***BRRRAAPP*** Jow Forums‘s “narrative” just got shit on!

Thankfully the BBW (Big Blue Wave) will emasculate the GOP this Fall and DRUMPF will get impeached! Jow Forums on suicide watch!

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Whites are a minority though

What kind of fucking name is Avogato

Oh its some pun huh? Fucking faggot

Nah. Its 1930s Weimar Germany, the best has yet to come.

sounds nice, sign me up

And in Germany its 1942 where Jews are targeted

God i wish i lived in the world that leftists claim we do
It sounds so nice

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>under assault
How are they being assaulted? Are old white guys beating them up? Have they filed assault charges? Oh, they're not literally being assaulted? Then why did you use that word?
I love how they take a situation and apply a word to it that doesn't fit.

Try to define Jow Forumss "narrative" as mentioned in the context you've given, you disgraceful specimen of a primate

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Isn't all that happening in middle east too?

>tfw they actually think we are one midterm election away from establishing a thousand year reich

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I'm pretty sure if it was 1942 those faggot protesters would have been blown down the street with fire hoses and had the dogs sicked on them.

That's pretty good actually. I always wished I could come up with a witty tweet.

Fuck... it's tomorrow in Australia? Man I am gonna call somebody there on Friday and get them to tell me the Saturday powerball numbers a day early! I'm gonna be so fucking rich!

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A fagacious one


The Today show sent a man on the street to get a feel for how the midterms are going to go.

Fast forward to the 1:49 mark to see why the blue wave is a myth:


asking d only question that matters.


More typical NPC nonsense.

In 1942, America was under assault by brazen people of color as well. Her solution was to nuke them.

That shit is really funny.
"Is anybody going to vote in November?"
20 seconds later one person finally says yes.

I plan to vote, but my representative is in a deep GOP district anyway, and we have no senatorial or gubernatorial election this year (NC).

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You idiots dont even trust polls. Polls overwhelmingly show that democrats will take the house and senate. Inu 2019 speaker peolisi will impeach trump and pence them she will become president. She will then make thr supreme court have 15 justices, of which the new 6 members will be staunchly left. We will make it illegal for you to own guns and will punish white republicans males for perpetuating the slave system against lgbtqia+ minorities. So goodbye to your right to vote once we make you felons and remove you from society for being deplorable pieces of shit

Lol he gets booty blasted that people care about their own needs and not Russia. WHY DONT YOU THINK WHAT WE TELL YOU TO THINK WAAH

I believe in following the old maxim "never interfere with an enemy while he is making a mistake", so I hope he democrats continue to focus almost solely on the youth vote, because it's a big mistake.

Young people don't vote until they're properly "inspired" to do so; and it's getting harder and harder to inspire them.

Back in 2015 I did some data crunching for a handful of local candidates, and broke down data on approximately 74,000 voters in a town of 150k.

This is a chart of one of my findings. Here's what it shows...

1. Assume that the 2008 election (Obama's first) was a historical event, and that anyone who would ever vote did vote.

2. Take everyone who voted in 2008, and see who voted in every election after that, and who never voted again.

3. Chart by age.

Note: in this town, local elections are in odd years, so this chart (made in 2015) would show the results of 7 elections between 2008-2014.

The bottom line... young people almost never vote; old people always vote.

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Report cunts like op.
NEVER reply to them.

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you impeach him and I play my dead mans hand. Final warning JIDF.


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You should vote anyway. I vote in every election that comes up cause sometimes it's only like 100 votes in my precinct.

If you take the time to look at the numbers first, you wouldn't look like a total fucking moron.

In order to get rid of trump and pence, they house has to vote to impeach, and the senate has to vote to remove. Even if the democrats won every senate seat up for election/re-election this year (unlikely), they would still be 7 votes shy of the 2/3 they need in the senate to remove.

So, the house can impeach all they want. But they will never have the votes to remove Trump.

Not to mention.. other than "wanting to", I have yet to hear of anything Pence has done in office that comes close to reaching the level of impeachment/removal.

Hitter was a LEFTIST.

Avogato on toast

yep. If Trump was even a tenth the fascist they claim I'd be ecstatic.

What if we are though...

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The absolute cringe.

I wish, then we could start interment camps and start gassing these people.


I am tired of being told I am getting what I want when that is not at all actually happening.

That would be great news but we are not anywhere near that.

Their propaganda has failed for the last two years
when are they going to learn

>it's denial
No it's Socialist propaganda techniques

Man I'm glad this made it here so i can actually respond to it.
1942 women were entering the workforce, gays were coming out, and coloreds were earning their respect in America. These fucking retards dont know shit about their own history but the best part is the people from other countries saying the same vapid garbage as this. Ask them, to point to specific cases of rights actually being abused. Where is the legislation saying women and blacks shouldnt be allowed to vote where is the legislation and push to keep women out of the workforce where is the massive anti gay backlash? They'll point to trump and kavanaugh and say theyre attacking womens rights and ask them how. Just keep questioning them until they break becausetl theyre not using their brains theyre not using any evidence of anything. Theyll probably even call Kav a serial rapist.

Does make me WISH women couldnt vote tho.

>a nightmare
>under socialist FDR

Hmmmm, what they mean by this?

I know right? I'm being sent to a death camp run by crooked shillary tomorrow for being a straight white male. The jews insisted that I gay marry an underaged black muslim. When I told them 'no', the mexicans they brought with them held me down and tried to mutilate my penis. I was able to shoot them with my only conceal carry that I managed to hide from Obama when he came and took all my guns. But now they are all outside gathering reinforcements, so tomorrow's the end date for me. And meanwhile these libtarded NPCs are just spouting the liberal propoganda that they got from (((schools))). A real sad day for America.

If hope there really is a blue wave.
The people hurt the most by progressive policies are the mentally-ill and under-performing folks that vote for them.
I will be fine either way, as will my friends and family.

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