Are there any good arguments against homosexuality?

are there any good arguments against homosexuality?

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Not anymore, in Romania it is compulsory from next week on. We can't reject anything, we have to be all equal.


It is sin.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

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Clearlywrittendotnet YouTube channel details near future events. ( has a free online bible & apps with cross references. is a group of Israeli Jews who know Jesus is their messiah. tracks information that points to Jesus’s soon return. shows how many world events are prophetically and numerically linked.

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

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end thread

they rape kids

watch this thread hit bump limit and OP never interact with it

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if faggots get aids, isn't that natural selection?

treatable you will stay alive with it now.

do you have any acutal arguments besides "muh religion"?

homos will burn in hell

You ask this every month. Just bend over and take it up the ass already.

homosexuality erodes and destroys strong civilizations

It is degenerate, immoral and counterrevolutionary.

why exactly is it degenerate?

It breeds sexual disease at higher rate than heterosexual intercourse and corrupts the entire premise of the sexual act, which is for the reason of reproduction.

The sex is shitty...

I see your point


Homos have more chance to be predators, the serial killer list has a disproportional amount of gays many of them pedos
idk about bi girls since I heard there are more than we expect
Maybe the female serial killer "Blood Countess" was bi I don't remember well
Here's the info

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Stop eating shit.

there is not a single good argument for homosexuality, but judging by your flag you are an. NPC brainless so you would never understand. I'm sorry for your condition.

It makes your dick smell bad.

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People who love each other don't fuck one another in the butt

My son will not be killed by NAZIS!!!!!
my name is Mike Flloyd, I am a DAD and i will not allow you NAZIS to kill my son. my son is what you kids say "chad". Always pretty gals running after him. But he got some autism. So? He's perfect the way he is! You won't kill him MORONS. My son can beat you to hell if he wants and yes I AM A PROUD FATHER. Despite his condition he knows not to hate and loves minorities and supports gay rights. He can probably beat you senseless if he wants, hell, I'd really want to see that some nazi fuck being put in his place. Heh! You little fucks have no idea what war means. Hitler was a failure! He killed disabled people and 6000000 jews. so fuck you! i have jew friends and they would fucking destroy your livelihood if they heard you spewing your bile. My son has good genetics but what damaged by vaccination!! he is perfect and i love him. but i hate you. fuck you. I will destroy every single nazi fuck alive. YOU PISS ME OFF. IDIOTS. FUCK OFF.

this is not the last you'll hear from me. I'll fuck you all up. no nazi standing on MY watch. Hmm

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true true
they just rub wieners together while making out

It's fucking gay, you fag
KYS if you engage in gay shit

jesus crhist

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Finally, some GOOD news.

Its gay

I don't need to provide arguments against homosexuality if you can't provide arguments for it, of which there are none.


STDS and ass cancer if you dont want to go religious or muh morals mode.

not all gays have anal

An asshole is not a sexual organ. Get it? An. Asshole. Is. Not. A. Sexual. Organ. Feces is not a snack. Get it? Feces. Is. Not. A. Snack.


Do lesbians count as sodomites?

Majority do and even more safe sex is less common in the gay community making their community ripe with sexual transmitted diseases.

Arguments against it? It's not an ideology. Some people think it's a sickness, a sin, a lifestyle choice, whatever. I personally think it's disgusting and the life that most gay people lead is degenerate and contrary to everything I believe in. But the real "argument" against it is that homosexuals are an evolutionary deadend. Their genes won't live on and their preference is against the natural order

Can't argue against a sexuality that is quite common in nature. It's degenerate and disgusting tho.

It's harmful to the body and the soul of the man who practices it.

Personally I don't care if you harm yourself and other gay men. Just don't do it around me because degradation and self destruction is unpleasant to observe.

It seems like a lot of work

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It’s gay.

>Majority do
true. ~90% do. you've got nothing on the 10% that don't though.

Provides women an escape from doing their duty for society.


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You're supposed to say my *wife's* son. Try harder next time, mkay?

fucking hell just wank instead

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Are there any good arguments against pedophila? I mean if it makes people feel good then what's wrong with it

None that you would accept faggot.

