo..he is 100 miles an hr, loves everyone

they were both brought up in loving happy house ..we also have little black manchester terrior, she is the boss of both pits...

The baby moved too fast for the dog.

Because if we were in the business of "banning dangerous breeds", we'd have already deported all the black people.

The other day I was walking my german shepherd puppy and some fucking mexican left their gate open. Their pitbull made a furious beeline towards us. I just started running towards it as well and making loud lunatic growling noises. I was ready to stomp on the dogs head if he got near my pup, but the pit bull made a hard left when i started growling. He barked at us from a distance. Felt alpha, man. I would have eaten that fucking dog. I have been bit too many times to care.

Because they are better and more important than more than 53% of the people in this country, and they are AWESOME!!!
Plus its a free country and more people die from choking on Capri Sun straws than pitbulls, so put your daddys dick back in your mouth and go to sleep, cuck.

Attached: pitbullshake.gif (85x84, 44K)

Lmao you're lucky that thing didn't slice your throat open dude. Things would not have played out as they did in your head. Bring a small caliber weapon if legal or pepper spray instead next time.

Liberals use the same logic to ban assault rifles

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Honestly dude I wish it tried me. I have been itching to chokeslam one of these dogs and maybe teach people to lock up properly.

it can be fun to watch them kill eachother

I'm confused. Don't you burgers love your second amendment? You're talking about Pitbulls being a weapon so how is this anyway different than banning your precious guns? Seems like some cognitive dissonance, no?

why did you quote me retard?


Youre making a leap. Pitbulls are not a weapon. I am not allowed to own a tiger. Should also apply. Maybe read the threas before rushing your bait

>That fucking sound they make when theyre biting and shaking their heads
Lesser dogs

Yours and the post above you really strike at the heart of what today’s liberals are all about. We need to make banning pit bulls a bigger deal, it’s symbolizes everything

I know this is bait, but my gun won't jump out of my pocket and start shooting random people. Kind of a fun analogy, but it should be obvious why they aren't equivalent.

Guns cannot fire on their own. These dogs are unpredictable, out of anyone's control.

yeah lets pollute other breeds with those genes, surely this will solve the problem if we spread it out far enough

Pits were bred exclusively for fighting. It’s in their genes. They will always have an aggressive instinct no matter the training. Anyone who thinks otherwise is ignorant.

Its not worth it man. Those animals have nothing to lose. You have your whole life ahead of you.

Your a fucking retard.

Fucking wigger. I bet you have some shitty tattoos and big holes in your earlobes.

>but the pit bull made a hard left when i started growling

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>I have been itching to chokeslam one of these dogs
do it, it. post pics of your face before it gets surgically replaced tho or it didnt happen!




find a flaw, I dare you

>Yours and the post above you really strike at the heart of what today’s liberals are all about. We need to make banning pit bulls a bigger deal, it’s symbolizes everything
yea, except you 2 retards, between snoballing with each other, failed to realize that a gun is an inanimate object. a tool.
2 irrelevant topics.
GD you fags are stupid.

They're good for hunting nigglets, and keep the local natives off my property.

In eurocuck countries where guns are illegal, these murderdogs are the best legal weapon. Especially since muslims fear dogs. Having a 50 kilograms of muscle and teeths trained to maw through anything is the only way you can safely travel through a refugee ghetto.

your analogy is wack

Anyone who supports shitbulls answer me this: Tell me how many attacks occurred from non-pit bull breeds that were serious or fatal, then tell me how many were from pitbulls. I think it will come as no surprise that its the breed. You can use the whole "owner" argument all you want but at the end of the day, you merely got lucky that your pit wasn't a psychopath. Or at least, not yet. They're a time bomb waiting to go off and you might well change your tune when your attending your child's or family member's funeral as a result of a hell spawn. Tell me then, where's your fucking faith in your beloved pet then?

pic related is the offical nigger tier dog list

Attached: nigger tier dogs.jpg (597x362, 204K)

You’re missing the big picture we get to start an argument and have one side say that niggers get the most aggressive dogs possible because they are surrounded by other nigs. Then we have the other side say that they was just good boys raised in a bad home (by niggers)

Anyone who gets pulled can’t make an argument one way or the other without shutting in blacks explicitly or implicitly

I've killed 4 in my lifetime. Th first 3 were in self defense and the 4th slipped out of it's backyard and charged my kid, it probably wasn't going to do anything, it's always been friendly but why take the chance, I hit it so hard with my rake it wen't down and stayed down. neighbors tried to sue but nothing became of it, they were meth addicts, and moved a few months later. It's impossible to not be on the defensive when around pitbulls

Shitting on

Dogs doing what dogs do.

Perhaps they should hold the owners accountable for once.

Perhaps breeders should register animals on birth.

>canadan logic
converts poorly to the rest of the world

>but the pit bull made a hard left when i started growling.
uh huh...

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Pitbulls are illegal here, and that doesn't stop mongoloids keeping them under the pretence they are not pure pitbulls.

The weak should fear the strong. Also you can have my pitbull when you pry it from my cold dead hands. In the words of Mr. Burr, "it's like a gun you can pet".

typical kraut, scared of EVERY GOD DAMN THING KNOWN TO guys have become bigger pussies than Estonians.

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>I hit it so hard with my rake it wen't down and stayed down
nope. NEVER gonna happen. They dont make a rake heavy enough unless the big bad dog you were so pussified over was 8 weeks old.

fucking Jow Forums liars are the

>hit it so hard with my rake

so the pitbull was canadian?, good.

Because if you try to ban them they will bite you on the ass and balls.

They should be and they used to be in my town until a coalition of dykes and the few niggers got together and overturned it.

fucking kek

Give me one good reason why these murder machines shouldn't be banned.

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Niggers are afraid of them...good enuff reason for me.

Nah, go right ahead.
Slav monkeys should be tossed in a gulag.

But we already live in one.

>used to be in my town
not in the USA. theyve NEVER been in the US.
try again


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Watch what we do to you. We own most of them you Jack Russel dicksucker

He looks so happy :3

Lakewood ohio faggot. Look it up. Local ordinances are a thing

>the virgin Inu

So last doggo was a greyhound and it took months to train him to run really fast. It took my sister almost a year to train her chihuahua to sit around shaking and yapping at any little noise

You're just a man child who's not thinking of our elderly, children, and women. Fuck your pitbull.

fair enough

>The absolute state of our northern frontier
Canada delenda est.

came home from work yesterday to see a fat coal burner and her 6-8 350 lb bf walking their 75 lb shitbull. they don't live on my street but the fact that they were even on my street with that beast pissed me off. fucking hate pits and their owners.

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>I am not allowed to own a tiger
Well actually
God bless America.

They have nuclear weapons and might react violently to being banned.

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>hit it hard with my rake
okay boomer...

You're not going to have any hands after your pitbull kills you and eats them.

Used to own a pitbull. She was athletic and fearless and one of the best dogs I owned. Never had a problem with her with humans.
A few times she attacked animals, raccoons, possums, all the vermin marsupials.

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Possums are brotier my man. Fuck raccoons though

They should be used as cat control.


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Who said murder is a bad thing?
a little murder never hurt anyone, what you gonna say next ban guns?, fuck off pussy

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