Holocaust Europe begins in December

The Barcelona Declaration 2.0 (aka ”Global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration”) is on the verge of being voted through in the EU @ December 10th.. In short this means that this is the beginning of the end for the western civilization and Europe..


Well this means that EU will enforce all member countries to have a forced open border for migrants from Middle East and Africa. Migrants will also receive tons of perks without any obligations ofc.

Probably time to migrate down under.

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>EU will enforce all member countries to have a forced open border for migrants from Middle East and Africa
what sort of kikery is this?


Why would you want to migrate (run away) from the problem and possibly bring those problems to Australia ( you're swedish)

I guess we won't sign that toilet paper.

Why would I bring my problems with me there if I were migrate to Australia? EU doesn't concern OZ..

You're Swedish, you have the potential to create cuck offspring. Stay away from Austrlia please. Go down with your sinking ship.


I'm pure breed Sweed. And at least I have all my teeth intact.

Based. The indo-European menace will perish while the Finno-Ugric race will prevail again.

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That is the problem, you're pure bred swedish. High probability of producing cuck offspring. I too have all my teeth intact.

And of course it had to happen here.

They're going all in.

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Begining of the end is already passed
Central and west Europe is already over

This declaration is about ending east Europe

Let's see if they cuck out
I think they will.
It will start with "only" 20k repfuggees to Poland with paid EU benefits and then it will go from there I predict

Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary, Poland ,.Baltics, Slovakia , Croatia...if they don't band together and vocal lying oppose not just the specific laws but whole of (((,EU)))-rip

Well seen to what Sweeds have invented through history (and still is) you English is both inferior and mentally retarded.

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This was however the last nail in the casket...

Hungary have refused to sign the declaration due to the security of their nation.

Look, you're fighting the wrong people. This is why Europe is falling. You need to unite.

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I'm however prepared to admit that Swedens government is retarded. Well any Swedish politicians for that matter..

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They will cuck out. Poland has already been getting fucked for a while and Latvia just elected a commie tier government. We currently have a very liberal one too. Whatever is left of V4 might to an extent stay normal though.
>the united yurop meme

You do realise that Britain has invented the majority of the most important inventions in human history, right? For example, the internet. The place where you watch the majority of your cuck porn. The place where you line up black bulls to fuck your wife. The telephone, what you use to ring the black bull and organise the cucking. The train, what the black bull uses to get to the destination. And cuckoldry, a swedish invemtion. Still widely practiced in sweden today.

>get paid to bring sand diseases, backwards religion, incestuous polyamory, rape and stupidity to infidels

We're trying to unite but every attempt is in vain as its to late.. I'll repeat Tucker as he's completely right.

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Inshallah brother

Maybe whites can convert and take high islamic positions like imams and clerics.

Wow you sure think about cucking a lot.

Lmao ur so cucked. You actually think they can displace an entire race of people. There will be revolutions. I actually hope they try it, it will bring about their demise.

This whole thread is cucked defeatists. I'm leaving

What the fuck is this shit even

Maybe you're fucked , Swede, but not everyone else

German nationalist should be encouraged to have a shit load of kids.

So who is benefiting from this? Who to we hold responsible on the day of the rope?

Who do you think?

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Europeans lol

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then why the fuck don't you guys spread this shit over twatter to Trump, Farage, wilders or any other? make people aware of this shit


Why do you think I'm here..

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Prob go to russia and form a volga german type community but with swedes

>eu citizen will be happy with this because we finally cracked down on illegal migration :)
t. juncker

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I had no idea East Asia and South America were black

Go be gay somewhere else anglo scum

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Is russia hard to get into?

Hopefully another European war breaks out

This will mean the end of the EU, very few people want Africa and Islamic migration, they might be polite about it in public but even leftards hate it.



Not in Italy, not in Hungary, not in Austria, not Poland....only for France, Germany and Sweden (maybe Spain)