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literally all of them

it's gay

super gay

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It's fucked up

Watch an explicit gay act and tell me it doesn’t make you sick to your stomach. You have google, memeflaggot

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shit on dick + hivaids and loose asshole

It's against nature.Faggots can't reproduce.Imagine if everyone in the world was gay the human race would die out.

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blowjobs? you know not all gays have anal sex, right?

Looking past the obvious answer that it is a sin, correct?

yes. Homosexuality is unnatural because human body isn't built for anal sex. fin

> ctrl+f "its gay"

On a serious note, i dont mind homosexuals who keep to themselves. Flamboyant homos who lobby for specific rights that are generally only a thing to promote a healthy society (IE: homo-marriage), can go fuck themselves though.

Marriage is for procreation and raising kids in a healthy environment, not for publicly broadcasting your sex-life.

It is entirely counterproductive to the prolonging of the human race and it encourages degenerate behavior among children.

Also AIDS.


it's a mental illness just like transgenderism


This will educational material in Romanian school now.

Honestly no, and right-wingers continuously ruin their own case by being against homosexuality.

It's gay. Miss me with that.

God putting the male g-spot in the ass to get pegged with a hard cock was by design. Only neckbeards with lent up sexual frustration get all bent out of shape about it. How is AIDS even an argument anymore? You take 2 pills a week and live till 90 with no complications. Being overweight would literally present more complications and healthcare costs than having AIDS, if we're roping people based on that, we should start with you lards.

>Implying that anyone wants homosex to be customary.


Prove that God exists.

What about the men who rape girls? Are they gay?

Homosexuals typically don't pass on their genes anyway, so natural selection doesn't apply.

Prove Hell exists.

Life could not exist in this universe if homosexuality was natural.

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It's not love, it's a fetish; it's inherently perverse. It's akin to society normalizing bestiality or pedophilia. The difference here is consent, obviously, but the impact on society at large is still the same. It's a slippery slope of loose morals and hedonism.

it's gay lmao

A generally miserable, meannngless life style of debauchery and narcissistic hedonism which ends in AIDS. It is as such the supreme attainment of western man.

Don’t listen user to the ravings of this Protestant schismatic. Orthodoxy is the true faith.

I'm still watching the fuck out for AIDs though. I'm not going to stop wearing a condom in the same way I'm not going to stop washing my hands before eating.
It doesn't matter if it's a man or woman, giver or taker, I'm not letting any dicks go into any hole without protection.

They aren't ruining their case they're saving it. It's the same reason the left pretends niggers aren't a blight on society, they need their votes. The right relies on homophobia to pander to their geriatric religious voter base.

Yeah, another bloke is fuckin you in the arse...DO YOU REALLY NEED MORE THAN THAT?

They reproduce by abusing children

Wow. Using Nixon as a source?

Spartan soldiers had gay sex all the time and they managed to fight off the Persians despite being outnumbered.

Greek society was never truly "destroyed" at any point. The Greeks were conquered by the Roman Empire, but they continued to speak Greek and Greek culture continued in the Region. After that, Ancient Greek culture gradually evolved into modern Greek culture. There was never any point at which Greek civilization was completely destroyed.

Also, the Roman Empire fell due to a lack of natural resources. Homosex had nothing to do with it. Also, Roman culture continued to exist in Italy after the fall of the Empire. It gradually evolved into modern Italian culture.

>left loves faggotry
>left constantly talks and thinks about sex
>left calls for overthrow of government
>left shouts about resistance, revolt, civil war
>left thinks AIDS pills will still be manufactured and easily obtained in the event of an insurrection

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Umm … are you saying that the industrial proletariat won't rebel against their bourgeoise oppressors because of gay sex?


1. STDs
2. Against god
3. Connection to pedophilia
4. It can be cured
5. More men get raped than women.

Only if you want healthy kids.

>and corrupts the entire premise of the sexual act, which is for the reason of reproduction.

If sex is only for reproduction, why do animals masturbate?

Seriously. They do.

How would you know? ;)