Transgenders regretting sex changes

Transgenders regretting sex changes

what's the deal with the whole trans movement?

How can trannies know that they're women in male bodies if they've never ever been women? What does it mean to be a woman?
>inb4 I like to wear dresses and makeup and do girly things
If that's the case, are trannies sexists and misogyinsts who think women are stereotypes?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>If that's the case, are trannies sexists and misogyinsts who think women are stereotypes?


traps are gay, but anzu is not a trap

Ha fucking morons
oh wait the trendy thing i did to fit in to college groups by chopping my dick off to meet hot lesbos was permanet ohhhhshiiii

Everyone talks shit about RT, but who the fuck else makes based and redpilled reports? No one.

>"you arent entitled to sex"

Simply put, yes. To them all it takes to transform from a human male to a human woman is
>Girly outfits and high heels
>Long hair
>Plastic surgery

It’s what the left would by all accounts view as sexist. Feminists should logically loathe them. Idk if they mean it to come across that way though because they are very mentally ill

We talk shit because "based" and "redpilled" reports are just Russian propaganda.

>If that's the case, are trannies sexists and misogyinsts who think women are stereotypes?
absolutely, they think being female is some sort of costume you wear

This. I actually think it’s a combination of multiple fetishes

Hmm really makes you think

Anyway I'm keeping my benis so joke's on you

We're all Russian bots on Jow Forums

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>What does it mean to be a woman?
That is the question that trips them (and the left up).

Ask them to explain what they mean by "I always felt like a woman".

Does it mean that they always felt a need to follow the gender roles of the opposite sex? Well, gender roles are a social construct. When they say "I always felt I was a woman" doesn't that perpetuate the stereotypes they are trying to stop?

Is it clothes? Other than dresses clothing is gender-neutral these days.

I've tried this before. Just start the conversation with "What does it mean to be a woman?", and you will have them pulling their hair out in frustration within 10 minutes. They will wind up with "If you don't know I can't explain it" (which is an easy cop-out to refute), or they will be totally unable to explain it to you or even themselves (which aborts their entire thesis)

It's literally a mental illness. Once sense prevails, we'll go back to treating it like one. Unfortunately, many of them will have to suffer in the interim.

What do you think will be the tipping point tho? Like what would have to happen in order for normies to jump ship?

It is - crossdressing/sissy/feminization (as seen on Jow Forums often) combined with exhibitionism is the default one, and the majority of them have other ones on top of that.
Yeah. TERFs are absolutely right on this one - it's just more of men (born/raised/socialized as male, never having to deal with periods, unwanted pregnancy and any other shit actual women have to deal with) deciding they should be treated as an actual biological female now and invading women's spaces everywhere, see the recent """controversies""" regarding tranny athletes as well as the push for diversity hires in IT. Funny stuff really, I wish there was a way to speed it up and have all out clashes between old feminazis and fat unkempt neckbeard "trannies".

t. paid GRU Russian shill

>"Oh man this scathing video on LGBT stuff is just what I need to pwn the libs! Who cares if it's propaganda made by a government that hates human rights"

>Kremlin propaganda

The reason nearly half of post-op transexuals attempt suicide is because the operations did not solve their problem. After investing so much into this endeavor it doesn't pan out the way they thought and it's terribly depressing.

Hell is for ever!


Although I met one that just straight up said "I was gay and didn't like looking like a man. So, I thought I would try it."

I judge them less than others because they seemed more realistic about it.

NPC spotted. Better get out of here before any of your cookie-cut preexisting opinions become threatened. Shoo shoo

you reap what you sow

Well yeah because as stated in the video All the “treatments” deal with aesthetics and physical changes, but once a lot of them get through those only then do they finally realize it’s themselves they hate not their bodies. It’s 100% purely psychological.

jew detected get out shlomo

I've asked a lot of trannies what the hell is going on in their head. These are the three common answers:

>I feel like I relate to the opposite sex
>I don't feel comfortable in my own body
>I like things that isn't stereotypical for my gender

The first one goes along the lines of them and their self association. They view others of the opposite sex and think "I'm like that person". That's clearly a mental issue.

