As long as profit can be extracted we’re fucked

As long as profit can be extracted we’re fucked.

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Point out the clusterfuck that was the draining of the Aral Sea, and environmental offenses of China, North Koreas hazardous nuke reactor, etc.

You can have food, or you can have socialism, you can't have both

NPC's sure are stupid. Imagine how dumb you'd become if you didn't have an inner voice / inner dialogue like most of humanity.

That's why we have space travel.

Are you retarded? Or do you not care that we need the resources from underground to have a nice advanced society with technology?

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Fuck off, Al Gore.

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bhutan plants more trees just so somalians can drive tuktuks without catalytic converters. the first world or their capitalism isn't the problem. it's the third world. look at global pollution maps (pick any kind...) and youll see exactly what im talking about

First step to cure global warming and the ozone hole is kill all rich light skinned jews

Climate change is a natural process that has been happening since before recorded history. Deal with it.

>income tax

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I remember when it was 2020
and 2010 before that
I bet in 10 years it will say 2040

>have an habitable

Speaks for itself.

>UN reports a worldwide study in which china and india are the major contributor to global warming and pollution in general
>posts the image of a hurricane aftermath
>muh socialism in the US

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>shit tier infrastructure collapses
>blame the weather

Most people do?

I frankly hate how hard kikes have latched onto environmentalism in an attempt to drive a wedge among people, as you can see in . National Socialism, Fascism etc - they all cared about the environment. Taking care of our home is our duty. Kikes realize whites care about it, and since it's one of the few places where it's not as evident how much they need to get gassed and subsequently cremated, they tried their best to take it over. Obviously they're out of their water, because the jew doesn't actually have any understanding of sacrifice - much less a connection to nature.

In the end if it's necessary to glass polluting african and insectoid shitholes we should do it. Then again we should be doing it even if it's not necessary environmentally.

We can have blacks or a habitable planet.

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>making a worldwide problem affecting the entire species as a whole into a race issue

tell me about how niggers in africa are changing the climate and polluting the earth with their mud
hut skyscrapers.

t. NPC

I wish all the capitalism haters were more right wing.

Like, Hitler and the National Socialists also knew the ills of capitalism, but most people don't like Hitler and stuff.

You know what I mean?

>a worldwide problem
You actually fell for the (((climate change))) meme?

If the world is going to be inherited by niggers anyways I will trash the ever living fuck out of it before I die.
Literally not my problem.

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>an habitable
these fucking retards cant even speak english properly

>tell me about how niggers in africa are changing the climate and polluting the earth with their mud
>hut skyscrapers.

refer to this post stupid
it should be the prerogative of Climate Fixers to address the third world problem. but that kind of liberal platform (save the poor people/make them geniuses...) is utopia tier and not ever gonna happen

We can either have an aryan world free from control of the jew, or we can have a habitable planet, we cant have both.

>XDDDD Everybody starvers
>Earth saved XDDDDD
>Breddy gud, gomrade

Also you're doing this wrong. You're not supposed to let is slip that all this "green" bullshit is just a front for world communism.

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The Aral sea was drained after the fall of the USSR and restoration of capitalism.

>an habitable
This is your brain on socialism

we can have a sustainable population, or overpopulation, we can't have both

replace capitalism with global communism, id agree

Nah people harp way more on Western nations. Even if its only the media they use in their propaganda machine, they're creating an image that the West needs to be the protagonist

How about this, all the communists and socialists supporters that make six figures or more, give up their homes and money and live on a $50k income while donating the rest. You take that money and fund solar panels or some shit?

This. Save our environment now!

That’s why we call ourselves “socialists” and oppose israel to make people do what we want.


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How much CO2 do they exhale?

How much CO2 is produced to feed them all?

What do they contribute in return?

Didn't Al Gore's boring ass say there wouldn't be snow on the Himalayas in 10 years in like 2000?

These dumb niggers fall for this propaganda every single time.

Yea, ok there Lucy.You just keep pulling the ball away and moving the goal posts.I wonder why nobody takes anything out of the climate change peoples mouths seriously anymore.

NPCs don't understand it

*Jews* harp way more on western nations. More importantly, we allowed them to be in our countries, are you quite surprised they will abuse every possible topic to its fullest?

What we need to realize is that part of reducing pollution is stimulating european and american industries, which are far less polluting in the first place. That doesn't delegitimize things like renewable power - the thing about renewable power people on Jow Forums need to realize though is that in a couple of years it's going to be the economical option, not the more expensive one. Most importantly that's on the local level.

Don't fall for the power distribution jew though. Solar/battery/gas-generator is the ultimate resilience pack, but there's still some way to go till it's completely possible. TL;DR of it is that you use batteries to smooth out the power generated by solar over a week, while generating gas smooths it out over a year. Within five years the solar-battery going to be the go-to for non-apartment-cucks even from the point of view of cost; within 10 solar-battery-gas will too. For gas it's pick your choice, between methane (existing infrastructure but lower efficiency for converting to electric in winter) and hydrogen (less dense so it takes up more space, but it can efficiently be converted back using fuel cells). If it gets cold you can use the heat waste from turning whatever gas you're using into electricity to heat your house in winter, but that's less of a consideration for americans.

Also, these are the same dumb shits who want to bring more 3rd world shitholers to the USA to use even more plastic and even more resources from the Earth when compared to other countries the US is pretty good about pollution.

Why does no one say this shit in debates or anything?

>we promise it’ll happen this time after it hasn’t happened every other time we said it would!

It’s almost as if...

>or we can have an habitable planet
>we can have an habitable planet
>we can have an

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We need to troll the DSA and all Socialists. The narrative needs to be Socialism is only a half measure and lures you into a false sense of economic and climate change security. The only to save the planet is to support a communist economy run by a fascist government.