Ladies and gentlemen say hello to the new US Ambassador to the UN

Ladies and gentlemen say hello to the new US Ambassador to the UN.

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That would be a guaranteed 2nd and 3rd term for Trump (we control the Supreme Court, so why not?).

As nice that would be, Pat's pretty old.

We need Pat

Pat has always been based and hates all neo-cons like Kristal, I support this


I know it sucks :( Pat and Trump kissed and made up too before Trump ran

That would be an actual holocaust

Fuck the UN, why even bother with it? Stop all contribution and let it dissolve.

Do you know who Pat is?

Buchanan is God 2.0 but he's too old and doesn't want the hassle of dealing with kikes every day.

Idk he's seems like the type of guy that genuinely loves America and would do anything for her

Sure, what does that have to do with a pointless kindergaten group of weak countries which the US almost entirely finances and protects?
The UN is irrelevant.

Hah, unlike Trump, Pat is actually based and redpilled. Trump would never hire a hero like him.

Principled conservatives should not stay quiet while xenophobia and anti-Semitism are elevated to the world stage. If Trump appoints this neo-Nazi, I encourage all conservatives to leave Republican Party.

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I'd have to clean my pants if this really happened

Gas yourself, Jew Bill.

Bill Richardson was on NPR this morning saying the new ambassador should make Africa and South America feel important.

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we need Based Pat at the UN

fuck off Kristal, the Republicans are no longer cannon-fodder for you neo-cons

they don't call uncle pat the "one man shoah" for nothing

Okay this is epic

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Is this the same guy who wrote "Churchill hitler and the unnessesary war"?

im so fucking happy that neocons are watching their ((("conservative"))) ideology be dismantled right before their eyes

yeah he also calls isr*el a terrorist state

Is this confirmed or not? I don't want to get too excited

>wrote Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War about how Britain shouldn't have participated in either world wars and how the west in lost because of it
>in 2008
This man is the greatest conservative thinker of our time.

*being the UN ambassadors, not the Israel statement


Greatest president the U.S never had.

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pretty sure OP is just joking unless he knows something we don't

Who is that cock sucking nigger lipped goblin

Cringe and ZOGpilled post

He was educated by Jesuits. He is a thinker.

I would go home and start firing off fireworks to celebrate our new independence day.

Pat is a national treasure and at the very least needs to be in the white house on a regular basis

Trump and Pat smoothed things over so it's honestly possible but he's old af now though

The president already has too many papists round about.

i wish

That's too drastic a change to actually take place, user.