Pay your respects to joe Jow Forums

Pay your respects to joe Jow Forums

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ikr da fuq.

Checked and MK Ultra'd

Not watching the 3rd season. 1 and 2 were excellent. Also fuck faggotflix, you better be pirating that bitch...

tbf its not nearly as bad as it was made out to be.

The main chic is still a cunt that fucks everyone over. She jewed her jew bf pretty hard.

She is a slut and Joe’s downfall was trusting a slut.


character from a show where the Nazi's won WWII


its an amazon show, bro.

>She is a slut
Was it just me or did she seem like was ready to slut it out with her sister at one point.

I got serious lez vibes from that too lmao

tbf she is pretty much the most jewish goy in the series

I don't understand the writing desu. I am supposed to like her? Because I don't and I can't figure out how someone has not shot her ass for the shit she has pulled. Let alone actually trust her again. I mean her jew bf got fucking jewed hard twice by her and he still all like Heyyyyy!!.

It feels like they've massively tried to make the Nazi's worse in this season and tone down the resistance. Probably because so many people were identifying more with the Reich half the time.

What happened to Joe? He got off'd? I want to watch season 3, but I won't be able to for a couple months

he got MK Ultra'd then ganked my dude

>It feels like they've massively tried to make the Nazi's worse in this season
Oh they def were, you can tell that part is forced. They at least admit to some of the other aspects of the Nazis like engineering. Hitlers dreams of building Berlin into something massive, huge industrial projects, space etc. As far as toning down the resistance. After she ran through both sections, their isn't much "resistance" left. Thats what I mean about her kek, she just fucks everyone shits up by sheer stupidity half the time. So many dead people.

In 3rd season they add a male gay couple (Ed), a lesbian couple (the blonde lebensborn Joe met in Berlin), and make Rockwell a bisexual

I liked how there were no real goals to the resistance. Abendsen would pass them the odd film to help, but then he manipulated the shit out of them in season 2 to prevent the war lmao

>to prevent the war
That we go on to find out that the nips are only going to use their own bomb to start a war now kek.

Because best Fuehrer is embargoing them lmao

>don't watch tv
>see advertisement on jewtube
>something something wormhole to other universe
>something something nazis are bad
>some woman giving a powerpoint presentation to a room of women
why do you idiots watch tv? It looks like garbage.

They also turn Juliana into a super agent spy who can shoot japs and nazis like John Wick just because she shot some cans in a barn