The second one is to do with their physical association. They can't even look at their genitals without feeling an intense shame/disgust, bordering on the point of psychological pain. Still a mental issue.

The last one is the current reason so many of these faggot snowflakes claim to be some non-binary gender queer pyro fox. They're just being retarded and thinking liking certain hobbies magically means you must be a different gender. It's these stupid cunts that are spreading this whole tranny thing like it's a fashion statement and pushing all this virtue signalling SJW bollocks. While people with legitimate mental disorders have to struggle with it, there are people who just do it to try to be different.

Trannies are literally mentally ill. There’s something wrong in their brain that makes them feel like they’re in the wrong body. You can’t adequately explain what that feels like to someone who doesn’t have the condition. It’s like a schizophrenic trying to explain their mental illness to someone without it.You can’t outlogic them and claim it isn’t real because they can’t explain gender dysphoria.
My issue is society is spending too much time indulging trannies in their mental illness instead of focusing on a cure. Putting kids on puberty blockers and cross hormones will make them pass better than adults who decide to transition, but there are so many risks. What if the kid was struggling with everyday kid confusion and wasn’t really trans? What if they grow to regret that decision? Sometimes, although fairly rarely, gender dysphoria just goes away.

How long before regretful trannies start being denounced as bigot transphobes?

I'm less Jewish than you faggot frog

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Psychological indeed. Despite a handful of debunked studies,there's no medical or scientific data suggesting that the trans phenomenon is physical in any way. If the hardware is not the problem then what's left? It's entirely psychological.

>Less Jewish

So you’re at least some Jewish then?

>are trannies sexists and misogyinsts

>failed to kill both targets
>poison seized
>both agents publically identified
go fuck self ivan

Only the most rabid, fart-sniffing lefties really think this is normal. Even people who are very liberal think this is crazy, but keep their mouths shut out of fear of having their family's and their own lives ruined.

Society is spending too much time on this and we should be IGNORING THEM.

Yup. On the bright side a lot of the Atheists I know have been redpilled by Transgenderism and all the new and continuously growing list of genders because they know it would make them like hypocritical retards to call religion “Magical thinking” but saying you’re a male demisexual dragonkin trapped in a woman’s body is hard or even legitimate science.

I’ve only known three real trans people.
The first one was a cute girl that became a lanklet dude. Has a beard now and everything. You could tell there was always something “off” about her growing up. Obviously abused or mentally ill.

The next girl became a man after she seen her friend do it (actually very common for women to do this, though sexologists aren’t allowed to talk about this because it suggests it’s more of a fad for some people).
She was Native American and obviously came from a terrible home. Extremely neurotic and abusive to her old partner.

The third was an overweight incel shut in who goes by Sabrina now. Doesn’t even try to pass. Basically just absorbed in liberal media and is trying to get in on the freebies trans people get from the oppression olympics. Takes better care of himself now that he’s a “woman” however since he has an image to maintain.

I ignore them, but what if you had a son who wanted to be a girl, and the risk of ignoring the issue could be your child necking himself. I’d much rather have psychologists and psychiatrists find a real cure for the problem instead of treating the symptoms.

Hey I've come to appreciate RT. it's a nice balance to the garbage heap that is Western media.


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Some of it is obvious state funded propaganda but I still watch sometimes to get another perspective. I found their reporting about the white helmets to be enlightening.

>Feels like he is the other sex
>Can't define that sex
>Won't let the very people he feels like define that sex
>Doesn't want to medicalise the issue but wants medical treatment

Anyone questioning or investigating is denying the Trans-person's right to subjectively define themselves and their oppression.
>Absolutely insane

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Typical men; so arrogant
>I can be a better woman than an actual woman.

This was a great video. Only RT has the balls to do this kind of reporting

Yeah the issue is that these freaks keep popping up around children and they have absolutely zero business being around children seeing as how most are childless themselves so it just looks all kinds of inappropriate

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That is the simple solution
Philosophically and logically you cannot feel like you are something (xx) but then fail to define what
that something else is

>Muh (xx) is just what I feel and THAT is it. End of.
Horrendous; women biologically now no longer exist
Oh wait no, I
>didn't understand gender is different
Fucking mess

Can't ignore normalising puberty blockers for kids.

anzu is a roach and therefor not human

Well done lad

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I take both CNN and RT as state propaganda. RT has nicer propaganda though.


That’s the biggest issue I have. Here’s what I’ve done when it’s come up
Ask trans defenders to pick a number between 6-10 ( Age bracket with highest occurrence of transgenderism reported to pediatricians)
Any number will do just fine, but let's say 7.

Ask them if they know what any of the hormone treatment/ puberty blocker side-effects are? Let's go with permanent infertility, shit bone density, brain development(no puberty=no frontal lobe growth spurt). Tell them no wrong answers just be honest

Is it reasonable to allow a 7 year old child to make a decision that will permanently prevent them from ever having their own biological children? Trusting someone with only 7 years of life experience under their belt to fully understand all the implications of that choice and what comes with it and that they won't ever be able to their change mind at any point in the future? Rinse repeat using invariable side-effects, maybe throw in sexual consent for maximum discomfort as well

Ultimately they discover that it's hard to argue that a 6-10 yo is cognizant enough to fully grasp the long term irreversible consequences that will change them psychologically and physically for life. This is where normies start entertaining the idea that maybe it is pretty wrong for kids to be offered these medical treatments. probably because they remember how retarded they were at that age and how making a decision like that could effect their lives today if they'd been offered the same choice back then.

Jesse Singal wrote a really long piece for The Atlantic titled “When Children Say They’re Transgender”. In it, he does a pretty extensive job of exploring all the latest science in the transgender world, and lots of social issues. He quotes a lot of scientists that say transitioning is the best option. He also talked to people who regretted transitioning later in life. Overall it was a fairly objective look at transgender kids, with a slight lean to pro transitioning. If you google Jesse Singal’s name, the first result after his twitter page is an article from Jezebel called “Who is Jesse Singal? On the Atlantic’s Transphobic Cover Story.” The first lines are “What’s Jesse Singal’s fucking deal?”
You can’t even bring up the reality that some trannies regret their decision to transition without being called a transphobic piece of shit by the media. Based RT, but granted they are playing to their base with this video.

I don't know, you tell me if this is normal:

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Yeah, because they think that they're gonna somehow get a real pussy out of turning their dick and ball bag skin inside out whilst having to dilate with a medical dildo to keep it open.

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For you:

Trans Kids: Who Decides?

Bonus: This was apparently "Transphobic"
They shutdown the one leading expert in Gender Dysphoria

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This is absolutely going to become a bigger and bigger deal going forward. Most of the people in the documentary seem to have felt really strongly from a very early age that they wanted to become transgender, in an society that was very against in and in which there was no info about it. How much more likely to regret the decision are the hordes of current transgender people, who choose this shit under the influence of a society that casts cutting off your dick as making you somehow worthy of attention and respect?

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Could a 7 year-old decide to then work?
Have sex?
Decide to leave school?
Decide to have other surgery?

No trans-surgery until you are 18.

Have a look:

This, why doesn't anybody ever bring this up as a counter argument?

I would train as a lawyer or invest in a law firm specializing in this
Many parents/doctors WILL be sued in about 10-15 years time.

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I love when radfems ask trannies what it means to "feel" like a woman. They have no fucking clue how to answer it. They think womanhood is a costume.

You're overthinking it. Follow the money. Who benefits from a patient needing a lifetime of hormones only to need a series of major surgeries, counseling, and eventual medication from the damage that excessive hormones do?
Gee this is a confusing riddle.

what happened to just being the guy or girl you are?

Maybe ur just a feminine type of guy, ur still a guy, youre not a girl u are a man that is somewhat feminine, stil a guy, stop getting confused, there can be different kinds of men and women but not actual women in mens bodies, own yourself ffs

Because the Trans-lobby have attached themselves to homosexual rights so whenever this point is raised they will bring this up:

Trans response would be:
"Gay men especially are linked with Paedophilia "unfairly" and so there was an argument that legalising homosexuality would mean eventually legalising Paedophilia through consent of the child.
"Any psychological analysis is similar to conversion therapy for gays"

Top radfem lesbian scientist

Also why is there such a huge push for this being accepted but when somebody wants to change their race/ethnicity there's an outcry?

Don't forget a high nasally affectation because that's what they think all women sound like. Contrapoints is a prime example.

Follow the
>Dr. Money
And yes, big pharma gonna be SUED too

Larping as a girl is retarded enough but once they decide hey want to cut their dicks off I say we put them on high doses of antipsychotics and lock them up in mental hospitals. Literally for their own good.

The number of children being put on tranny drugs has gone up 4400% in the last decade. It's fucking insane that we're allowing these headcases to brainwash kids.

Mass suicide incoming.

reminder that FtM want you to fuck them into being your tradwife

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no goyim BBC has nothing to do with state propaganda

It's literal daemon worship.

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There's a theory that, surprise, mainstream trannies have decided is transphobic that puts trans people in two categories:

1. Gay men who think that being feminine is the best way to attract other men

2. Mentally ill and sexually confused men who get off on the idea of being women.

Type 2 are the kind that you see and hear about the most often.

Exactly. All it really takes is pointing out how fucking stupid you’d have to be to unironically believe someone isn’t old enough to consent to sex but old enough to consent to a sex change, at the same time.

What if the say a child is old enough to have sex.

There are powerful lobbying and activist group structures in place that have been around for decades that rely on controversy and the appearance of oppression in order to justify their funding and continued existence. Whenever they win a battle they need to invent a new one. Homosexuals more or less have equal rights, so lgbtq+ groups have changed gears to focus on trannies.

Transracial isn't really a gender/sexuality disorder so it doesn't fall under their umbrella. It's racial politics so it's a "civil rights" issue. Nigger advocacy groups don't need to look for a cause to advance because Africans are inherently inferior to almost every other race and will continue to fail as a race for all eternity and thus will always have victim status. Handing out oppression points to whites who wish they were black doesn't help advance their agenda in any way either, if anything it hurts them.

And just for the record, no one gives a shit about these pitiable transgender wretches. They're pawns.

nice digits

Then you might be a pedophile, Ackmed.

See this is why I think it’s a mix of fetish and mental illness. It’s basically the most extreme form of masochism you can subject yourself to.

I've been so disgusted by that freak that I never noticed the disgusting tattoos, now I'm even more sickened.

>The number of children being put on tranny drugs has gone up 4400% in the last decade.
What? I need a source on this.

ok non-country


Its almost like Otherkin are mentally Ill or something

And that’s what fucking gets me. They are literally boastful about all their other mental illnesses but absolutely refuse to even consider that this too might be caused by mental illness. It’s amazing it’s like living art

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Same thing happened with Multiple Personality diagnoses in the 80s after the movie Sybil came out. The sheer amount of media exposure alone is probably why it skyrocketed

It reminds me of a combination of the 80's/early 90's satanic panic and 50's widely used lobotomy treatments. Both absolutely huge at the time but now shamefully memory-holed away.

yeah the only ones I'm open to being truly trans are maybe those guys who were always ultra gay effeminate types who are actually gay (ie. attracted to men, the default sexuality of a woman)

I'm always suspicious of those "lesbians trapped in a male body" types. those guys always seemed more to be weird fetishists who want to play gender blackface. they always seemed like failed men who because of whatever shortcomings they may have, can't compete with others to "get the dream girl" so in some weird sick twisted serial killer way they decide to "become" their dream girl.

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Yeah this is a spot on analysis. I know because I've been around more than a few people like that before. It's usually autistic little communities and forums like tumblr or SA where these people congregate and once one goes trans, it will spread like a virus among others.

The lobotomy is a great comparison

What a disaster of a human being, she should just hindenburg herself and save a lot of people a lot of grief.

This. Also some Anglo-saxon countries used to treat girl with cutting their clitoris, just like modern muslims do.

Gender-reassignment surgery today is a fucking new lobotomy. And remember, lobotomy was supported by (((science))), just like modern shit

>Gay men especially are linked with Paedophilia "unfairly"

If you have a disproportionately high number of child sex offenders in your group, having your group linked with pedophilia is not 'unfair', it's ACCURATE.

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Fuck that shit. I'll take him to the wilderness for a year and teach him how to be a man.